PEN Pension Information
To specify financial activity for a pension plan
Position | Element | Name | Type | Min/Max | Repeat | |
1 | 640 | Transaction Type Code | Mandatory | ID | 2/2 | 1 |
2 | 782 | Monetary Amount | Rel | Decimal | 1/18 | 1 |
3 | 1224 | Contribution Code | Opt | ID | 2/2 | 1 |
4 | 954 | Percent | Rel | Decimal | 1/10 | 1 |
5 | 1296 | Special Processing Type | Opt | Alphanumeric | 1/6 | 1 |
6 | 127 | Reference Identification | Opt | Alphanumeric | 1/30 | 1 |
7 | 1470 | Number | Opt | Number | 1/9 | 1 |
8 | 1262 | Loan Type Code | Opt | ID | 1/2 | 1 |
9 | 875 | Maintenance Type Code | Opt | ID | 3/3 | 1 |
Element Details
NameTransaction Type Code
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>QECoupon Scan Validate Invoice
- <>N2Notice of Assessment
- <>TXRequest for Testing Service Report
- <>NRMaterial Release Cancellation Advice
- <>CGConsolidated Credit Memo
- <>THReceipt Acknowledgment Advice
- <>NBMaterial Release Inquiry
- <>73Filing Officer Confirmation
- <>WSWaste
- <>IMIncident Notice
- <>ZFReport of Full Work Candidate Detail
- <>XDSpecial Deprescription
- <>15Request with Immediate Response Required (No Follow-up)
- <>CWCash Letter
- <>MIMaterial, Installation, Final Bill
- <>37Design Report
- <>A5Notice of Charge
- <>WCWorkers Compensation Proof of Coverage Notification
- <>LPLoan Repayment
- <>DHDiscretionary Additional Company Contribution
- <>UAAmendment Filing
- <>PLPlan Allocation
- <>U1Contract Abstract
- <>VJCommercial Invoice
- <>AEDue to Reconciliation (Full)
- <>SGSample Goods Invoice
- <>EAExcess Interest Allocation
- <>BNRequisition Referral Order
- <>R5Response to Levy
- <>PGPremium Routing Guide
- <>JMMaintenance and Operations Bill
- <>MRMaterial, Right to Use, Final Bill
- <>07Budget
- <>BUWorkers' Compensation 1st Report of Injury
- <>ANMaterial Obligation Inquiry
- <>RUMedical Services Reservation
- <>DSDisposition
- <>SLSummary Lease Schedule
- <>VQUser Facility Semi-Annual Medical Device Report
- <>TSTransfer Statement
- <>KTTermination for Convenience
- <>OPOpinion
- <>CLCustomer Allocation
- <>KDDefinitization of Order
- <>NIRedistribution Order
- <>25Ocean Import Invoice
- <>78Partial Release of Collateral
- <>IFMaterial, Engineering, Installation, Final Bill
- <>ZMRequest of Assignment or Deletion of Work Candidate to Maintenance Period
- <>MBMaintenance to Business Taxpayer Registration
- <>PWClaim Decision
- <>WHOrder to Withhold
- <>V1Contract Completion Report
- <>FAForfeiture Allocation
- <>6AAccomplishment Based Renewal
- <>RERebill
- <>DCDebit Commission Invoice
- <>LVLevy
- <>FLFinal Notice
- <>ZPRequest for Departure From Specification
- <>ASShipment Advice
- <>RHRequest for Additional Funds
- <>DNDirect Nonqualified Rollover
- <>R8Release of Order to Withhold
- <>SQSchedule Query
- <>W5Weapons Control Report Reconciliation
- <>VLViolation Notice
- <>ACRequisition Cancellation
- <>BHBill and Hold Goods
- <>SAStand-alone Lease Schedule
- <>N4Notice of Adjustment
- <>QCCoupon Clearinghouse Pay Direct Invoice
- <>82Segregation by Purchase Order Number
- <>C1Claim Information
- <>NTDisposal Release Cancellation Advice
- <>CACash
- <>NDMaterial Release Cancellation
- <>28Pre-registration
- <>KISupplemental Agreement
- <>LFLanded Costs
- <>75Full Assignment
- <>S1Special Routing Guide
- <>XBBilateral Spot Rate
- <>13Maintenance Request
- <>A3Administrative Fees
- <>PZPurchase Report
- <>14Maintenance Response
- <>CVCost Voucher
- <>36Damage Notification
- <>A4Amended Return
- <>ZWSort and Segregate Detail
- <>ATAdministrative Action
- <>DIDebit Invoice
- <>PMPremium Payment
