CRC Conditions Indicator
AtMax 9
To supply information on conditions
Position | Element | Name | Type | Min/Max | Repeat | |
1 | 1136 | Code Category | Mandatory | ID | 2/2 | Exact 1 |
2 | 1073 | Yes/No Condition or Response Code | Mandatory | ID | 1/1 | Exact 1 |
3 | 1321 | Condition Indicator | Mandatory | ID | 2/2 | Exact 1 |
4 | 1321 | Condition Indicator | Opt | ID | 2/2 | Exact 1 |
5 | 1321 | Condition Indicator | Opt | ID | 2/2 | Exact 1 |
6 | 1321 | Condition Indicator | Opt | ID | 2/2 | Exact 1 |
7 | 1321 | Condition Indicator | Opt | ID | 2/2 | Exact 1 |
Element Details
NameCode Category
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>84Borrower Information
- <>GSShelf Format
- <>CGConviction
- <>51Event or Exposure
- <>THTherapy
- <>73Tertiary Diagnosis
- <>E1Spectacle Lenses
- <>IMImpairment
- <>15Pre-Existing Mental Condition
- <>CWWorking Capital
- <>MIMiscellaneous
- <>37Process
- <>A5Appraisal
- <>AUAutomated Underwriting Information
- <>48Managed Care
- <>RNRelated Entities
- <>DHReceivership
- <>SWReported Statement of Witness
- <>HDPayment Adjustment
- <>AEContact or Reference Information
- <>HTInterest Only
- <>BNAccess
- <>61Molars
- <>R5Residential Status
- <>PGPossession Notes
- <>07Ambulance Certification
- <>BUAssets
- <>VAVoter Registration Application
- <>HOIndex
- <>ANOccupation Information
- <>RUResults
- <>96Disclosures
- <>BEBeneficiary
- <>SLSupplement Note or Line
- <>EJUniform Commercial Code (UCC) Filings
- <>OPOperations
- <>CLCancellation
- <>25United States Department of Vital Statistics E-Code
- <>78Manner Property Title Held
- <>B5Multifamily
- <>FAFinancial
- <>43Part of Body
- <>RERecovery
- <>DCLocation
- <>ASReplaced Amount
- <>HBAdjustable
- <>BXCredit Line
- <>ACAgent's Share
- <>HRAmortization
- <>BHProduct Rules
- <>SASource Fund
- <>EGProtested Bills
- <>82Restricted Appraisal Report Limiting Conditions
- <>GUGuarantees
- <>CACitizenship
- <>TNTrend
- <>28Loan Information
- <>57Crossbite
- <>75Functional Limitations
- <>B8Ginnie Mae 2
- <>13Principal Diagnosis
- <>CQInitial Capital
- <>A3Mortgage Insurance Cancellation
- <>MOModification
- <>31Claimant
- <>14Pre-Existing Physical Condition
- <>CVDamage
- <>36Reporting Agency
- <>A4Mortgage Servicing Transfer
- <>ATAuthority
- <>49Risk Management
- <>DIDriver Identification Information
- <>HELife of Loan
- <>UPUpdate
- <>ADBenefits
- <>85Contract Information
- <>NSNature of Suit
- <>CFCooperative
- <>50Claim Handling
- <>TIAction
- <>NCNominal Capital
- <>72Secondary Diagnosis
- <>LALicense Revocation
- <>CKIndebtedness
- <>22Automobile Loss
- <>LLLocal Language Description
- <>B2Declaration Sheet Indicator
- <>19Commercial Advertising
- <>A9Notification
- <>ZZMutually Defined
- <>AYAge Remark
- <>44Nature of Injury
- <>DDDischarge Diagnosis
- <>66Verification of Income or Employment or Both
- <>R2Association of American Railroads Special Proper Shipping Name Flag
- <>HHHealth or Medical
- <>BRBroker's Price Opinion
- <>AIHome Health Aide
- <>RRReinstatement
- <>91Compensation Notes
- <>BBBusiness Beneficiary
- <>88Deductible
- <>83Route of Administration
- <>29Injury or Illness
- <>56Profile
- <>74Procedure Code
- <>B9Ginnie Mae 2 Custom
- <>CPComplications
- <>12Admitting Diagnosis
- <>30Benefit Adjustment
- <>A2Mortgage Insurance Termination
- <>MNManagement
- <>ARArrest
- <>RIReal Estate Property Information
- <>BYCreditors Arrangement
- <>SPStatement Preparation
- <>HCRate Adjustment
- <>ABAgent's Questions
- <>GDDemonstrations
- <>HSRate Conversion
- <>BICommercial Property
- <>EFParticipating Interest
- <>BLNew Contract
- <>SESummary and Evaluation
- <>ECJudgments
- <>86Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Association)
- <>CECondominium
- <>53Coverage
- <>71Primary Diagnosis
- <>E3Spectacle Frames
- <>17Systemic Condition for Routine Foot Care
- <>CUStockholders
- <>35Primary Claim Administrator
- <>A7Source of Data
- <>FHFamily History
- <>WAWarning
- <>LRListing Remarks
- <>AWSurgery
- <>RLRadio License Application
- <>68Verification of Loan or Installment Debt or Both
- <>PNParking Notes
- <>HFPeriodic Interest Rate
- <>SUSubstance Use
- <>AGDriving Infractions
- <>AXTravel Information
- <>45Source of Injury
- <>RCRevocation
- <>DEDepartmental
- <>MTMilitary Status
- <>67Verification of Rent
- <>R3Association of American Railroads Intermodal Indicator
- <>PAPerformance
- <>HILate Charge
