EQ Eligibility or Benefit Inquiry
AtMax 1
To specify inquired eligibility or benefit information
Element Details
NameCoverage Level Code
LengthMin 3 / Max 3
- <>E5DEmployee and One or More Dependents
- <>SPOSpouse Only
- <>E6DEmployee and Two or More Dependents
- <>E3DEmployee and Three Dependents
- <>SS5Subscriber, spouse, and 1 or more children
- <>S5CSubscriber and 1 or more children
- <>E9DEmployee and Five or More Dependents
- <>EMPEmployee Only
- <>SPCSpouse and Children
- <>SS6Subscriber, spouse, and 2 or more children
- <>E7DEmployee and Three or More Dependents
- <>ESPEmployee and Spouse
- <>TWOTwo Party
- <>CHDChildren Only
- <>FAMFamily
- <>SSPSubscriber and spouse
- <>E1DEmployee and One Dependent
- <>E2DEmployee and Two Dependents
- <>INDIndividual
- <>ECHEmployee and Children
- <>S6CSubscriber and 2 or more children
- <>S1CSubscriber and 1 child
- <>SS1Subscriber, spouse, and 1 child
- <>E8DEmployee and Four or More Dependents
- <>DEPDependents Only