- <>SVSupplemental Invoice
- <>EPExpense Payment
- <>UPUnsalable Product Invoice
- <>ADNotice of Availability
- <>BOProcurement Cancellation
- <>SFSingle Family Program
- <>QDProduct Quality Deficiency
- <>85Response - No Action Taken
- <>N3Notice of Warrant
- <>GRGarnishment
- <>CFConsolidated Debit Memo
- <>KNRequest for Price Quote
- <>TIDelinquent Due-in Advice
- <>NCMaterial Release Order Forced Closure
- <>72Termination
- <>ZGReport of Approved Work Candidate
- <>KSAddition to Solicitation Mailing List
- <>TTTesting Service Report
- <>CKClaim Submission
- <>XXFirm Order Confirmation with Facility Information
- <>22Ocean Export Direct Invoice
- <>KCDefinitization of Contract
- <>TDShipment or Movement Deficiency
- <>IAInventory
- <>ZJRequest Work Candidate Planning Services
- <>19Response - Further Updates to Follow
- <>PPPrepaid Invoice
- <>MEMemorandum
- <>FFFull Assignment Filing
- <>WOWork Order
- <>ZZMutually Defined
- <>RBRight to Use
- <>DDInterdistrict (Pre-Kindergarten - Grade 12) Student Record
- <>UMTermination Filing
- <>66Notification to Late Bidders
- <>R2Response to Request for Enrollment Verification
- <>D4Receipt
- <>MUMultifamily Program
- <>BRBusiness Taxpayer Registration
- <>DTDetail
- <>AIAdjusted Invoice
- <>91Secured Party Filing
- <>BBBillback
- <>EMEstimate of Record
- <>I1In-Ad Coupon Notification
- <>88Debtor Filing
- <>QBCoupon Direct Retailer Invoice
- <>83Segregation by Carrier PRO Number
- <>N5Notice of Determination
- <>C0Customs Entry Detail
- <>NUInventory Adjustment
- <>QRProduct Quality Deficiency Response
- <>KHChange Order
- <>NEDisposal Release Order
- <>29Registration
- <>WTWarrant
- <>ZARequest Initiation of Work Candidate
- <>74Amendment
- <>CPCommission Payment
- <>XCAutomatic Concurrence
- <>30Delivery
- <>ZQReport of Authorized Departure From Specification
- <>FMFunding Modification
- <>WDWithdrawal
- <>IZInvestment Fees
- <>UFMaterial, Engineering, Installation, Right to Use, Final Bill
- <>ARSupply Assistance
- <>DODrop Shipment Invoice
- <>SPSupplier Rating
- <>W4Weapons Control Report
- <>VMVoluntary MEDWATCH Report
- <>ABAdvance Shipment and Billing Notice
- <>EFEngineering Installation, Right to Use, Final Bill
- <>GAGovernment Furnished Material Inquiry Advice
- <>BLBlanket Lease Schedule
- <>SESpecial Bilateral
- <>QGQuick Response Routing Guide
- <>NPDisposal Release Denial
- <>CEConsolidated Credit Invoice
- <>KMAdditions to General Provisions
- <>TJDelinquent Due-in Inquiry
- <>71Filing and Search Request
- <>IOInterfund Transfer Out
- <>ZDRequest Assignment of Work Candidate to Planning Maintenance Activity
- <>17Request with Immediate Response to Mailbox
- <>CUCargo Outturn Report
- <>35Short Notice Request
- <>A7Charge Decision
- <>WAWork Assignment
- <>ZTReport of Rejection or Return of Work Candidate
- <>LRLogistics Reassignment
- <>AWMaterial Obligation Reinstatement
- <>UCUniform Commercial Code Filing
- <>68Abstract of Offers
- <>SUSurvey
- <>W1Weapons Data Change
- <>VHPublic Voucher
- <>AGDue to Reconciliation (Partial)
- <>FGFiling
- <>RCRequest for Quote
- <>P1Preliminary
- <>DEAdvance Receipt
- <>67Notification of Protest Receipt
- <>R3Response to Garnishment
- <>PAProgress Payment Invoice
- <>01Location Address Message
- <>BSBill of Sale Schedule
- <>RSResponse - Additional Response(s) Available
- <>DUDuplicate
- <>QHFull Coupon Redemption (No Adjustments)
- <>CJConfirmation
- <>XYFirm Order Confirmation
- <>23Ocean Export Indirect Invoice
- <>KBTermination for Default
- <>NONotice
- <>ZKReport of Work Candidate Planning Services
- <>OFOffer
- <>18Response - No Further Updates to Follow