- <>01Pre-existing Conditions
- <>BSBankruptcy Statement of Financial Affairs
- <>SZSize
- <>RSReason Last Seen
- <>AHExcess Dividend Use
- <>90Private Remarks
- <>BCBuilding Condition
- <>SJSuits, Judgments & Liens
- <>HYHistory
- <>89Advertising Copy
- <>CJFinancial Embarrassment
- <>23Laboratory Results Identification Code
- <>TETests
- <>B3Servicing Data
- <>OFOutside Financing
- <>18Co-op Advertising
- <>CZExcess Premium Use
- <>A8Endorsement
- <>OCOccupation Class
- <>PTPhysical Therapy
- <>MAMarital Status
- <>40Accident
- <>PDPublic Records
- <>62Cuspids
- <>04Occurrence
- <>BVCash Flow
- <>HLLimited Payment
- <>AMJuvenile Information
- <>RVRevenue Trend
- <>DPDirections to Property
- <>95Restrictions
- <>BFTax Agency Parcel Identifier
- <>EISuits
- <>TPTenant Pays Notes
- <>COCounty
- <>26Employment Status Information
- <>59Dentition Midline
- <>FRFinancial Remarks
- <>B6Payment Handling
- <>52Equipment or Materials or Chemicals
- <>70Hospice
- <>E2Contact Lenses
- <>INInsurance
- <>16Routine Foot Care Class Finding
- <>CTCommission Trend
- <>34Secondary Claim Administrator
- <>FIFinancing
- <>LSLife Style
- <>AVAviation
- <>RMRemedy
- <>69Anti-fungal Therapy
- <>POProfit Outlook
- <>HGPrincipal and Interest
- <>STSpeech Therapy
- <>AFCost Basis
- <>BMOriginal Contract
- <>SDStarting Details
- <>EBIntercompany Relations
- <>87Freddie Mac (Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation)
- <>CDCause of Death
- <>CIExport Trend
- <>OUOperations Outlook
- <>20Specimen Kit Type Code
- <>TFTarget Fund
- <>FTForeign Travel
- <>ICIssued Capital
- <>CYDividend Use
- <>PRProperty
- <>39Activity
- <>WMWillful Misconduct
- <>46Job
- <>DFProfit Margin
- <>64Verification of Deposit
- <>PBProfitability
- <>VDVoter Registration Application Disposition
- <>HJDefault Note Holder's Cost
- <>02Diagnosis
- <>BPBankruptcy Petition
- <>DVDriver Record Information
- <>AKHospitalization
- <>93Tour Notes
- <>SIShowing Instructions
- <>HZHazardous Sports
- <>94Terms of Sale
- <>SNSkilled Nursing
- <>EHSubcontracting Details
- <>BGHistorical Performance
- <>CNComparison
- <>58Arch Asymmetry
- <>27Income
- <>B7Ginnie Mae 1
- <>IDIdentification
- <>FCFamily Coverage
- <>DADrug Adjudication Information
- <>41Initial Treatment
- <>63Interviewee
- <>PEPenalty
- <>MPMedication or Prescription
- <>05Occurrence Span
- <>BWCompetition
- <>VCConviction
- <>HMRate Lookback
- <>ALActivity Limitations
- <>08Chiropractic Certification
- <>BZCreditors Meeting
- <>SSSuspension
- <>AAAll
- <>99Lease Type
- <>BJUnimproved Land
- <>EEOperating Surplus Trend
- <>HPMortgage Margin
- <>80Complete Appraisal
- <>CCCompensation Calculation
- <>55Overjet
- <>77Mental Status
- <>E5Examiner's Comments
- <>11Oxygen Therapy Certification
- <>CSCommon Stock
- <>33Contractholder
- <>A1Mortgage Record Change
- <>LTLegal Type
- <>AQRating Information
- <>CXCompensation Allocation
- <>PSPreferred Stock
- <>38Hazardous Material
- <>AZProperty Remark
- <>47Loss Prevention
- <>DGProposal
- <>65Verification of Mortgage
- <>R1Reason for Weight Loss
- <>PCPaid in Capital
- <>HKPrepayment
- <>03Condition
- <>BQAgent Sales Trend
- <>AJExisting Coverage Information
- <>92Open House Notes
- <>BABankruptcy
- <>TWTwo to Four Units
- <>CHDirect Sales Trend
- <>OTOccupational Therapy
- <>21Laboratory Test Condition Code
- <>B1Audit Data
- <>TBTobacco
- <>24Line of Business Code
- <>79Property Improvements
- <>B4Single Family
- <>FPFranchise Tax Payments
- <>OAOwner Pays Notes
- <>LZLoss Trend
- <>42Cause of Injury
- <>DBLiquidation Proceedings
- <>60Crowding
- <>R4Association of American Railroads U.S. to Canada Flag
- <>PFProfit Trend
- <>MSMedical Social Worker
- <>06Value
- <>BTBillings Trend
- <>HNPayment Lookback
- <>AOPersonal Finance and Business Information
- <>RTRegistration Type
- <>DRDriving
- <>97Exceptions
- <>BDBuydown
- <>TRTreatment
- <>CMClaim Amounts
- <>CBContinuing Education
- <>TMTerms
- <>54Overbite
- <>IHInsurance History or Other Coverage
- <>LELevel Remarks
- <>76Activities Permitted
- <>E4Employment
- <>ONOperations Trend
- <>10Enteral or Parenteral Therapy Certification
- <>CRCurrent Ratio
- <>32Contractholder Branch
- <>APAppearance
- <>PIPhoto Instructions
- <>SRSales Trend
- <>VOViolation
- <>HAFixed
- <>09Durable Medical Equipment Certification
- <>98Inclusions
- <>BKBanking
- <>EDLiens
- <>HQSingle Family 2-4 Units
- <>81Limited Appraisal
- <>NWNot Work Related