853 Damage Reason Code
Code identifying the specific reason for exception condition
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>NRNot Reported
- <>WCWet or Stained (Shipping Containers or Secondary Packaging)
- <>HDHidden Damage (Suspected or Actual)
- <>FLFlaps Loose
- <>SFSide Fillers Not Extended
- <>ILImproper Loading
- <>PPPallet Pattern
- <>TETemperature Exposure
- <>NONails or Other Hardware
- <>IUImproper Unloading
- <>DPDefective Pallets of Slip Sheets
- <>LSLoad Shift
- <>VIVehicle Impact
- <>CDCase Design
- <>IDImproper Doorway Protection
- <>CCCase Crushing (Exterior/Secondary Packaging)
- <>LDLack of Cardboard Dividers/Dunnage
- <>DLDamage Loading
- <>UEUnsuitable Equipment
- <>PSPunctured Bailers/Cases
- <>BDBulkhead Doors Not Secured