1307 Loan Status Code
Code indicating the loan status
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 1 / Max 2
- <>84Hearing Scheduled
- <>2NDeed in Lieu Documents Sent to Borrower
- <>1UBankruptcy Discharge Entered
- <>51Claim - Closed School
- <>73Property Redeemed
- <>15Preforeclosure Acceptance Plan Available
- <>37Preclaim - Past Due Repayment
- <>AUTerminated
- <>48Claims without Conveyance of Title
- <>3GLoan Closing
- <>AEProcessing for Submission to Guarantor
- <>1EEviction Started
- <>61Second Lien Considerations
- <>ANReduced Disbursement Amount
- <>96Foreclosure Publication Commenced
- <>1NPetition Sent
- <>2EBankruptcy Confirmation Hearing
- <>7Grace
- <>2UVeterans Affairs Notice of Default Sent (VA 6850)
- <>25Cancel
- <>78State Housing Assistance Program
- <>43Foreclosure Started
- <>ASHolding While Resolving Outstanding Problems
- <>ACReceived Application and Promissory Note
- <>3AReinstated or Modified - Not Reassigned to Mortgage Registrar
- <>1CCertificate of Title Issued
- <>2HPlan and Disclosure Statement Filed
- <>82Service By Publication
- <>1SFinal Hearing for Motion to Lift Bankruptcy Stay
- <>2XSale of Converted Adjustable Rate Mortgage
- <>28Modification
- <>57Foreclosure Pending - Assigned to Servicer
- <>75No Delinquencies to Report
- <>13Paid in Full
- <>31Probate
- <>14Current
- <>36Preclaim - Skip
- <>ATReprocessing
- <>49Assignment Completed
- <>3FDocument Preparation
- <>ADReceived Application, Awaiting Promissory Note
- <>1DEviction Referral Received
- <>85Department of Housing and Urban Development Occupancy Letter Sent
- <>1TBankruptcy Discharge Hearing
- <>50Claim Paid
- <>72Redemption or Confirmation Post Sale Ended
- <>2RDeed in Lieu Documents Sent for Recording
- <>22Servicing Transferred or Sold to Another Mortgagee
- <>19Partial Reinstatement
- <>ZZMutually Defined
- <>AYProperty Securing the Loan is Listed For Sale
- <>44Deed-in-Lieu Started
- <>66Chapter 11 Bankruptcy
- <>3KInsuring
- <>AIApproved by Guarantor
- <>91Default Entered
- <>2BReaffirmation Agreement Approved
- <>88Appraisal Ordered
- <>1YCourt File Closed
- <>83Service Completed
- <>2IHearing on Disclosure Statement
- <>1RPreliminary Hearing for Motion to Lift Bankruptcy Stay
- <>2YResale of Converted Adjustable Rate Mortgage
- <>29Charge-off
- <>56Claim - Disability
- <>ZATitle Search Received
- <>74Broker's Price Opinion or Appraisal Obtained
- <>12Repayment
- <>30Third Party Sale
- <>ARCompleting Telephone Follow-up to Resolve Problems
- <>ABReceived Transmission From School
- <>1BForeclosure Sale Confirmed
- <>1GEviction Completed
- <>2LContested Bankruptcy
- <>86Title Search Ordered
- <>1WTrustee's No Asset Report Filed
- <>53Claim - Non-payment
- <>71Foreclosure Sale Scheduled
- <>17Preforeclosure Sale Closing Plan Accepted
- <>35Expiration of Redemption
- <>AWFirst Right Party Contact with Delinquent Borrower Completed
- <>68First Legal Action to Commence Foreclosure
- <>3EUnderwriting
- <>AGAwaiting Credit Approval
- <>AXLast Right Party Contact with Delinquent Borrower Completed
- <>45Foreclosure Completed
- <>67Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
