AK1 Functional Group Response Header
To start acknowledgment of a functional group
Element Details
NameFunctional Identifier Code
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>TXText Message (864)
- <>CGAdministrative Message (994)
- <>IMMotor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice (210, 980)
- <>MIMotor Carrier Shipment Status Inquiry (213)
- <>RNRequisition Transaction (511)
- <>UARetail Account Characteristics (885)
- <>PLRailroad Problem Log Inquiry or Advice (452)
- <>MYResponse to a Cartage Work Assignment (225)
- <>SWWarehouse Shipping Advice (945)
- <>DXDirect Exchange Delivery and Return Information (894, 895)
- <>GCDamage Claim Transaction Sets (920, 924, 925, 926)
- <>SGSG Receiving Advice - Grocery (885)
- <>PGInsurance Plan Description (100)
- <>D3Contract Completion Status (567)
- <>MRMultilevel Railcar Load Details (125)
- <>VAVehicle Application Advice (126)
- <>ANReturn Merchandise Authorization and Notification (180)
- <>RURailroad Retirement Activity (429)
- <>DSData Status Tracking (242)
- <>BEBenefit Enrollment and Maintenance (834)
- <>SLStudent Loan Application and Guarantee (135, 139)
- <>TSTransportation Services Tender (602)
- <>TCCourt Submission (176)
- <>FAFunctional Acknowledgment (997)
- <>REWarehouse Stock Receipt Advice (944)
- <>ASTransportation Appointment Schedule Information (163)
- <>RHRailroad Reciprocal Switch File (433)
- <>PJProject Schedule Reporting (806)
- <>SQProduction Sequence (866)
- <>HBEligibility, Coverage or Benefit Information (271)
- <>RXRail Deprescription (432)
- <>UWInsurance Underwriting Requirements Reporting (186)
- <>GEGeneral Request, Response or Confirmation (814)
- <>HRHealth Care Claim Status Request (276)
- <>SAAir Shipment Information (104)
- <>NTNotice of Tax Adjustment or Assessment (149)
- <>CAPurchase Order Change Acknowledgment/Request - Seller Initiated (865)
- <>TNTax Rate Notification (150)
- <>MOMaintenance Service Order (650)
- <>CVCommercial Vehicle Safety and Credentials Information Exchange (285)
- <>MHMotor Carrier Rate Proposal (106)
- <>WBRail Carrier Waybill Interchange (417)
- <>ATAnimal Toxicological Data (249)
- <>ROOcean Booking Information (300, 301,303)
- <>DIDealer Information (128)
- <>MXMaterial Claim (847)
- <>SVStudent Enrollment Verification (190)
- <>UPMotor Carrier Pick-up Manifest (215)
- <>ADIndividual Life, Annuity and Disability Application (267)
- <>GBAverage Agreement Demurrage (423)
- <>GRStatistical Government Information (152)
- <>CFCorporate Financial Adjustment Information (844 and 849)
- <>TITax Information Exchange (826)
- <>NCNonconformance Report (842)
- <>WRShipment Weights (440)
- <>LAFederal Communications Commission (FCC) License Application (195)
- <>TTTesting Results Request and Report (138)
- <>CKManufacturer Coupon Redemption Detail (881)
- <>OWWarehouse Shipping Order (940)
- <>TDTrading Partner Profile (838)
- <>IAAir Freight Details and Invoice (110, 980)
- <>OGOrder Group - Grocery (875, 876)
- <>MEMortgage Origination (198, 200, 201, 261, 262, 263, 833, 872)
- <>RBRailroad Clearance (470)
- <>DDShipment Delivery Discrepancy Information (854)
- <>D4Contract Abstract (561)
- <>AIAutomotive Inspection Detail (928)
- <>RRResponse to Request For Quotation (843)
- <>GTGrant or Assistance Application (194)
- <>TOReal Estate Title Services (197, 199, 265)
- <>WTRail Waybill Request (425)
- <>IJReport of Injury, Illness or Incident (148)
- <>CPElectronic Proposal Information (251, 805)
- <>MNMortgage Note (205)
- <>ARWarehouse Stock Transfer Shipment Advice (943)
