FC Financial Contribution
AtMax 2
To specify the financial contribution information
Element Details
NameContribution Code
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>QEQualified Voluntary Employee Contribution
- <>EAEmployer Contribution Amount
- <>MBEmployer Pretax Match Basic
- <>ACAll Categories of Contribution
- <>QCEmployer Qualified Nonelective Contribution
- <>RORollover
- <>EPEmployee Pretax
- <>NCNonqualified Matching Contribution
- <>ZZMutually Defined
- <>MUEmployer Post-Tax Match Supplemental
- <>EMEmployer Discretionary
- <>SPSpousal Individual Retirement Account
- <>ECEmployee Post-Tax Basic
- <>ESEmployee Pretax Supplemental
- <>MTEmployer Post-Tax Match Basic
- <>RSPrior Plan Employee Pretax Supplemental
- <>PTPrior Plan Employee Post-Tax Basic
- <>EIEmployee Pretax Individual Retirement Account
- <>QMQualified Matching Contribution
- <>EREmployee Post-Tax Individual Retirement Account
- <>SDSalary Deferral
- <>EBEmployee Pretax Basic
- <>NQNon-Qualified Voluntary Employee Contribution
- <>ICClaimant Contribution Amount
- <>PBPrior Plan Employee Pretax Basic
- <>RPEmployer Pretax
- <>EUEmployee Post-Tax Supplemental
- <>PSPrior Plan Employee Post-Tax Supplemental
- <>RARollover 401(A)
- <>MSEmployer Pretax Match Supplemental
- <>RTEmployer Post-Tax
- <>QPQualified Employee Stock Option Plan
- <>RKRollover 401(K)
- <>ETEmployee Post-Tax
- <>EDEmployer Discretionary (Profit Sharing)