641Status Reason Code
Code indicating the status reason
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 3 / Max 3
- <>A50Improper International Paperwork
- <>048Location Changed
- <>D08Student unexpectedly reentered the same school after withdrawing or being discharged
- <>A14Returned to Shipper
- <>A36Holding In Overgoods
- <>051Vendor-Supplied Carrier Delay
- <>B17Did not complete secondary school
- <>W12Inbound Carrier Failure
- <>JVPJuvenile Policy
- <>A49ODA/Cartage Agent
- <>084Health Care Residency Appointment
- <>LIQLiquidated
- <>WLWWeight Limit of Well Exceeded
- <>A85Customer-requested Early Delivery
- <>B53Student Qualifies for Special Services
- <>C16Loan Refinanced, No Insurance Required
- <>B35Highest Honors
- <>073Continuing Education Non-compliance
- <>D11Student was promoted, retained, or transferred to another school in the same district
- <>015Default Detail
- <>D33Promotion Status not Applicable
- <>037Lender Approval Required
- <>D55Graduate from a University Program
- <>MASMultiple Assignments
- <>078Disability
- <>P07Producer Vacation
- <>COSCosmetic
- <>INPIncomplete - In Progress
- <>B41Requested record will not be sent; Cannot identify student
- <>043Transfer Without Written Notice
- <>A06Address Corrected - Delivery Attempt
- <>A79Item or Service Not Established, Cannot Modify
- <>061Consolidation, Extension, Modification (CEM)
- <>D03Student has attended a nonpublic school or home education program in- or out-of-state this year, but is entering a public school in this state for the first time this school year
- <>SFRSurrender Form Required
- <>A24Accident
- <>007Excessive Obligations - Same Income, Including Habitual Nonpayment of Debts
- <>D21Student withdrew from school due to hardship
- <>025Extended Reasons
- <>096Not Available
- <>T03Trailer Not Available
- <>A42Holiday - Closed
- <>B27Student is eligible to continue or return or both
- <>CIEConflict of Interest Exists
- <>C04Customer Vacation
- <>B05Held for Consignee
- <>STMStorm
- <>C09Cash Not Available from Consignee
- <>A83Unauthorized or Invalid Action
- <>B08Improper Unloading Facility or Equipment
- <>JOWJoint Ownership
- <>B55Passed Screening
- <>C10Customs (Import/Export)
- <>MPWMiddle Position Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Width
- <>B33Unreported - Information is not available in record
- <>UCDUnknown Cause of Delay
- <>075For Cause
- <>D17Student Left School with a Certificate of Completion
- <>BWWBottom Well Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Width
- <>F73Non-express Clearance Delay
- <>CHAChanged Agent
- <>013Inability to Rent Property
- <>031Unable to Contact Borrower
- <>D53Graduate from a College
- <>AGDAnticipated Government-Caused Delay
- <>A29Hold Changed To Delivery Package
- <>A74Package Delivered After Commitment
- <>A12Package Sorted To Wrong Route
- <>ZZZMutually Defined
- <>057Foreclosure Completed
- <>WADWaiting Application Delivery
- <>A30Mechanical Breakdown
- <>028Due on Transfer
- <>B11Held for Protective Service
- <>MTCMultiple Conditions
- <>W14Improperly Sized Order
- <>082Health Care Fellowship Appointment
- <>085Ownership Change Due to Flow Sale of Servicing Rights
- <>A84Civil Event Related Delay
- <>B52According to established regulations or statutes, the student is considered to be a "dropout"
- <>NNMNo New Money (IRA > 70 1/2)
- <>C17Coverage No Longer Required
- <>B34Currently enrolled and courses in progress are included
- <>072Awaiting State Confirmation
- <>D10Student was promoted, retained, or transferred to another attendance-reporting unit in the same school
- <>014Military Service
- <>D32Academically Placed in a Higher Grade
- <>F74International Non-carrier Delay
- <>036Automatic Conversion
- <>D54Transfer from a University Program
- <>IV2Material Shipped Between Intermediate Points
- <>ABNAbnormal
- <>AGCActual Government-Caused Delay
- <>IBFIrrevocable Beneficiary
- <>A51Carrier Keying Error
- <>049Merchandise Damaged or Destroyed
- <>IOCInvestment Objectives Changed
- <>A73Package Delivered Before Commitment
- <>D09Student was expected to attend a school but did not enter as expected for unknown reasons
- <>A15Business On Strike
- <>CLRClear - No motor vehicle violations
