1009Administration of Justice Organization Type Code
Code identifying a type of organization or entity involved in the administration of justice
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 1 / Max 2
- <>GSGeneral Session Court
- <>PLPolice
- <>MYMayor's Court
- <>HOHousing Court
- <>M2Special Court Martial
- <>DSDistrict Judge System Court
- <>CLCounty Court at Law
- <>ASAssociate Court
- <>SAState Appellate Court
- <>JU.S. Attorney
- <>CACourt of Criminal Appeals
- <>CQCommission
- <>JPJustice of the Peace
- <>CVCivil Court
- <>DIDistrict Court
- <>ADAdministrative Court
- <>HUHustings Court
- <>MU.S. Military Appeals Court
- <>LALand Court
- <>PProbation
- <>PPPark Police
- <>ZZMutually Defined
- <>MUMunicipal Court
- <>TOTown Court
- <>CPCourt of Common Pleas
- <>DODomestic Court
- <>PKU.S. Park Police
- <>SPState Police
- <>ABAtomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel (ASLBP)
- <>TJTrial Justice Court
- <>WAWater Court
- <>DJDistrict Justice Court
- <>SUSuperior Court
- <>AGState Attorney General
- <>SJSpecial Justice Court
- <>AU.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
- <>MAMagistrate Court
- <>AMAmerican Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators (AAMVA)
- <>M1General Court Martial
- <>SOSingle Presiding Officer
- <>DU.S. District Court
- <>COCommon Claims Court
- <>TU.S. Department of Transportation
- <>CTCounty Court
- <>JUJuvenile Court
- <>POPolice Court
- <>STState Court
- <>SDAppellate Division of Superior Court
- <>BU.S. Bankruptcy Court
- <>CICircuit Court
- <>ICInferior Court
- <>CYCity Court
- <>PRProbate Court
- <>OROrphan's Court
- <>CNConciliation Court
- <>UU.S. Commissioner
- <>TATax Court
- <>FCFamily Court
- <>DADistrict Attorney
- <>MPMilitary Police
- <>ALAlderman's Court
- <>SSState Supreme Court
- <>SCSmall Claims Court
- <>HPHighway Patrol
- <>XMulti District Litigation Panel
- <>CSConstitutional County Court
- <>PSProsecutor
- <>PCParish Court
- <>AJAdministrative Law Court
- <>SHSheriff
- <>CU.S. Claims Court
- <>CHChancery Court
- <>OTOther Unlisted Administration of Justice Organization Type
- <>SU.S. Supreme Court
- <>VU.S. Veteran's Appeals Court
- <>TBTribal Court
- <>MCMagisterial Court
- <>M3Summary Court Martial
- <>FFederal Bureau of Investigation
- <>TRTraffic Court
- <>CMCourt of Claims
- <>CBCorporation Court
- <>LELaw and Equity Court
- <>CRCriminal Court
- <>DMState Department of Motor Vehicles
- <>JCJustice Court
- <>SRSurrogate Court
- <>SBState Bureau of Investigation
- <>IInternational Trade Court