107Payment Method Code
Code identifying type of payment procedures
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 1 / Max 2
- <>LLetter of Credit
- <>AEMoney Order
- <>GCCD (NACHA Cash Concentration/Disbursement - Funds Transacted without Remittance Information)
- <>WWaived
- <>ACCredit Card
- <>JCTX (NACHA Corporate Trade Exchange - Transaction Plus Remittance Detail in ANSI Standard Flexible Format)
- <>ADDirect Deposit
- <>MDeduction from Film Rental
- <>PPreviously Charged
- <>KPrivate Netting, Pay by Check
- <>ABCash
- <>NBilling Account
- <>AGTravelers Check
- <>APrivate Netting Agreement, Pay by Wire Transfer
- <>1Graduated
- <>QPetroleum Clearinghouse Bank
- <>DDebited
- <>4Level (Sum Constant)
- <>TWire Transfer
- <>AFSpecial Account
- <>OCTP (NACHA Corporate Trade Payment - Transaction Plus Remittance Detail in Fixed Format)
- <>BCompensation by Balance
- <>2Income Sensitive
- <>RRelated Detail Account
- <>EElectronic Payment System
- <>UDirect Pay to Others
- <>AABank Draft
- <>HCCD+(NACHA Cash Concentration/Disbursement - Funds Transacted Plus an 80 Record Remittance Detail)
- <>8Credit Account
- <>XIn Kind Payment
- <>CPay By Check
- <>3Income Contingent
- <>SSummary Account
- <>VLock Box
- <>FFreight Payment Bank
- <>YCredit
- <>IInvoiced Separately