SST Student Academic Status
To provide information concerning the student's eligibility to return to the reporting institution, enrollment status, residency for fee purposes, and date and type or status of high school graduation
Position | Element | Name | Type | Min/Max | Repeat | |
1 | 641 | Status Reason Code | Opt | ID | 3/3 | 1 |
2 | 1250 | Date Time Period Format Qualifier | Rel | ID | 2/3 | 1 |
3 | 1251 | Date Time Period | Rel | Alphanumeric | 1/35 | 1 |
4 | 641 | Status Reason Code | Opt | ID | 3/3 | 1 |
5 | 1250 | Date Time Period Format Qualifier | Rel | ID | 2/3 | 1 |
6 | 1251 | Date Time Period | Rel | Alphanumeric | 1/35 | 1 |
7 | 641 | Status Reason Code | Opt | ID | 3/3 | 1 |
8 | 1131 | Level of Individual, Test, or Course Code | Opt | ID | 2/2 | 1 |
9 | 1073 | Yes/No Condition or Response Code | Opt | ID | 1/1 | 1 |
Element Details
NameStatus Reason Code
LengthMin 3 / Max 3
- <>A50Improper International Paperwork
- <>048Location Changed
- <>D08Student unexpectedly reentered the same school after withdrawing or being discharged
- <>A14Returned to Shipper
- <>A36Holding In Overgoods
- <>051Vendor-Supplied Carrier Delay
- <>B17Did not complete secondary school
- <>W12Inbound Carrier Failure
- <>JVPJuvenile Policy
- <>A49ODA/Cartage Agent
- <>LIQLiquidated
- <>WLWWeight Limit of Well Exceeded
- <>A85Customer-requested Early Delivery
- <>B53Student Qualifies for Special Services
- <>C16Loan Refinanced, No Insurance Required
- <>B35Highest Honors
- <>D11Student was promoted, retained, or transferred to another school in the same district
- <>015Default Detail
- <>D33Promotion Status not Applicable
- <>037Lender Approval Required
- <>D55Graduate from a University Program
- <>MASMultiple Assignments
- <>P07Producer Vacation
- <>COSCosmetic
- <>INPIncomplete - In Progress
- <>B41Requested record will not be sent; Cannot identify student
- <>043Transfer Without Written Notice
- <>A06Address Corrected - Delivery Attempt
- <>A79Item or Service Not Established, Cannot Modify
- <>061Consolidation, Extension, Modification (CEM)
- <>D03Student has attended a nonpublic school or home education program in- or out-of-state this year, but is entering a public school in this state for the first time this school year
- <>SFRSurrender Form Required
- <>A24Accident
- <>007Excessive Obligations - Same Income, Including Habitual Nonpayment of Debts
- <>D21Student withdrew from school due to hardship
- <>025Extended Reasons
- <>T03Trailer Not Available
- <>A42Holiday - Closed
- <>B27Student is eligible to continue or return or both
- <>CIEConflict of Interest Exists
- <>C04Customer Vacation
- <>B05Held for Consignee
- <>STMStorm
- <>C09Cash Not Available from Consignee
- <>A83Unauthorized or Invalid Action
- <>B08Improper Unloading Facility or Equipment
- <>JOWJoint Ownership
- <>B55Passed Screening
- <>C10Customs (Import/Export)
- <>MPWMiddle Position Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Width
- <>B33Unreported - Information is not available in record
- <>UCDUnknown Cause of Delay
- <>D17Student Left School with a Certificate of Completion
- <>BWWBottom Well Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Width
- <>F73Non-express Clearance Delay
- <>CHAChanged Agent
- <>013Inability to Rent Property
- <>031Unable to Contact Borrower
- <>D53Graduate from a College
- <>AGDAnticipated Government-Caused Delay
- <>A29Hold Changed To Delivery Package
- <>A74Package Delivered After Commitment
- <>A12Package Sorted To Wrong Route
- <>ZZZMutually Defined
- <>057Foreclosure Completed
- <>WADWaiting Application Delivery
- <>A30Mechanical Breakdown
- <>028Due on Transfer
- <>B11Held for Protective Service
- <>MTCMultiple Conditions
- <>W14Improperly Sized Order
- <>A84Civil Event Related Delay
- <>B52According to established regulations or statutes, the student is considered to be a "dropout"
- <>NNMNo New Money (IRA > 70 1/2)
- <>C17Coverage No Longer Required
- <>B34Currently enrolled and courses in progress are included
- <>D10Student was promoted, retained, or transferred to another attendance-reporting unit in the same school
- <>014Military Service
- <>D32Academically Placed in a Higher Grade
- <>F74International Non-carrier Delay
- <>036Automatic Conversion
- <>D54Transfer from a University Program
- <>IV2Material Shipped Between Intermediate Points
- <>ABNAbnormal