- <>HITHit - At Least One Motor Vehicle Violation
- <>A37Damaged Rewrapped In Hub
- <>050Internal Systems Problems
- <>B16Road Conditions
- <>W13Product Allocation Exceeded
- <>A23Customer Dropped Off Package After Aircraft Depart
- <>D04Student was received from another attendance reporting unit in the same school
- <>A18Missort
- <>D26Retained in Current Grade
- <>022Energy-Environment Cost
- <>091Reprocessed
- <>T04Trailer Not Usable Due to Prior Product
- <>A45Delivery Not Completed
- <>088Accurate
- <>SCHSurrender Charges
- <>B20Vocational/Technical Preparatory Diploma
- <>C03Suspended at Customer Request
- <>EB7Half-Time Enrollment
- <>B02Appointment or Pre-Arranged Delivery Date
- <>W07Inventory Discrepancy
- <>B39Academic Probation
- <>D62Graduate from a Technical Institute
- <>TPTTop Position Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Type
- <>BPRBetter Performance
- <>019Casualty Loss
- <>D59Returning or Continuing Student Changing to Unclassified or General or Unspecified Studies
- <>B46Requested record will not be sent; Degree or Diploma not yet awarded
- <>044Triggered by Payment Increase
- <>A01Missed Delivery
- <>A28Package Missorted During Aircraft Unload
- <>A75Invalid Account Format
- <>NORNormal
- <>A13Other
- <>029Transfer of Ownership Pending
- <>056Removed to Federal Court
- <>A31Arrived In Station After Courier Dispatch
- <>B10Order Notify
- <>W15Wrong Equipment
- <>083Health Care Internship Appointment
- <>C08Collect on Delivery Required
- <>A82Address Specified Does Not Match Account
- <>B09Receiving Time Restricted
- <>B54Passed Proficiency Test
- <>C11No Requested Arrival Date Provided To Carrier By Shipper
- <>B32Previous enrollment. Used for entry or exit or both at school other than the sending school
- <>D16Student Graduated from School with a Special Diploma
- <>074Non-renewal
- <>012Inability to Sell Property
- <>D34Promoted
- <>030Fraud
- <>D52Previously Applied
- <>017Business Failure
- <>D31Administratively Placed in a Higher Grade
- <>ACDAnticipated Contractor-Caused Delay
- <>035Borrower Action
- <>D57Returning Student Admitted to a New Program
- <>IV1Failed Material Returned for Repair
- <>B48Record being sent at request of student
- <>CLACollateral Assignment
- <>A52No Requested Arrival Date
- <>ANAAgent Not Appointed
- <>068State Action
- <>A16Payment Received
- <>D28Placed in Transitional Program (K-1)
- <>A34Package Shipped From Overgoods
- <>053Notice of Term Enrollment
- <>B15Border Clearance
- <>W10Diverted Item
- <>086Ownership Change Due to Bulk Sale of Servicing Rights
- <>SGRSignature Required
- <>EB9Approved Leave of Absence
- <>FCSFlatcar Shortage
- <>B51Student on Suspension or Dismissal; Eligible to Apply for Re-entry
- <>C14Loan Refinanced, Insured by Insurer Receiving Report
- <>W09Substitution
- <>B37Third Highest Honors
- <>071Producer Requested
- <>D13Student withdrew to attend another public school in- or out-of-state
- <>B21Special education diploma
- <>C02Credit Hold
- <>EB6Full-Time Enrollment
- <>B03Trap for Customer
- <>W06Receiving Location Request
- <>B38Dropped
- <>D63Transfer from a College
- <>P01Processing Delay
- <>018Bankruptcy
- <>NGPNew Generation Product
- <>A91Exceeds Service Limitations
- <>D58Returning Student Admitted to the Same Program
- <>B47Requested record will not be sent; Institutional policy requires student release. Have student contact us
- <>C20Complete
- <>RUNReason Unknown
- <>BWLBottom Well Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Length
- <>045Facility Added
- <>A22Package Missed Inbound Plane At Origin Station
- <>D05Student was received from a school in the same district
- <>INFIncomplete - Final
- <>A19Restricted Articles Incompatible
- <>001Death of Principal Mortgagor
- <>D27Placed in Next Grade After Expected Grade
- <>023Servicing Problems
- <>090Not Selected
- <>T05Trailer Class Not Available
- <>089Calculated
- <>MPLMiddle Position Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Length
- <>VANVandalism
- <>A41Standard Air Package
- <>A63Puerto Rican Tax Authorities Holding Package
- <>C07Waiting for Customer Specified Carrier
- <>EB3Withdrawn
- <>B24General Education Development Diploma (GED)
- <>B06Consignee Closed (Inventory, Vacation, Etc.)
