H6 Special Services
AtMax 6
To identify forms of unitization, liability issues, and special services
Position | Element | Name | Type | Min/Max | Repeat | |
1 | 560 | Special Services Code | Rel | ID | 2/10 | AtMax 1 |
2 | 560 | Special Services Code | Opt | ID | 2/10 | AtMax 1 |
3 | 406 | Quantity of Pallets Shipped | Opt | Number | 1/3 | AtMax 1 |
4 | 399 | Pallet Exchange Code | Opt | ID | 1/1 | AtMax 1 |
5 | 81 | Weight | Opt | Decimal | 1/10 | AtMax 1 |
6 | 188 | Weight Unit Code | Opt | ID | 1/1 | AtMax 1 |
7 | 108 | Pick-up or Delivery Code | Rel | ID | 1/2 | AtMax 1 |
Element Details
NameSpecial Services Code
LengthMin 2 / Max 10
- <>N0020Non-returnable Containers
- <>S0052Stamping
- <>KOKoshering
- <>THTechnology Exchange
- <>IMInspect at Destination
- <>MIMail Invoice
- <>WCWill Call
- <>MNTMNMonthly Maintenance
- <>DHDrop and Hook Receiving
- <>PLPalletizing
- <>SWSwell
- <>S0016Shotblasting
- <>SGSame - Day Service
- <>F1Full Service
- <>DSDesignated Supplier Inspection
- <>OPOversized Package
- <>TCTicketing Service
- <>N0032Notarized Affidavit
- <>WHWarehousing
- <>V1Drop Yard
- <>RERecall Service
- <>A0030Art Work
- <>ACAcid (Battery)
- <>I0021Inspection
- <>SPISpecification Review
- <>BHBuyer Hand Carry
- <>EGEngraving
- <>C0032Coating (Dip, Rustproof, EDP)
- <>C1Shipper Load and Count
- <>GUGuaranteed Inspection Technical Service
- <>S0054Source Inspection
- <>CACataloging Services
- <>R0077Returnable
- <>IKInsurance Provided by Lessee
- <>R0110Rework
- <>S1Shipper Load, Consignee Unload
- <>P0014Phosphatizing (Steel Treatment)
- <>PSFPickup Service Furnished
- <>DIDie Service Charge
- <>PMPerpetual Movement
- <>SVService Center
- <>ADAccept at Destination
- <>D0032Driver Assisted Loading
- <>L1Shipper Load, Carrier Count
- <>N0021Non-Returnable
- <>NCNotify Consignee Before Delivery
- <>ILInsurance Provided by Lessor
- <>LALabeling
- <>XXThird Party Pallets
- <>LLLoading Service
- <>P0022Preparation
- <>MNTANAnnual Maintenance
- <>PPProgress Payment Requirement
- <>IQInterim Use Permitted at Special Rate
- <>ZZMutually Defined
- <>HHHointins and Hauling
- <>EMEmergency Service
- <>B0020Black Lung Tax
- <>C0038Certificate of Origin
- <>T0070Tools for Printing
- <>R0076Returnable Container
- <>TOTooling
- <>M0042Mounting
- <>P0012Painting (Primer or Finish)
- <>S0080Supplemental Items
- <>HCHandling Service
- <>HSHauling and Hoisting
- <>BIBill and Hold
- <>D0031Driver Assisted Unloading
- <>C0036Certificate of Conformance
- <>G0010Grinding
- <>E0030Exclusive use
- <>S0050Special Packaging
- <>W0010Warranties
- <>IOInspect at Origin
- <>CUConsignee Unload
- <>MNTONOne-Time Maintenance
- <>SUSet-up
- <>USUSDA Inspected, Stamping Certification
- <>S0014Shearing
- <>AGAircraft On Ground (AOG)
- <>FGFree Goods
- <>IPIn-stock Merchandise
- <>DEDe-Installation
- <>X0010Combine All Same Day Shipment
- <>PAPack Invoice with Shipment
- <>SJSubject To Tax On Resale
- <>TETendered as Truckload
- <>CZCable Pressurization
- <>P0018Plating
- <>V2Drop Dock
- <>M0010Memo Returnable Container
- <>AMAdministration
- <>COCooperative Unloading
- <>R0072Repair
- <>INInsurance
- <>CTCount and Recount
- <>P0016Pickle and Oil
- <>LSLease Shortfall Consideration
- <>RMRoundtrip Movement
- <>POPurchase Option
- <>STTax Liability - Amortized
- <>EREquipment Manufacturer Restoration Audit
- <>AFAffidavit
- <>SDShrinkage Allowance
- <>SLPSlip Sheet
- <>GPGas Pressure
- <>CDCOD Request
- <>I0012Installation
- <>D0024Layout/Design
- <>CICut
- <>ICInside Cable Connectors
- <>CYCarry-in Service
- <>ISInvoice Services
- <>PBPrevious Billing
- <>RPReturn Parts to Customer
- <>DVDeclared Value
- <>PLIPilot Inspection
- <>T1Onetime Tooling
- <>S0024Ship to Stock Quality Audit
- <>BOPBop Sheet
- <>CNCombination Performance and Non-performance
- <>FSFloor Stock Protection
- <>IDInside Delivery
- <>ITIn Transit Price Protection
- <>DADelivery Acknowledgment
- <>PEPulling Eyes
- <>D1One - Day Service
- <>EXExpedited Service
- <>EUExclusive Use Of Equipment
- <>SSTax Liability - One Time
- <>AATank Wash Required
- <>YYSplit Pickup
- <>C0012Capping
- <>S0056Strapping
- <>CCCarrier Unload
- <>G0052Government Inspection
- <>XPExpanded Service
- <>S3Seller Hand Carry
- <>CSCigarette Stamping
- <>A0010Alterations
- <>DLDelivery
- <>A0020Anneal/Heat (Steel or Glass Treatment)
- <>IRInstallation and Training
- <>UNUnitized
- <>PCPackaging Service
- <>SHSpecial Handling Service
- <>ENEnclosure
- <>I0013Installation & Warranty
- <>S0022Sleeving
- <>CHCut and Parallel
- <>IGInvoice with Goods
- <>OAOutside Cable Connectors
- <>B0040Burning
- <>RDResidential Delivery
- <>PFProof & Composition
- <>D2Two - Day Service
- <>AOAccept at Origin
- <>GIGrouped Items
- <>D0020Determined Freight
- <>CMContinuous Movement
- <>TMConsecutive Movement
- <>S2Slip Sheet, Truck
- <>ONOn-site Service
- <>MLMail Invoice to Each Location
- <>H1Temperature Protection
- <>SRSlip Sheet, Rail
- <>I0022Identification
- <>C2Carrier Load and Count