TC2 Commodity
GT 1
To identify a commodity or a group of commodities or a tariff page commodity
Element Details
NameCommodity Code Qualifier
LengthMin 1 / Max 2
- <>LLast Contained Contents STCC
- <>GCanadian Wheat Board, Grain Code for Terminal Elevator Accounting
- <>7International Foodservice Distributors Association (IFDA)
- <>WDepartment of Defense Commodities and Services Code
- <>JHarmonized System-Based Schedule B
- <>ZMutually defined
- <>MDun & Bradstreet Standard Product and Service Code
- <>0National Association of Convenience Stores
- <>PBulk Petroleum Codes
- <>KFederal Supply Classification
- <>NNational Motor Freight Classification (NMFC)
- <>AHarmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States Annotated
- <>1Global Product Classification Code (GPC)
- <>QQuota Category
- <>DDepartment of Defense Unique Codes
- <>4Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number
- <>TStandard Transportation Commodity Code (STCC)
- <>BU.S. Foreign Trade Schedule B, Statistical Classification of Domestic and Foreign Commodities Exported from the United States
- <>2Dun's SIC 2+2, Dun & Bradstreet
- <>RNorth American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) Code
- <>ECoordinated Motor Freight Classification
- <>5National Drug Code
- <>UUniform Freight Classification (UFC)
- <>HBrussels Nomenclature
- <>8Manufacturer Code
- <>XContractor Code
- <>CCanadian Freight Classification
- <>3Empty Non-hazardous Last Contained (HMRC) Code
- <>SStandard International Trade Classification (SITC)
- <>VStandard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code
- <>FNational Stock Number
- <>6Universal Descriptor Exchange Code (UDEX)
- <>9Contractee Code
- <>YCanadian Export Classification
- <>IMilstamp AITC or Water Commodity Code