1230Type of Product Service Code
Code specifying the type of product service contract or the basis of the product service claim
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 2 / Max 4
- <>CGCustomer Goodwill Parts Adjustment
- <>CWCustomer Warranty
- <>MIMaterial Inspection
- <>WCWarranty Concession
- <>LPLife Percentage
- <>RNRecall Notice
- <>PLParts and Labor
- <>SWSoftware Warranty
- <>GCGovernment Contract
- <>PGPerformance Guarantee/Warranty
- <>MRManufacturer Recall
- <>TCTransportation Claim
- <>MBMoney Back Guarantee
- <>PWPurchase Warranty
- <>EWExtended Vendor Warranty
- <>CACampaign
- <>LFLifetime Warranty
- <>GRGovernment Recall
- <>OWOption Warranty
- <>LLLifetime Limited Warranty
- <>DDDealer Demonstration Warranty
- <>RRReturn for Warranty Repair
- <>EMEmissions Warranty
- <>NENew Equipment Warranty
- <>CPCustomer Goodwill Policy Adjustment
- <>LWLimited Warranty
- <>SPSpecial Program
- <>EFEngineering Field Test
- <>ECEngineering Change Activity
- <>IOInformation Only
- <>RCReturn for Warranty Claim
- <>RSRepeat Service
- <>FWFull Warranty
- <>PDPrior to Delivery
- <>TPThird Party Repair
- <>POParts Only
- <>STStandard Warranty
- <>AFAuthorized Field Change
- <>SDShipment Damage
- <>MGMaintenance Cost Guarantee/Warranty
- <>RPReplacement Part Warranty
- <>GMGovernment Mandated
- <>FCFleet Contract
- <>SSSpecial Sales Allowance
- <>SCService Contract
- <>EEExtended Equipment Coverage
- <>CCCustomer Courtesy
- <>CSCustomer Goodwill Sales Adjustment
- <>UEUsed Equipment Warranty
- <>DWDealer Warranty
- <>LOLabor Only
- <>MCMilitary Contract
- <>RDReceived Damage
- <>MSManufacturer Standard
- <>RTReturn Warranty Replacement
- <>QPQuality Problem Referral
- <>CBCall Back
- <>CRCredit for In-house Repair - Labor and Material
- <>SBService Bulletin
- <>EDExtended Dealer Warranty