- <>CZConviction Notice
- <>MDMarket Development Fund
- <>OCOn Approval
- <>PTPlan-to-plan Transfer
- <>MAMailing List
- <>FBFinal Bill
- <>IUMaterial, Installation, Right to Use, Final Bill
- <>RFMaterial, Engineering, Right to Use, Final Bill
- <>UIUniform Commercial Code Filing Inquiry
- <>40Notice of Traumatic Injury
- <>R6Release of Levy
- <>PDProduct Allocation
- <>U9Contract Payment Notice
- <>62Preaward Notification
- <>04Electronic Mail Message
- <>BVWorkers' Compensation Subsequent Report
- <>6RResubmission
- <>AMRequisition Modification
- <>DPDistrict to Postsecondary Student Record
- <>M1Manufacturer Coupon Notification
- <>95Full (Total) Release
- <>VRAnnual Certification of Medical Device Report
- <>BFBest and Final Offer
- <>SOSpot Rate
- <>EIEngineering Installation, Final Bill
- <>TPTrading Partner Information
- <>COCorrected
- <>KGAdministrative Change
- <>NJMaterial Release Confirmation
- <>26Miscellaneous Services Invoice
- <>FRFederal Royalty
- <>IEIndian Royalty
- <>ZNStop Work Order
- <>KLWithdrawal of Offer
- <>TKDue-in Reconciliation Advice
- <>NAMaterial Release Order
- <>ZERequest for Full Work Candidate Detail
- <>LCDue-in Reconciliation Inquiry
- <>70Unsolicited Bid Notice
- <>S4Submission
- <>INInquiry
- <>16Request with Immediate Response Required (Follow-up Required)
- <>CTCost Type Invoice
- <>JUJudgment
- <>34Emergency Request
- <>A6Protest or Response to Charge
- <>FIFirst Cost Invoice
- <>ZURequest Work Candidate Change
- <>AVQuantity Verification Advice
- <>RMReminder to File
- <>DKDuty Drawback
- <>69Bid Rejection Notice
- <>POPlan Takeover
- <>U2Shipment Performance Notice
- <>STState Royalty
- <>EREngineering Right to Use, Final Bill
- <>URUniform Commercial Code Filing Response to Inquiry
- <>AFRequisition Follow-Up
- <>BMRequisition Passing Order
- <>SDSupply Process Deficiency
- <>EBEngineering Final Bill
- <>QFScan Validate Adjustment
- <>87Disability Benefits Proof of Coverage Notification
- <>N1Bilateral
- <>NQDisposal Shipment Confirmation
- <>CDConsolidated Debit Invoice
- <>QKCoupon Redemption Detail
- <>CIConsolidated Invoice
- <>XZFacility Confirmation
- <>NLMaterial Release Advice
- <>20Air Export Waybill and Invoice
- <>ZHRequest Work Candidate Cost/Duration Estimate
- <>LNLoss Notification
- <>FTMaterial Returns
- <>ICInsurance Coverage Notification
- <>CYCitation to Pay or Appear
- <>PRProduct (or Service)
- <>JXJunction Update
- <>39Notice of Occupational Disease
- <>FDConsolidated Invoice, Final Bill
- <>DFDiesel Fuel Bill
- <>UOOriginal Filing
- <>64Small Business Award Notification
- <>PBPartial Bill
- <>02Location Relation Information
- <>BPProcurement Modification
- <>RPReporting
- <>94Partial Release Filing
- <>QLAdjustments to Previous Coupon Redemption
- <>OROrder
- <>CNCredit Invoice
- <>KFIntent to Exercise Option
- <>NKMaterial Release Denial
- <>27Warehouse Services Invoice
- <>FSFinancial Statement Report
- <>IDEmployers Report of Disability
- <>ZOAuthorization to Continue Work
- <>PUNotice of Claim
- <>FCForfeiture Credit
- <>RGRevised Final Bill
- <>DADue-In
- <>6CCompetitive Renewal
- <>41Statement of Financial Affairs
- <>63Postaward Notification
- <>R7Response to Order to Withhold
- <>PEPleading
- <>D1Dividend Payment
- <>JOJoint Facility Miscellaneous Bill or Other
- <>MPMise En Place (In Place)
- <>05Request for Co-op
- <>BWWorkers' Compensation Combined 1st and Subsequent Report
- <>EXExcess Material Notification
- <>6SSupplemental
- <>DQDirect Qualified Rollover
- <>VNMandatory MEDWATCH Report
- <>08Commitment
- <>SSSingle Shipper, Single Consignee