- <>AGCActual Government-Caused Delay
- <>IBFIrrevocable Beneficiary
- <>A51Carrier Keying Error
- <>049Merchandise Damaged or Destroyed
- <>IOCInvestment Objectives Changed
- <>A73Package Delivered Before Commitment
- <>D09Student was expected to attend a school but did not enter as expected for unknown reasons
- <>A15Business On Strike
- <>CLRClear - No motor vehicle violations
- <>HITHit - At Least One Motor Vehicle Violation
- <>A37Damaged Rewrapped In Hub
- <>050Internal Systems Problems
- <>B16Road Conditions
- <>W13Product Allocation Exceeded
- <>A23Customer Dropped Off Package After Aircraft Depart
- <>D04Student was received from another attendance reporting unit in the same school
- <>A18Missort
- <>D26Retained in Current Grade
- <>022Energy-Environment Cost
- <>T04Trailer Not Usable Due to Prior Product
- <>A45Delivery Not Completed
- <>SCHSurrender Charges
- <>B20Vocational diploma
- <>C03Suspended at Customer Request
- <>EB7Half-Time Enrollment
- <>B02Appointment or Pre-Arranged Delivery Date
- <>W07Inventory Discrepancy
- <>B39Academic Probation
- <>D62Graduate from a Technical Institute
- <>TPTTop Position Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Type
- <>BPRBetter Performance
- <>019Casualty Loss
- <>D59Returning or Continuing Student Changing to Unclassified or General or Unspecified Studies
- <>B46Requested record will not be sent; Degree or Diploma not yet awarded
- <>044Triggered by Payment Increase
- <>A01Missed Delivery
- <>A28Package Missorted During Aircraft Unload
- <>A75Invalid Account Format
- <>NORNormal
- <>A13Other
- <>029Transfer of Ownership Pending
- <>056Removed to Federal Court
- <>A31Arrived In Station After Courier Dispatch
- <>B10Order Notify
- <>W15Wrong Equipment
- <>C08Collect on Delivery Required
- <>A82Address Specified Does Not Match Account
- <>B09Receiving Time Restricted
- <>B54Passed Proficiency Test
- <>C11No Requested Arrival Date Provided To Carrier By Shipper
- <>B32Previous enrollment. Used for entry or exit or both at school other than the sending school
- <>D16Student Graduated from School with a Special Diploma
- <>012Inability to Sell Property
- <>D34Promoted
- <>030Fraud
- <>D52Previously Applied
- <>017Business Failure
- <>D31Administratively Placed in a Higher Grade
- <>ACDAnticipated Contractor-Caused Delay
- <>035Borrower Action
- <>D57Returning Student Admitted to a New Program
- <>IV1Failed Material Returned for Repair
- <>B48Record being sent at request of student
- <>CLACollateral Assignment
- <>A52No Requested Arrival Date
- <>ANAAgent Not Appointed
- <>A16Payment Received
- <>D28Placed in Transitional Program (K-1)
- <>A34Package Shipped From Overgoods
- <>053Notice of Term Enrollment
- <>B15Border Clearance
- <>W10Diverted Item
- <>SGRSignature Required
- <>EB9Approved Leave of Absence
- <>FCSFlatcar Shortage
- <>B51Student on Suspension or Dismissal; Eligible to Apply for Re-entry
- <>C14Loan Refinanced, Insured by Insurer Receiving Report
- <>W09Substitution
- <>B37Third Highest Honors
- <>D13Student withdrew to attend another public school in- or out-of-state
- <>B21Special education diploma
- <>C02Credit Hold
- <>EB6Full-Time Enrollment
- <>B03Trap for Customer
- <>W06Receiving Location Request
- <>B38Dropped
- <>D63Transfer from a College
- <>P01Processing Delay
- <>018Bankruptcy
- <>NGPNew Generation Product
- <>A91Exceeds Service Limitations
- <>D58Returning Student Admitted to the Same Program
- <>B47Requested record will not be sent; Institutional policy requires student release. Have student contact us
- <>C20Complete
- <>RUNReason Unknown
- <>BWLBottom Well Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Length
- <>045Facility Added
- <>A22Package Missed Inbound Plane At Origin Station
- <>D05Student was received from a school in the same district
- <>INFIncomplete - Final
- <>A19Restricted Articles Incompatible
- <>001Death of Principal Mortgagor
- <>D27Placed in Next Grade After Expected Grade
- <>023Servicing Problems
- <>T05Trailer Class Not Available
- <>MPLMiddle Position Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Length
- <>VANVandalism
- <>A41Standard Air Package
- <>A63Puerto Rican Tax Authorities Holding Package
- <>C07Waiting for Customer Specified Carrier
- <>EB3Withdrawn
- <>B24General Education Development Diploma (GED)
- <>B06Consignee Closed (Inventory, Vacation, Etc.)