- <>RIRouting and Carrier Instruction (853)
- <>PKProject Cost Reporting (839) and Contractor Cost Data Reporting (196)
- <>SPSpecifications/Technical Information (841)
- <>EVRailroad Event Report (451)
- <>HCHealth Care Claim (837)
- <>ABLogistics Service Request (219)
- <>RYRequest for Student Educational Record (Transcript) (146)
- <>HSEligibility, Coverage or Benefit Inquiry (270)
- <>BLMotor Carrier Bill of Lading (211)
- <>SEShipper's Export Declaration (601)
- <>ECEducational Course Inventory (188)
- <>QGProduct Information (878, 879, 888, 889, 893, 896)
- <>NPNotice of Power of Attorney (157)
- <>CECartage Work Assignment (222)
- <>KMCommercial Vehicle Credentials (286)
- <>LBLockbox (823)
- <>IOOcean Shipment Billing Details (310, 312, 980)
- <>MKResponse to a Motor Carrier Rate Proposal (108)
- <>FHMotor Carrier Tariff Information (218)
- <>WAProduct Service Transaction Sets (140, 141, 142, 143)
- <>LRLogistics Reassignment (536)
- <>AWWarehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice (947)
- <>RLRail Industrial Switch List (423)
- <>UCUniform Commercial Code Filing (154)
- <>PNProduct Source Information (244)
- <>SUAccount Assignment/Inquiry and Service/Status (248)
- <>ESNotice of Employment Status (540)
- <>VHVehicle Carrier Rate Update (129)
- <>AGApplication Advice (824)
- <>FGMotor Carrier Loading and Route Guide (217)
- <>IPIntermodal Ramp Activity (622)
- <>RCReceiving Advice/Acceptance Certificate (861)
- <>MTElectronic Form Structure (868)
- <>PAPrice Authorization Acknowledgment/Status (845)
- <>D5Contract Payment Management Report (568)
- <>HIHealth Care Services Review Information (278)
- <>BSShipment and Billing Notice (857)
- <>RSOrder Status Information (869, 870)
- <>AHLogistics Service Response (220)
- <>BCBusiness Credit Report (155)
- <>SJTransportation Automatic Equipment Identification (160)
- <>CJManufacturer Coupon Family Code Structure (877)
- <>PQProperty Damage Report (112)
- <>MDDepartment of Defense Inventory Management (527)
- <>OCCargo Insurance Advice of Shipment (362)
- <>PTProduct Transfer and Resale Report (867)
- <>MAMotor Carrier Summary Freight Bill Manifest (224)
- <>FBFreight Invoice (859)
- <>UIUnderwriting Information Services (255)
- <>PDProduct Activity Data (852)
- <>MQConsolidators Freight Bill and Invoice (223)
- <>VBVehicle Baying Order (127)
- <>RVRailroad Junctions and Interchanges Activity (437)
- <>BFBusiness Entity Filings (105)
- <>SOOcean Shipment Information (304, 306, 309, 311, 317, 319, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 350, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 361)
- <>EIRailroad Equipment Inquiry or Advice (456)
- <>QMTransportation Carrier Shipment Status Message (214)
- <>TPRail Rate Transactions (460, 463, 466, 468, 485, 486, 490, 492, 494)
- <>COCooperative Advertising Agreements (290)
- <>FRFinancial Reporting (821, 827)
- <>IEInsurance Producer Administration (252)
- <>INInvoice Information (810,819)
- <>CTApplication Control Totals (831)
- <>MJSecondary Mortgage Market Loan Delivery (202)
- <>LSAsset Schedule (851)
- <>RMRailroad Station Master File (431)
- <>UBCustomer Call Reporting (886)
- <>POPurchase Order (850)
- <>VIVoter Registration Information (280)
- <>STRailroad Service Commitment Advice (453)
- <>ERRevenue Receipts Statement (170)
- <>AFApplication for Admission to Educational Institutions (189)
- <>SDStudent Loan Pre-Claims and Claims (191)
- <>GPGrocery Products Invoice (880)
- <>CDCredit/Debit Adjustment (812)
- <>CIConsolidated Service Invoice/Statement (811)
- <>NLName and Address Lists (101)