- <>W03Booking Location Request
- <>D19Student Left School with a State General Education Development (GED) High School Diploma
- <>P04Held for Full Carrier Load
- <>B42Requested record will not be sent electronically; Paper copy will be sent
- <>INSInvestment Selections
- <>A05Unable To Locate
- <>A58Unable to Contact Recipient For Broker Information
- <>040Loan Reached Maturity
- <>062Renewal and Extension
- <>A27Driver Related
- <>004Death of Mortgagor's Family Member
- <>D22Student has not entered any school in this or any other state this school year
- <>INCIncarceration
- <>026Payment Adjustment
- <>059Investor is Pulling Servicing as a Result of Default
- <>095Without Documentation
- <>DEFDeferred Maintenance
- <>B14Missing Documents
- <>W11Loading Error
- <>087College Preparatory Diploma
- <>WLTWeight Limit of Truck Exceeded
- <>CIMCheck in Mail
- <>EB8Less Than Half-Time Enrollment
- <>C15Loan Refinanced, Insured by Other Insurance Carrier
- <>B50Requested record being sent
- <>UNDUndetermined
- <>W08Material Shortage
- <>B36Second Highest Honors
- <>MP2Middle Position Cannot Handle Two or More Units
- <>070Voluntary Surrender
- <>D12Student withdrew to attend another public school in the same district
- <>LSHLoad Shifted
- <>016Unemployment
- <>D30Declined Services
- <>D56Exchange Student
- <>B49Record being sent to replace one previously sent
- <>A53Shipper Changed Scheduled Shipment Date
- <>069Company Action
- <>A17Customer Requested Future Delivery
- <>CLPContract or Lost Policy Statement Required
- <>D29Status Pending Completion of Summer School (K-12)
- <>BW2Bottom Well Cannot Handle Two or More Units
- <>HZMHazardous Material Placement
- <>052Import Container Delay
- <>B44Part of requested record being sent; Remainder to be sent by hard copy
- <>A03Incorrect Address
- <>CDEClearance to Destination Exceeded
- <>046Facility Changed
- <>A21Bulk Plane
- <>064Member Resignation or Expulsion
- <>D06Student was received from another public school outside the district either in- or out-of-state
- <>002Illness of Principal Mortgagor
- <>D24Returned to Regular Education Program
- <>MINMental Incompetency
- <>S01Delivery Shortage
- <>A38Detached Airbill
- <>020Moved - Vacated
- <>T06Trailer Volume Not Available
- <>093Not Verified
- <>B19Advanced or honors diploma
- <>A65Customs Release
- <>TDRTrain Derailment
- <>B22Certificate of completion or attendance
- <>C01Waiting for Customer Pick-up
- <>EB5Never Attended
- <>C18No Outstanding Commitments
- <>W05Order Discrepancy
- <>D60Continuing Student Changing to a New Program
- <>P02Waiting Inspection
- <>039Owner-occupied Loan Outstanding
- <>A95Past Cutoff Time
- <>B43Requested record will not be sent; Have student contact us
- <>041Triggered by Interest Increase
- <>A04Indirect Delivery
- <>A59Hold At Location
- <>063Reinstatement - Loan Not Reassigned to Mortgage Electronic Registration System (MERS)
- <>D01Carrier Dispatch Error
- <>A26Consignee Related
- <>005Marital Difficulties
- <>D23Previously attended out-of-state public school but is entering a public school in this state for the first time this school year
- <>027Payment Dispute
- <>058Servicing Rights Transferred to Non-member
- <>T01Tractor With Sleeper Car Not Available
- <>094Within Tolerance
- <>REJRejected - Insufficient or Incorrect Information
- <>ERRExport Release Required
- <>PALPending Agent License
- <>NWDNo Withdrawals
- <>A40Shipper Related
- <>CBDChanged Broker Dealer
- <>B25Other high school equivalency diploma
- <>C06Waiting Shipping Instructions