- <>W03Booking Location Request
- <>D19Student Left School with a State General Education Development (GED) High School Diploma
- <>P04Held for Full Carrier Load
- <>B42Requested record will not be sent electronically; Paper copy will be sent
- <>INSInvestment Selections
- <>A05Unable To Locate
- <>A58Unable to Contact Recipient For Broker Information
- <>040Loan Reached Maturity
- <>062Renewal and Extension
- <>A27Driver Related
- <>004Death of Mortgagor's Family Member
- <>D22Student has not entered any school in this or any other state this school year
- <>INCIncarceration
- <>026Payment Adjustment
- <>059Investor is Pulling Servicing as a Result of Default
- <>DEFDeferred Maintenance
- <>B14Missing Documents
- <>W11Loading Error
- <>WLTWeight Limit of Truck Exceeded
- <>CIMCheck in Mail
- <>EB8Less Than Half-Time Enrollment
- <>C15Loan Refinanced, Insured by Other Insurance Carrier
- <>B50Requested record being sent
- <>UNDUndetermined
- <>W08Material Shortage
- <>B36Second Highest Honors
- <>MP2Middle Position Cannot Handle Two or More Units
- <>D12Student withdrew to attend another public school in the same district
- <>LSHLoad Shifted
- <>016Unemployment
- <>D30Declined Services
- <>D56Exchange Student
- <>B49Record being sent to replace one previously sent
- <>A53Shipper Changed Scheduled Shipment Date
- <>A17Customer Requested Future Delivery
- <>CLPContract or Lost Policy Statement Required
- <>D29Status Pending Completion of Summer School (K-12)
- <>BW2Bottom Well Cannot Handle Two or More Units
- <>HZMHazardous Material Placement
- <>052Import Container Delay
- <>B44Part of requested record being sent; Remainder to be sent by hard copy
- <>A03Incorrect Address
- <>CDEClearance to Destination Exceeded
- <>046Facility Changed
- <>A21Bulk Plane
- <>064Member Resignation or Expulsion
- <>D06Student was received from another public school outside the district either in- or out-of-state
- <>002Illness of Principal Mortgagor
- <>D24Returned to Regular Education Program
- <>MINMental Incompetency
- <>S01Delivery Shortage
- <>A38Detached Airbill
- <>020Moved - Vacated
- <>T06Trailer Volume Not Available
- <>B19Advanced or honors diploma
- <>A65Customs Release
- <>TDRTrain Derailment
- <>B22Certificate of completion or attendance
- <>C01Waiting for Customer Pick-up
- <>EB5Never Attended
- <>C18No Outstanding Commitments
- <>W05Order Discrepancy
- <>D60Continuing Student Changing to a New Program
- <>P02Waiting Inspection
- <>039Owner-occupied Loan Outstanding
- <>A95Past Cutoff Time
- <>B43Requested record will not be sent; Have student contact us
- <>041Triggered by Interest Increase
- <>A04Indirect Delivery
- <>A59Hold At Location
- <>063Reinstatement - Loan Not Reassigned to Mortgage Electronic Registration System (MERS)
- <>D01Carrier Dispatch Error
- <>A26Consignee Related
- <>005Marital Difficulties
- <>D23Previously attended out-of-state public school but is entering a public school in this state for the first time this school year
- <>027Payment Dispute
- <>058Servicing Rights Transferred to Non-member
- <>T01Tractor With Sleeper Car Not Available
- <>REJRejected - Insufficient or Incorrect Information
- <>ERRExport Release Required
- <>PALPending Agent License
- <>NWDNo Withdrawals
- <>A40Shipper Related
- <>CBDChanged Broker Dealer
- <>B25Other high school equivalency diploma
- <>C06Waiting Shipping Instructions
- <>EB2Did not Attend this Semester
- <>B07Dock Pick-Up
- <>W02Equipment Cut
- <>D18Student Left School with a Special Certificate of Completion
- <>P05Waiting Test Results
- <>AFRAssignment Form Required
- <>B31Not currently enrolled
- <>D15Student Graduated from School with a Standard Diploma
- <>THTTheft
- <>011Property Problem
