1131 Level of Individual, Test, or Course Code
Code identifying level of course, test, or student
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>07Seventh grade
- <>25Postsecondary Post-Baccalaureate Student
- <>IFInfant (0 to age 2)
- <>ASAssociate Degree
- <>28Postsecondary Master's Degree Student
- <>31Postsecondary Bachelor Preliminary Year
- <>ADAdult
- <>22Postsecondary Sophomore
- <>P0Pre-Kindergarten Level 0
- <>DDDoctoral Degree
- <>EMEmployment
- <>29Postsecondary Doctoral Student
- <>12Twelfth grade
- <>30Postdoctoral Student
- <>0KKindergarten
- <>PKPre-Kindergarten
- <>HSAttended high school, but did not graduate.
- <>P1Pre-Kindergarten Level 1
- <>01First grade
- <>ELElementary School
- <>23Postsecondary Junior
- <>NONone
- <>MDMaster's Degree
- <>P4Pre-Kindergarten Level 4
- <>PDProfessional Degree or Certification
- <>04Fourth grade
- <>VRVarsity
- <>26Postsecondary Non-Degree Graduate Student
- <>INIntramural
- <>HGHigh School Graduate or Equivalent
- <>20Non-Degree or Temporary Undergraduate in Postsecondary school
- <>P2Pre-Kindergarten Level 2
- <>02Second grade
- <>VSVocational School
- <>27Postsecondary Professional Student
- <>P5Pre-Kindergarten Level 5
- <>05Fifth grade
- <>08Eighth grade
- <>SSSecondary School
- <>11Eleventh grade
- <>33Postsecondary Masters Qualifying Year
- <>PSSome Postsecondary (e.g., college)
- <>P3Pre-Kindergarten Level 3
- <>UNUngraded
- <>PCPostsecondary Certificate or Diploma
- <>03Third grade
- <>21Postsecondary First Year Student
- <>24Postsecondary Senior
- <>PFProfessional
- <>MSMiddle or Junior High School
- <>06Sixth grade
- <>BDBaccalaureate (Bachelor's) Degree
- <>10Tenth grade
- <>32Postsecondary Fifth Year Student
- <>09Ninth grade
- <>C2Medical Test (Trial)