EDI 135 Student Aid Origination Record
This Draft Standard for Trial Use contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Student Loan Application Transaction Set (135) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. This transaction set can be used by lending institutions ("lenders"), colleges, universities and trade schools ("schools"), and loan guarantee agencies ("guarantors") to exchange information relating to the certification, approval, and guarantee of specific student loan applications. This information includes, but is not limited to, student and applicant identification, school enrollment data, borrowing history, and the terms of the loan.The student loan application process typically begins with an applicant submitting a student loan application to the financial aid officer at the student's school. The financial aid officer adds school-related information and certifies the application. The school then forwards the loan application to the lender for review. If the review is satisfactory, the lender adds information to the application, approves the loan, and forwards the application to the guarantor. The guarantor reviews the lender-approved application and if appropriate, issues a guarantee. The lender disburses the loan proceeds when a guarantee is received.