RIC Financial Return
AtMax 1
To transmit information about the item being returned
Position | Element | Name | Type | Min/Max | Repeat | |
1 | 647 | Application Error Condition Code | Mandatory | ID | 1/3 | Exact 1 |
2 | 782 | Monetary Amount | Mandatory | Decimal | 1/18 | Exact 1 |
3 | 478 | Credit/Debit Flag Code | Mandatory | ID | 1/1 | Exact 1 |
4 | 508 | Account Number | Rel | Alphanumeric | 1/35 | Exact 1 |
5 | 569 | Account Number Qualifier | Opt | ID | 1/3 | Exact 1 |
6 | 506 | (DFI) ID Number Qualifier | Rel | ID | 2/2 | Exact 1 |
7 | 507 | (DFI) Identification Number | Rel | Alphanumeric | 3/12 | Exact 1 |
8 | 508 | Account Number | Rel | Alphanumeric | 1/35 | Exact 1 |
9 | 569 | Account Number Qualifier | Opt | ID | 1/3 | Exact 1 |
10 | 506 | (DFI) ID Number Qualifier | Rel | ID | 2/2 | Exact 1 |
11 | 507 | (DFI) Identification Number | Rel | Alphanumeric | 3/12 | Exact 1 |
12 | 508 | Account Number | Rel | Alphanumeric | 1/35 | Exact 1 |
13 | 569 | Account Number Qualifier | Opt | ID | 1/3 | Exact 1 |
14 | 506 | (DFI) ID Number Qualifier | Rel | ID | 2/2 | Exact 1 |
15 | 507 | (DFI) Identification Number | Rel | Alphanumeric | 3/12 | Exact 1 |
Element Details
NameApplication Error Condition Code
LengthMin 1 / Max 3
- <>ASVAssociated Vehicle Identification Number(s) Unknown
- <>LMissing or Invalid Support Request Code
- <>CURInvalid Currency Code
- <>MIMissing or Invalid SCAC
- <>IIDInvalid Identification Code
- <>SCDInvalid Vehicle Service Code
- <>804Missing or Invalid Payment Format
- <>826Non-Sufficient Funds in Account; Refused
- <>QTYQuantity
- <>VNDVehicle Not Departed
- <>MDNMissing Department Number
- <>RURate Unverifiable
- <>NCRNo Clearance Reported
- <>GMissing or Invalid Processing (Count) Date Code
- <>007Missing Data
- <>STPShipment Picked Up Prior to the Date Specified by the Ship Window
- <>MBMissing or Invalid Purchase Order Number
- <>834Missing or Invalid Effective Payment Date
- <>NDPNo Departure Reported
- <>802Invalid Debit or Credit Flag Code
- <>820Control Totals Count Error
- <>PNDPending Payment
- <>NOCAutomated Clearinghouse (ACH) Notification of Change
- <>DBLDuplicate Bill of Lading Number
- <>JMissing or Invalid Purpose Code
- <>ZZZMutually Defined
- <>028Customer Identification Number and Entity Name Do not Match
- <>MHMissing or Invalid DUNS Number
- <>805Missing Depository Financial Institution (DFI) Qualifier
- <>827Account Frozen
- <>ZDSZero Storage Days
- <>UNVUnknown Vehicle Identification Number
- <>036Invalid Serial Number
- <>NODNot on Departure
- <>MMissing or Invalid Supply Condition Code
- <>NRANo Railcar Arrival
- <>PMissing or Invalid Item Quantity
- <>MEMissing or Invalid Department Number
- <>811Payment Received Too Far in Advance
- <>833Invalid Cancellation Request (Item Not in Financial Warehouse to Cancel)
- <>808Missing or Invalid Receiving Account Number
- <>UCNUnknown Claim Number
- <>CHKCheck Being Returned
- <>MQTMissing Quantity
- <>KMissing or Invalid Ownership Code
- <>ASAAssociated Authorization
- <>029Customer Identification Number Is Missing
- <>MNMissing or Invalid Unit Cost
- <>847Closed/Non-Existent Account Number
- <>803Missing or Invalid Payment Method Code
- <>821Control Totals Out of Sequence
- <>012Invalid Combination
- <>IPRStatus Code Previously Reported
- <>UNPInvalid Unit Price
- <>POIPurchase Order Number Invalid
- <>NMissing or Invalid Payer Identification
- <>MKMissing or Invalid Ship Date Location
- <>NDTNo Termination Date
- <>IDCInvalid Decline/Amend Reason Code
- <>806Missing or Invalid Financial Institution Transit Routing Number
- <>824Payment Passed Credit Approval
