821Safety Characteristic/Hazard Code
Code indicating precautionary measures, means of treatment and hazard information and warnings
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 3 / Max 3
- <>ENGEngineering Controls
- <>FASExtinguishing Media: Small Fires
- <>IGZIngestion
- <>RECReactivity Conditions
- <>WARWarning
- <>SUBSubchronic
- <>EP2Exposure Controls or Personal Protection
- <>PM2Preventive Measures
- <>RLIRelease Information
- <>OPHOther Physical Hazards
- <>PRUPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Eye, Skin, Inhalation
- <>EYCEye Contact: Chronic Exposure
- <>LABLabel Text
- <>PREPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Eye Contact
- <>DI2Disposal Considerations
- <>IGAIngestion: Acute Exposure
- <>PPGPersonal Protection: Gloves
- <>PPZPersonal Protection Equipment
- <>SKZSkin
- <>CONConditions to Avoid
- <>ESDStatic Sensitive Material
- <>SPISpecial Information
- <>EXGExposure Guidelines
- <>ENAEnvironmental - Acute Aquatic Effects
- <>SAPSafety Precautions
- <>WDIWaste Disposal Information
- <>DECDecomposition, Decomposition Products
- <>FLPFlammable Properties
- <>PRHPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Eye, Oral, Skin
- <>TS2Trade Secret Exemptions
- <>SCESub-chronic Effects
- <>GCAGeneral Controls
- <>RE2Stability and Reactivity Information
- <>FA2First Aid Measures
- <>SL2Accidental Release Measures
- <>NOTNotification of Chemical Storage Amount, Spill or Release to the Environment
- <>OPROther Precautions
- <>RTKRight to Know Statement of Hazard Code/Information
- <>PROPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Oral
- <>IHAInhalation: Acute Exposure
- <>HZRHazard Rating System
- <>NTZNote to Physician
- <>TOCToxicity of Other Components
- <>MATMaterial to Avoid
- <>CI2Chemical Product and Company Information
- <>PR2Preparation and Revision Information
- <>EO2Emergency Overview
- <>POLHazardous Polymerization
- <>FATEnvironmental Fate (i.e., Oxidized, Photodegraded, etc.)
- <>TERTeratogenicity
- <>PRIPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation
- <>IHZInhalation
- <>SGWSignal Word
- <>EFXEffects of Overexposure
- <>HI2Potential Health Effects
- <>TX2Toxicological Information
- <>ACTAcute Toxicity Data
- <>EXCEcotoxicological Information
- <>FAAExtinguishing Media: All Fires
- <>PRLPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation, Skin
- <>GPIGeneral Safe Handling Procedures or Information
- <>REAReactivity
- <>SNSSensitization
- <>EYZEye
- <>ORCOther Regulatory Controls
- <>TRHTransportation Hazard
- <>VRZVentilation Requirements
- <>EFBEmergency Procedures
- <>SKASkin Contact: Acute Exposure
- <>SYSSystematic Effects
- <>EXLExposure Limits, Occupational Exposure Limits
- <>HHAHealth Hazard Information
- <>PRSPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Skin Contact
- <>HZCHazard Class
- <>DEHHazardous Decomposition Products
- <>PPAPersonal Protection: Additional Equipment
- <>FEZFire and Explosion Data
- <>TOGTarget Organ
- <>EPAEmployee Protection
- <>SKTSkin Contact
- <>MUTMutagenicity
- <>INSInstability
- <>ENOEnvironmental - Oxygen Demand
- <>EXIExposure Information
- <>INCIncompatibility
- <>PRFPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Eye, Inhalation
- <>PPDPersonal Protection: Eye/Face
- <>PRMPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation, Eye, Oral
- <>REPReproduction
- <>NTENote to Physician: Eyes
- <>RG2Regulatory Information
- <>SPLSpill and Leak Information
- <>INXIncompatibility Conditions
- <>SHIShipping Information, Transportation Requirements
- <>IHCInhalation: Chronic Exposure
- <>HH2Hazards Identification
- <>EYFEye Contact
- <>PPBPersonal Protection: Boots
- <>PPRPersonal Protection: Respiratory
- <>IA2Other Information
- <>EFAEmergency and First Aid Procedures
- <>SYPSynergistic Products
- <>HCAHazardous Component or Ingredient
- <>SPFSpecial Fire Fighting Instructions
- <>FAZExtinguishing Media
- <>EYAEye Contact: Acute Exposure
- <>PRGPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Eye, Oral
- <>IGCIngestion: Chronic Exposure
- <>PPEPersonal Protection: Eye
- <>EDDSensitive to Static Charge
- <>ST2Handling and Storage
- <>ENSEnvironmental - Summary
- <>HAIHandling Information
- <>PRZPrimary Route(s) of Entry
- <>CARCarcinogenicity
- <>PRJPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation, Oral
- <>NTRNote to Physician: Respiratory
- <>SBYStability
- <>KY2Key or Legend
- <>DM2Detection Methods
- <>MCEMedical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure
- <>AP2Approvals
- <>PPSPersonal Protection: Skin
- <>SKSSkin Sensitization
- <>FEHFire and Explosion Hazards
- <>EVPEnvironmental Protection
- <>HCPHazardous Product of Combustion
- <>SPPSpecial Precautions
- <>SKCSkin Contact: Chronic Exposure
- <>PRQPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Oral, Skin
- <>GMAGeneral Measures
- <>CTDChronic Toxicity Data
- <>FALExtinguishing Media: Large Fires
- <>PPCPersonal Protection: Clothing
- <>DCLDisclaimer
- <>PPFPersonal Protection: Face
- <>AM2Analytical Methods
- <>CO2Composition or Information on Ingredients
- <>STAStorage Conditions
- <>LKILeak Avoidance, Remediation, or Hazards
- <>PD2Physical and Chemical Properties
- <>PRTPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Eye and Skin Contact
- <>DISDistribution of Chemical in Environment
- <>EN2Ecological Information
- <>SH2Transport Information
- <>PRKPrimary Route(s) of Entry: Inhalation, Oral, Skin
- <>NTSNote to Physician: Skin
- <>IRRIrritancy
- <>FE2Fire Fighting Measures
- <>SPJSpill Information
- <>EIMExplosion Impact Sensitive Material
- <>ENBEnvironmental - Bioconcentration Material
- <>FLCFlammability Conditions