- <>3JLoan Delivery
- <>AHCredit Approved
- <>90Notice of Election and Demand Recorded
- <>1HTitle Package Submitted
- <>2CBankruptcy Schedules Reviewed
- <>89Veterans Affairs Holder's Statement of Account Sent (VA 567)
- <>1XTrustee's Abandonment Requested
- <>1Guaranteed
- <>2SDeed in Lieu Title Package Sent
- <>23Sold
- <>18Preforeclosure Sale Closing Plan Rejected
- <>40Preclaim - Ineligible Borrower
- <>62Veterans Affairs -- No Bid
- <>AMServicing
- <>1MProof of Claim Filed
- <>95Foreclosure Sale Continued
- <>2FBankruptcy Objection Filed
- <>2VVeterans Affairs Intention to Foreclose Sent (VA 6851)
- <>4Rejected
- <>26Refinance
- <>59Chapter 12 Bankruptcy
- <>52Claim - False Certification
- <>70Order Lifting Bankruptcy Stay Entered
- <>16Preforeclosure Acceptance Plan Not Available
- <>34Natural Disaster
- <>AVPerforming Exception Processing
- <>69Bankruptcy Plan Confirmed
- <>3DProcessing
- <>AFSubmitted to Guarantor
- <>1FEviction Scheduled
- <>2MDeed in Lieu Referral Received
- <>87Power of Attorney or Substitute of Trustee Recorded
- <>1VAdequate Protection Granted
- <>2Guaranteed with Changes
- <>2PDeed in Lieu Documents Executed by Borrower
- <>20Reinstated by Mortgagor Who Retains Ownership
- <>39Preclaim - Enrolled
- <>46Property Conveyed to Insurer
- <>64Veterans Affairs -- Buydown
- <>3IQuality Control
- <>AKApplication and Promissory Note have been Printed and Mailed
- <>93Writ of Seizure Issued
- <>1KBankruptcy Referral Received
- <>1LProof Claim Filing Expires
- <>94Judgment or Decree Entered
- <>2GHearing on Bankruptcy Objection to Confirmation
- <>2WVeterans Affairs Notice of Election to Convey Sent
- <>5Pending
- <>58Foreclosure Pending - Retained by Mortgage Registrar
- <>27Assumption
- <>41Supplemental Preclaim
- <>63Veterans Affairs -- Refund
- <>ALReprint Request has been Denied
- <>AAConversion
- <>3CApplication
- <>99Payoff Funds Received by Attorney
- <>1AForeclosure Sale Held
- <>2JBallot Expires
- <>80Breach Letter Sent
- <>1QMotion to Lift Bankruptcy Stay Filed
- <>8Deferred
- <>2ZForeclosure Status Reset
- <>55Claim - Death
- <>77Deed Recorded
- <>11Claim
- <>33Contested Foreclosure
- <>AQRejected Due to Processing Problems
- <>38Preclaim - Failure to Pay Interest
- <>47Deed-in-Lieu Completed
- <>65Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
- <>AJAwaiting First Disbursement
- <>3HFunding
- <>1JAttorney File Closed
- <>92Hearing Held
- <>2AReaffirmation Hearing
- <>1ZCase Dismissed
- <>3Denied
- <>2QDeed in Lieu Documents Received from Borrower
- <>21Reinstated by Assumptor
- <>24Government Seizure
- <>79Foreclosure File Received by Attorney
- <>42Delinquent
- <>60Reinstated or Modified - Reassigned to Mortgage Registrar
- <>AORejected by Lender
- <>97Redemption Pre-sale Expired
- <>2DBankruptcy Schedules Sent
- <>6Disbursed
- <>9Forbearance
- <>54Claim - Ineligible Borrower
- <>76Bankruptcy Court Clearance Obtained
- <>10Preclaim
- <>32Military Indulgence
- <>APRejected by Guarantor
- <>3BPre-qualification
- <>98Reinstatement Funds Received
- <>2KMotion to Dismiss Bankruptcy Filed
- <>81Breach Letter Expired
- <>1PCreditors Meeting