- <>AADue to Analysis
- <>RZRemoved from Solicitation Mailing List
- <>99Loan
- <>BJBankruptcy Petition
- <>SCDeprescription
- <>HPHorsepower Equalization Bill
- <>N6Notice of Settlement
- <>QACoupon Regular Clearinghouse Invoice
- <>80Uniform Commercial Code Filing with Broad Collateral Description
- <>YIFunds Validation Inquiry
- <>C3Consignment
- <>CCCredit Commission Invoice
- <>NFDisposal Release Inquiry
- <>KKProvisioned Item
- <>ZBReport of Work Candidate
- <>LDLoan Distribution
- <>77Full Release of Collateral
- <>S3Supplemental Loan Repayment
- <>IIInterfund Transfer In
- <>11National Property Registry System Real Estate Property Transaction
- <>CSCash Surrender Distribution
- <>PXWage Verification Notice
- <>JRRental Bill
- <>MMMultiple Shippers, Multiple Consignees
- <>33Normal
- <>A1Storage Item Data Change
- <>FNFirst Notice of Loss
- <>ZRRequest Work Progress Status
- <>6NNon-competitive Renewal
- <>AQQuantity Verification Inquiry
- <>DLDeposit List
- <>U5Update
- <>CXCheck List
- <>PSPostsecondary Student Academic Record
- <>MFMaterial, Engineering, Final Bill
- <>38Test
- <>FEMemorandum, Final Bill
- <>IRInstallation, Right to Use, Final Bill
- <>AZDisposal Shipment Advice
- <>RARequest for Credit
- <>DGResponse
- <>65Award Notification
- <>R1Request for Enrollment Verification
- <>PCInvention Report
- <>03Report Message
- <>RQRequest
- <>YRFunds Validation Response
- <>BABackbill Invoice
- <>SHShipment Status Notification
- <>QJAdjusted Coupon Redemption
- <>CHChargeable
- <>TGReceipt Acknowledgment Inquiry
- <>NMDisposal Release Confirmation
- <>21Air Import Invoice
- <>IBInstallation Final Bill
- <>ZIReport of Work Candidate Cost/Duration Estimate
- <>LOLoan Repayment to Principal Only
- <>KEExercise of Option
- <>NHDisposal Shipment Confirmation Inquiry
- <>24Ocean Export Brokerage Invoice
- <>79Continuation
- <>FPFlat Rate Per Unit Bill
- <>ZLReport of Assignment or Deletion of Work Candidate to Planning/Maintenance Activity
- <>MCMaterial Credit Invoice
- <>PVProtest or Response to Claim
- <>IWWorkers Compensation Report of Injury or Illness
- <>RDReturns Detail
- <>DBDetour Billing
- <>60Material In Transit
- <>R4Release of Garnishment
- <>PFPartial Assignment Filing
- <>MSMaterial Final Bill
- <>06Guidelines
- <>BTBalance and Transaction Report
- <>3MSupporting Information
- <>RTSpend Down
- <>DRDebit Memo
- <>GIGovernment Furnished Material Inquiry
- <>97Multiple Listing
- <>SMSingle Shipper, Multiple Consignees
- <>VPMedical Device Annual Baseline Report
- <>BDStatement of Balance Due
- <>N8Notice of Deficiency
- <>TRShipment or Movement Deficiency Response
- <>CMCall Detail Memo
- <>QPCoupon Quick Pay Invoice
- <>CBContribution
- <>NGDisposal Release Cancellation
- <>KJAmended Shipping Instructions
- <>ZCReport of Assignment or Deletion of Work Candidate to Maintenance Period
- <>LELoan Repayment Expense
- <>76Partial Assignment
- <>S2Standard Routing Guide
- <>XACancel Pending New Offer
- <>10Distribution
- <>CRCredit Memo
- <>A0Requisition
- <>JSJunction Settlement Update
- <>MLMembership List
- <>IXInterchange Update
- <>ZSReport of Work Progress Status
- <>APMaterial Obligation Advice
- <>RKRegistration
- <>UDUnsalable Detail
- <>U4Acceptance Alert
- <>PIPersonal Injury Bill
- <>SRSupply Process Deficiency Response
- <>VOMedical Device New Baseline Report
- <>09Co-op Actual
- <>UTContinuation Filing
- <>98Sale
- <>X1Consolidator's Invoice
- <>BKBankruptcy Schedules
- <>SBSecond Notice of Balance Due
- <>N7Notice of Recorded Lien
- <>81Uniform Commercial Code Filing with Specific Collateral Description
- <>C2Case Opening