- <>TFElectronic Filing of Tax Return Data (813)
- <>LNProperty and Casualty Loss Notification (272)
- <>FTFile Transfer (996)
- <>ICRail Advance Interchange Consist (418)
- <>PRPurchase Order Acknowledgement (855)
- <>MGMortgage Servicing Transaction Sets (203, 206, 260, 264, 266)
- <>ISEstimated Time of Arrival and Car Scheduling (421)
- <>DFMarket Development Fund Allocation (883)
- <>MWRail Waybill Response (427)
- <>PBRailroad Parameter Trace Registration (455)
- <>VDVehicle Damage (124)
- <>RPCommission Sales Report (818)
- <>AKStudent Educational Record (Transcript) Acknowledgment (131)
- <>SIShipment Information (858)
- <>SNRail Route File Maintenance (475)
- <>VSVehicle Service (121)
- <>OROrganizational Relationships (816)
- <>CNCoupon Notification (887)
- <>TAElectronic Filing of Tax Return Data Acknowledgment (151)
- <>IDInsurance/Annuity Application Status (273)
- <>LILocomotive Information (436)
- <>PUMotor Carrier Shipment Pick-up Notification (216)
- <>FCCourt and Law Enforcement Information (175, 176)
- <>DADebit Authorization (828)
- <>PEPeriodic Compensation (256)
- <>MPMotion Picture Booking Confirmation (159)
- <>EXExcavation Communication (620)
- <>VCVehicle Shipping Order (120)
- <>ALSet Cancellation (998) and Application Acceptance/Rejection Advice (499)
- <>RWRail Revenue Waybill (426)
- <>SSShipping Schedule (862)
- <>AAAccount Analysis (822)
- <>RZResponse to Request for Student Educational Record (Transcript) (147)
- <>SCPrice/Sales Catalog (832)
- <>HPHealth Care Claim Payment/Advice (835)
- <>CCClauses and Provisions (504)
- <>IIRail Freight Details and Invoice Summary (411)
- <>CSCryptographic Service Message (815)
- <>MMMedical Event Reporting (500)
- <>WGVendor Performance Review (501)
- <>LTStudent Loan Transfer and Status Verification (144)
- <>RJRailroad Mark Register Update Activity (434)
- <>PHPricing History (503)
- <>PSPlanning Schedule with Release Capability (830)
- <>MFMarket Development Funds Settlement (884)
- <>WLWell Information (625)
- <>IRRail Carrier Freight Details and Invoice (410, 980)
- <>RAPayment Order/Remittance Advice (820)
- <>MVMaterial Obligation Validation (517)
- <>PCPurchase Order Change Request - Buyer Initiated (860)
- <>VEVessel Content Details (109)
- <>RQRequest for Quotation (840) and Procurement Notices (836)
- <>GLIntermodal Group Loading Plan (715)
- <>SHShip Notice/Manifest (856)
- <>CHCar Handling Information (420)
- <>IBInventory Inquiry/Advice (846)
- <>IGDirect Store Delivery Summary Information (882)
- <>MCRequest for Motor Carrier Rate Proposal (107)
- <>PVPurchase Order Shipment Management Document (250)
- <>WIWage Determination (288)
- <>RDRoyalty Regulatory Report (185)
- <>PFAnnuity Activity (268)
- <>MSMaterial Safety Data Sheet (848)
- <>HNHealth Care Claim Status Notification (277)
- <>AOIncome or Asset Offset (521)
- <>RTReport of Test Results (863)
- <>SMMotor Carrier Load Tender (204)
- <>QOOcean Shipment Status Information (313, 315)
- <>TRTrain Sheet (161)
- <>CMComponent Parts Content (871)
- <>CBUnemployment Insurance Tax Claim or Charge Information (153)
- <>TMMotor Carrier Delivery Trailer Manifest (212)
- <>CRRail Carhire Settlements (414)
- <>PYPayment Cancellation Request (829)
- <>RKStandard Transportation Commodity Code Master (435)
- <>DMShipper's Car Order (422)
- <>UDDeduction Research Report (891)
- <>PIPatient Information (275)
- <>SRRail Carrier Shipment Information (404, 419)
- <>GFResponse to a Load Tender (990)
- <>SBSwitch Rails (424)
- <>EDStudent Educational Record (Transcript) (130)