1013Notice Type Code
Code identifying the type of court notice
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 1 / Max 3
- <>628Bail Hearing
- <>FJForeign Judgment
- <>631Indigency Hearing
- <>7IAPostconversion 341, Chapter 7, Individual, Asset
- <>623Intent to Defend
- <>700Disposition
- <>25Generic Dismissal of Bankruptcy Case
- <>9FSection 341 Notice, Chapter 11, Corporation (Partnership)
- <>DOTOrder Approving Account, Discharging Trustee and Closing Estate
- <>13PSummary of Chapter 13 Plan
- <>417Warrant of Arrest
- <>11BPostconversion 341, Chapter 11, Business
- <>309Execution Sale
- <>12IPostconversion 341, Chapter 12, Individual
- <>ZZZMutually Defined
- <>310Recovery of Real Property Hearing
- <>28Generic Conversion, Do Not Refile Claims in New Case
- <>12YDischarge of Chapter 12 Debtor After Completion of Plan
- <>630Preliminary Arraignment
- <>612Hearing
- <>629Preliminary Hearing
- <>12NHardship Discharge of Chapter 12 Debtor, Plan Not Completed
- <>101New Claims Bar Date
- <>9ASection 341 Notice, Chapter 7, Individual (Joint), No Asset
- <>SCHNotice of Deadline for Filing Schedules
- <>642Determination of Property Claims
- <>23BConversion Chapter 13 to Chapter 7, by Trustee (Creditor)
- <>YJDeclaratory Judgment
- <>308Civil Action Hearing
- <>311Order for Possession
- <>CPNotice to Debtor and Debtor's Counsel to Commence Payments
- <>OFROrder for Relief
- <>ABProposed Abandonment
- <>611Trial Summary Case
- <>DJDefault Judgment
- <>SJSummary Judgment
- <>11IPostconversion 341, Chapter 11, Individual
- <>625Transfer
- <>12BPostconversion 341, Chapter 12, Business
- <>1Case Information Statement
- <>CJConsent Judgment
- <>FCLFile Claims in Lead Case
- <>9ESection 341 Notice, Chapter 11, Individual (Joint)
- <>13NHardship Discharge of Chapter 13 Debtor, Plan Not Completed
- <>JNJudgment Note
- <>24BDismissal of Chapter 13 Case
- <>POCProof of Claim
- <>4Appearance
- <>OCPOrder Confirming Plan
- <>7BAPostconversion 341, Chapter 7, Business, Asset
- <>26Order of Bifurcation and Dismissal of Joint Bankruptcy
- <>DEFDeficiency Notice
- <>70Trustee's Notice of Filing of Final Account
- <>ITBNotice of Appointment of Interim Trustee and Approval of Blanket Bond
- <>610Guardian Notice to Represent Minor Party
- <>315Judgment
- <>2Sheriff Return of Service
- <>FAMOrder of Dismissal for Failure to Appear at the Section 341 First Meeting of Creditors
- <>9CSection 341 Notice, Chapter 7, Individual (Joint), Asset
- <>306Levy
- <>621Conviction
- <>603Summary Conviction
- <>5Opinion
- <>27Generic Conversion, Refile Claims in New Case
- <>9DSection 341 Notice, Chapter 7, Corporation (Partnership), Asset
- <>638Withdrawal of Suspension
- <>23AConversion of Chapter 13 to Chapter 7, by Debtor
- <>NOANotice of Assets
- <>9ISection 341 Notice, Chapter 13, Individual (Joint)
- <>13BDischarge of Chapter 13 Debtor in a Pre-11/5/90 Case
- <>ODCOrder Dismissing Case
- <>9BSection 341 Notice, Chapter 7, Corporation (Partnership), No Asset
- <>13IPostconversion 341, Chapter 13, Individual
- <>18JDischarge of Joint Chapter 7, Both Debtors Discharged
- <>13YDischarge of Chapter 13 Debtor After Completion of Plan
- <>3Intent to File Pleading
- <>FFSOrder of Dismissal for Failure to Timely File Schedules
- <>9GSection 341 Notice, Chapter 12, Individual (Joint)
- <>18ODischarge of Joint Chapter 7, One Debtor Discharged
- <>619Fugitive
- <>701Trustee Report of Surplus
- <>305Order of Execution
- <>DISDischarge of Debtor, Chapter 7 (11), Individual
- <>9HSection 341 Notice, Chapter 12, Corporation (Partnership)
- <>JCJudgment Confession
- <>616Continuance