1159 Test Score Interpretation Code
Code indicating unusual testing conditions that must be known to interpret properly a person's academic test score
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 1 / Max 1
- <>LAdjustable table height
- <>7Large Type Booklet, write or mark on booklet or separate paper, untimed
- <>JSpecial Lighting
- <>MEnlarged Keyboard
- <>PSeparate room
- <>KHead Mouse
- <>NAdjustable swivel arm
- <>AUntimed, with breaks
- <>1Special Circumstances (Something unusual occurred during testing that may have affected how the student performed)
- <>QAmanuensis or Recorder
- <>DSelf-determined review of audio/videotape, untimed
- <>4Diagnostic Only
- <>TMulti-day
- <>OTrack ball
- <>BOne and a half times the normal time, no break
- <>2Nonstandard Administration Procedure (Braille, Signing, Extended Time, etc.)
- <>RSign Language Interpreter
- <>EReader or Signer, examinee marks on answer document, booklet, or separate paper, standard administration type
- <>5Experience and Diagnostic
- <>HUse of scripts for videotape scenarios only
- <>8Large Type Booklet, type on typewriter, braillewriter, or computer, untimed
- <>COne and a half times the normal time, one break only
- <>3Experience Only
- <>SExtra time
- <>FSpecial Furniture
- <>6Reader or Signer
- <>9Large Type Booklet, scribe marks responses, untimed
- <>IForeign language dictionary and standard timing