256Manifest Type Code
Code identifying the type of manifest transmitted
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 1 / Max 1
- <>LTransfer of Liability
- <>GGeneral Order Items from Carriers to US Customs
- <>WOriginal Manifest from Carriers to US Customs
- <>JSent from U.S. Customs (Export) to Carriers
- <>ZSent from US Customs to Carriers
- <>MDriver Information Update
- <>PPreliminary Manifest from Carrier to U.S. Customs
- <>KDeparture Notification from Carrier to U.S. Customs
- <>AOriginal Manifest From Carrier To Port of Discharge
- <>DUpdating Export Manifest Prior to Vessel Departure From Carrier to U.S. Customs
- <>TTransit
- <>BUpdating Manifest Prior To Vessel Arrival From Carrier To Port of Discharge
- <>EOriginal Export Manifest from Carrier to U.S. Customs
- <>HArrival Notification from Carrier to U.S. Customs
- <>XUpdating Manifest Prior to Vessel Arrival from Carriers to US Customs
- <>CAmendment To Manifest From Carrier To Port of Discharge
- <>SConsist Manifest from Carrier to U.S. Customs
- <>VAmendment to Manifest Required by US Customs
- <>FAmendment to Export Manifest From Carrier to U.S. Customs
- <>YAmendment to Manifest from Carrier to US Customs
- <>ISupplementary In-bond Information from Carrier to U.S. Customs