- <>810Effective Payment Date is Past
- <>832Invalid Request or Cancellation Flag
- <>809Missing Effective Entry Date
- <>AMissing or Invalid Report Type Code
- <>INFInvalid Status Code
- <>001Car Not in Umler
- <>QMissing or Invalid Item Identification
- <>MDMissing or Invalid Invoice Date
- <>MAMissing or Invalid Store Number
- <>815Duplicate Batch
- <>848Incorrect Data
- <>MQMissing or Invalid Non-merchandise Cost
- <>DDTDeparture Date Invalid
- <>DMissing or Invalid Fund Code
- <>004Invalid Commodity Code
- <>INCIncomplete Transaction
- <>026Customer Identification Number is Invalid
- <>IQTInvalid Quantity
- <>TUnauthorized Transaction Set Purpose Code
- <>PPDPreviously Paid
- <>PRMPrimary Inspection Not Received
- <>MJMissing or Invalid Terms
- <>807Missing or Invalid Originating Account Number
- <>825Payment Amount Exceeds Approved Credit Limit; Refused
- <>RATNo Rate Available
- <>SPLInvalid SPLC Code
- <>OMissing or Invalid Issuer Identification
- <>BMissing or Invalid Physical Inventory Code
- <>VOSOffsite Storage
- <>002Car Not in Correct Status for Billing
- <>NAUNot Authorized
- <>HUGQuantity of Handling Units Shipped Greater Than the Quantity Specified
- <>RMissing or Invalid Support Date
- <>MGMissing or Invalid U.P.C. Code
- <>813Missing or Invalid Payee Name and Address
- <>831Missing or Invalid Cancellation Type Code
- <>IWTInvalid Weight
- <>828Account Transferred
- <>COVConflicting Authorizations
- <>AVEAssociated Vehicle Identification Number(s) Invalid
- <>EMissing or Invalid Material Condition Code
- <>500Misrouted Freight Bill
- <>005Route Error
- <>DTEIncorrect Date
- <>027Customer Identification Number Does not Exist
- <>DRCDuplicate Railcar Departure
- <>UMissing or Unauthorized Transaction Type Code
- <>STRInvalid Storage Days Calculation
- <>814Received After Cutoff Date or Time
- <>849Corrected Data
- <>TYPInvalid Damage Type Code
- <>MPMissing or Invalid Non-merchandise Code
- <>ICGInvalid Charge Allowance Qualifier
- <>822Transaction Set Payment Amount Error
- <>SEVInvalid Damage Severity Code
- <>011Not Matching
- <>LOCInvalid Damage Area Code
- <>UKNUnknown Move/Service
- <>IMDInvalid Railcar Type
- <>HMissing or Invalid Unit of Measure Code
- <>008Out of Range
- <>MIDMissing Identification Code
- <>RTNAutomated Clearinghouse (ACH) Return Items
- <>MMMissing or Invalid Bill to Location
- <>819Control Totals Amount Error
- <>TRNTurnover
- <>MFMissing or Invalid Internal Vendor Number
- <>812Missing Transaction Reference or Trace Number
- <>830Refused by Payee
- <>ICAInvalid Claim Amount
- <>IDNInvalid Department Number
- <>MBLMultiple Bills of Lading
- <>829Payee Deceased
- <>OTHOther
- <>CMissing or Invalid Consignee
- <>003Duplicate Billing
- <>RTEInvalid Shipper's Route Code
- <>SMissing or Unauthorized Transportation Mode/Method Code
- <>VMissing or Unauthorized Action Code
- <>CALCurrency Calculation
- <>MCMissing or Invalid Bill of Lading Number
- <>STAShipment Picked Up After the Date Specified by the Ship Window
- <>817Duplicate Trace Number
- <>MWTMissing Weight
- <>FMissing or Invalid Management Code
- <>006Duplicate
- <>024Other Unlisted Reason
- <>NCLNo Clearance Authorization
- <>009Invalid Date
- <>HULQuantity of Handling Units Shipped Less Than the Quantity Specified
- <>MLMissing or Invalid Sell to Location
- <>SCAInvalid SCAC
- <>818Missing Control Totals
- <>VINInvalid Vehicle Identification Number
- <>NIFInvalid Status Location
- <>DUPDuplicate Transaction
- <>801Missing or Invalid Transaction Handling Code
- <>823Payment Pending Credit Approval
- <>010Total Out of Balance
- <>UAUUsed Authorization
- <>IMissing or Invalid Source of Supply Code