- <>APIApplication Incomplete
- <>A98Missed Pickup
- <>D51Currently Applying
- <>A09Damaged - Delivery Completed
- <>A76Account Not Found
- <>FZDFreeze Damage
- <>A10Damaged - Delivery Not Completed
- <>008Abandonment of Property
- <>055Change of Venue Granted
- <>A32Aircraft Arrived Late In Hub
- <>B13Held per Shipper
- <>PAAPending Agent Appointment
- <>W16Insufficient Equipment Space
- <>IRSInternal Revenue Service Lien
- <>B28Student is on suspension or dismissal
- <>TPLTop Position Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Length
- <>A81Item or Service Not Available on Requested Date
- <>C12No Requested Arrival Time Provided To Carrier By Shipper
- <>WLCWeight Limit of Car Exceeded
- <>B57Rating Changed
- <>A46Recipient Unavailable -- Delivery Delayed
- <>A64Non-FEC Broker Advised
- <>EB4Graduated
- <>B23Special certificate of completion
- <>B01Reconsigned
- <>C19Court Probation
- <>SOWShipment Overweight
- <>W04On Hold
- <>TPWTop Position Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Width
- <>D61Special Permission
- <>P03Production Falldown
- <>WTPWaiting for Proof
- <>038Lender Approval Not Required
- <>B45Requested record will not be sent; No record of student
- <>A02Release Signature or Release Number
- <>ANLAgent Not Licensed
- <>047Location Added
- <>A20Restricted Articles Unacceptable
- <>D07Student was received from a nonpublic school either in or out of the district or has returned after having been enrolled in a home education program; The student must have been enrolled previously in a public school this year
- <>003Illness of Mortgagor's Family Member
- <>D25Reclassified Fully English Proficient
- <>A39Previous Stop
- <>021Dissatisfied with Property
- <>T07Insufficient Delivery Time
- <>B18Standard high school diploma
- <>RFRReplacement Form Required
- <>T02Tractor, Conventional, Not Available
- <>FRBFailed to Release Billing
- <>A43Weather or Natural Disaster Related
- <>A61International Manifest
- <>B26International diploma or certificate (such as International Baccalaureate)
- <>C05Customer Strike
- <>EB1Deceased
- <>B04Held for Payment
- <>TP2Top Position Cannot Handle Two or More Units
- <>EBANo Record Found
- <>W01Out of Stock
- <>P06Producer Strike
- <>A96Insufficient Pickup Time
- <>POAPower of Attorney
- <>B40Suspended
- <>042Specified Time Period Completed
- <>A07Refused by Consignee
- <>A78Item or Service Already Established, Cannot Add
- <>060Servicer Pulling Servicing from Sub-Servicer as a Result of Default
- <>D02Driver Not Available
- <>A25Package Received At Destination Station Without Airbill
- <>006Curtailment of Income
- <>D20Student Withdrew to Attend a Non-Public School or Home Education Program In- or Out-of-State.
- <>024Auto Repairs
- <>TILTemporary Income Loss
- <>A11Business Closed
- <>009Distant Employment Transfer
- <>054Term Grade Report
- <>A33Other Carrier-Related
- <>B12Connecting Line or Cartage Pick-Up
- <>B29Student is expelled (from PreK - grade 12)
- <>A80Item or Service Not Available
- <>B56Better Features
- <>C13Loan Paid in Full
- <>MPTMiddle Position Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Type
- <>B30Currently enrolled but courses in progress not included
- <>D14Student Over Compulsory Attendance Age Left School Voluntarily with No Intention of Returning
- <>BWTBottom Well Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Type
- <>ACCActual Contractor-Caused Delay
- <>ENRExport Release Not Required
- <>010Neighborhood Problem
- <>A99Alternate Carrier Delivered
- <>D50Delayed
- <>A08Not In On Delivery Completed
- <>A55Hold Due to Customs/Documentation
- <>EXDExcessive Dimension Cannot be Accepted
- <>RFMRailroad Failed to Meet Schedule
- <>A77Name Specified Does Not Match Account