1205 Insurance Line Code
Code identifying a group of insurance products
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 2 / Max 3
- <>LTDLong-Term Disability
- <>FACFacility
- <>FSAFlexible Spending
- <>BESupplemental Death and Dismemberment
- <>403403(B) Tax Sheltered Annuity
- <>DENDental
- <>EPOExclusive Provider Organization
- <>IRAGroup Individual Retirement Account
- <>ACBasic Life
- <>BHWeekly Indemnity
- <>ZZZMutually Defined
- <>CVEmployee Comprehensive
- <>HEHearing
- <>LLLifestyle Life (Individualized Basic Life)
- <>HLTHealth
- <>GDC457(B) Government Deferred Compensation
- <>EMP408(K) Employer Sponsored Qualified Defined Distribution Plans Funded with Individual IRA's
- <>AIWorkers Compensation
- <>LTCLong-Term Care
- <>ARDependent Life
- <>PSPProfit-Sharing Plan
- <>CHU403(C) Church Exempt Annuity Plans Covered by ERISA
- <>MODMail Order Drug
- <>AGPreventative Care/Wellness
- <>ULUniversal Life
- <>ADDAccidental Death or Dismemberment
- <>AH24 Hour Care
- <>BCDeath and Dismemberment
- <>POSPoint of Service
- <>VISVision
- <>QDA401(K) Qualified Cash or Deferred Arrangement
- <>PPOPreferred Provider Organization
- <>DCPDental Capitation
- <>URUtilization Review
- <>AFSupplemental Life
- <>NQNon-Qualified
- <>HMOHealth Maintenance Organization
- <>AKMental Health
- <>NGD457(F) Non-Government Deferred Compensation
- <>MMMajor Medical
- <>IRC408(B) Individual Retirement Account (IRA) Annuity Contract
- <>STDShort-Term Disability
- <>AJMedicare Risk
- <>PDGPrescription Drug
- <>PRAPractitioners
- <>QDC401(A) Qualified Defined Contribution
- <>APPaid Up Life
- <>BKWeekly Indemnity - New York Employees
- <>CLFContributory Life