375Tariff Service Code
Code specifying the types of services for rating purposes
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>HDHousehold Goods for Domestic Transport Not Otherwise Identified
- <>BNUnaccompanied Baggage for Intertheater Transport Not Otherwise Identified
- <>MRMotor-to-Rail
- <>BEUnaccompanied Baggage for International Military Water Transport
- <>B5Unaccompanied Baggage for Intratheater Commercial Motor Transport
- <>MBMotor-to-Barge
- <>H2Household Goods for Intratheater Military Water Transport
- <>HBHousehold Goods for Domestic Commercial Air Transport
- <>BXUnaccompanied Baggage for Intratheater Military Air Transport
- <>HRHousehold Goods for Intratheater Commercial Motor Transport
- <>BHUnaccompanied Baggage for International Transport Not Otherwise Identified
- <>NDRate Applies for Next Day Transportation Service
- <>OMTerminal-to-Motor
- <>MOMotor-to-Terminal
- <>RORail-to-Terminal
- <>PMPier-to-Motor
- <>HEHousehold Goods for International Military Water Transport
- <>BOBarge-to-Terminal
- <>B2Unaccompanied Baggage for Domestic Transport Not Otherwise Identified
- <>PPPier-to-Pier
- <>RBRail-to-Barge
- <>DDDoor-to-Door
- <>HHHouse-to-House
- <>BRBarge-to-Rail
- <>RRRail-to-Rail
- <>BBBarge-to-Barge
- <>HXHousehold Goods for Intratheater Military Air Transport
- <>2BDomestic Container Van Door-to-Door Intrastate
- <>DODoor-to-Terminal
- <>BYUnaccompanied Baggage for Intratheater Transport Not Otherwise Identified
- <>HCHousehold Goods for Domestic Military Air Transport
- <>1BDomestic Motor Van Door-to-Door Intrastate
- <>BLUnaccompanied Baggage for Intertheater Commercial Air Transport
- <>ECRate Applies for Economy Transportation Service
- <>HFHousehold Goods for International Commercial Air Transport
- <>BCUnaccompanied Baggage for Domestic Military Air Transport
- <>HYHousehold Goods for Intratheater Transport Not Otherwise Identified
- <>OVRate Applies for Overnight Transportation Service
- <>B3Unaccompanied Baggage for Intertheater Military Air Transport
- <>MDMotor-to-Door
- <>OCRate applies for Overland Common Point
- <>PDPier-to-Door
- <>HLHousehold Goods for Intertheater Commercial Air Transport
- <>DPDoor-to-Pier
- <>BFUnaccompanied Baggage for International Commercial Air Transport
- <>RMRail-to-Motor
- <>HGHousehold Goods for International Military Air Transport
- <>BMBarge-to-Motor
- <>HWHousehold Goods for Intratheater Commercial Air Transport
- <>PRPier-to-Rail
- <>PBPier-to-Barge
- <>BPBarge-to-Pier
- <>RPRail-to-Pier
- <>BGUnaccompanied Baggage for International Military Air Transport
- <>ORTerminal-to-Rail
- <>MPMotor-to-Pier
- <>BWUnaccompanied Baggage for Intratheater Commercial Air Transport
- <>HMHousehold Goods for Intertheater Military Air Transport
- <>1ADomestic Motor Van Door-to-Door Interstate
- <>HPHouse-to-Pier
- <>MMMotor-to-Motor
- <>PHPier-to-House
- <>ODTerminal-to-Door
- <>HKHousehold Goods for Intertheater Military Water Transport
- <>BAUnaccompanied Baggage for Domestic Commercial Motor Transport
- <>2ADomestic Container Van Door-to-Door Interstate
- <>OTTerminal-to-Inland
- <>B1Unaccompanied Baggage for Domestic Commercial Air Transport
- <>B4Unaccompanied Baggage for Intratheater Military Water Transport
- <>RDRail-to-Door
- <>DBDoor-to-Barge
- <>HNHousehold Goods for Intertheater Transport Not Otherwise Identified
- <>DRDoor-to-Rail
- <>BDBarge-to-Door
- <>MLRate applies for Mini-Landbridge
- <>H1Household Goods for International Transport Not Otherwise Identified
- <>DMDoor-to-Motor
- <>HAHousehold Goods for Domestic Commercial Motor Transport
- <>BKUnaccompanied Baggage for Intertheater Military Water Transport