- <>EB2Did not Attend this Semester
- <>B07Dock Pick-Up
- <>W02Equipment Cut
- <>D18Student Left School with a Special Certificate of Completion
- <>P05Waiting Test Results
- <>AFRAssignment Form Required
- <>B31Not currently enrolled
- <>EBOThree-quarter Time
- <>077Retired
- <>D15Student Graduated from School with a Standard Diploma
- <>THTTheft
- <>011Property Problem
- <>APIApplication Incomplete
- <>A98Missed Pickup
- <>033Delivery Commitment Waived by the Customer
- <>D51Currently Applying
- <>A09Damaged - Delivery Completed
- <>A76Account Not Found
- <>FZDFreeze Damage
- <>A10Damaged - Delivery Not Completed
- <>008Abandonment of Property
- <>055Change of Venue Granted
- <>A32Aircraft Arrived Late In Hub
- <>B13Held per Shipper
- <>PAAPending Agent Appointment
- <>W16Insufficient Equipment Space
- <>080Continuing Medical Education (CME)
- <>IRSInternal Revenue Service Lien
- <>B28Student is on suspension or dismissal
- <>TPLTop Position Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Length
- <>A81Item or Service Not Available on Requested Date
- <>C12No Requested Arrival Time Provided To Carrier By Shipper
- <>WLCWeight Limit of Car Exceeded
- <>B57Rating Changed
- <>A46Recipient Unavailable -- Delivery Delayed
- <>A64Non-FEC Broker Advised
- <>EB4Graduated
- <>B23Special certificate of completion
- <>B01Reconsigned
- <>C19Court Probation
- <>SOWShipment Overweight
- <>W04On Hold
- <>TPWTop Position Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Width
- <>D61Special Permission
- <>P03Production Falldown
- <>WTPWaiting for Proof
- <>038Lender Approval Not Required
- <>B45Requested record will not be sent; No record of student
- <>A02Release Signature or Release Number
- <>ANLAgent Not Licensed
- <>047Location Added
- <>A20Restricted Articles Unacceptable
- <>D07Student was received from a nonpublic school either in or out of the district or has returned after having been enrolled in a home education program; The student must have been enrolled previously in a public school this year
- <>003Illness of Mortgagor's Family Member
- <>D25Reclassified Fully English Proficient
- <>A39Previous Stop
- <>021Dissatisfied with Property
- <>T07Insufficient Delivery Time
- <>092Selected
- <>B18Standard high school diploma
- <>RFRReplacement Form Required
- <>T02Tractor, Conventional, Not Available
- <>FRBFailed to Release Billing
- <>A43Weather or Natural Disaster Related
- <>A61International Manifest
- <>B26International diploma or certificate (such as International Baccalaureate)
- <>C05Customer Strike
- <>EB1Deceased
- <>B04Held for Payment
- <>TP2Top Position Cannot Handle Two or More Units
- <>EBANo Record Found
- <>W01Out of Stock
- <>079Requested in Error
- <>P06Producer Strike
- <>A96Insufficient Pickup Time
- <>POAPower of Attorney
- <>B40Suspended
- <>042Specified Time Period Completed
- <>A07Refused by Consignee
- <>A78Item or Service Already Established, Cannot Add
- <>060Servicer Pulling Servicing from Sub-Servicer as a Result of Default
- <>D02Driver Not Available
- <>A25Package Received At Destination Station Without Airbill
- <>006Curtailment of Income
- <>D20Student Withdrew to Attend a Non-Public School or Home Education Program In- or Out-of-State.
- <>024Auto Repairs
- <>TILTemporary Income Loss
- <>A11Business Closed
- <>009Distant Employment Transfer
- <>054Term Grade Report
- <>A33Other Carrier-Related
- <>B12Connecting Line or Cartage Pick-Up
- <>081Faculty Appointment
- <>B29Student is expelled (from PreK - grade 12)
- <>A80Item or Service Not Available
- <>B56Better Features
- <>C13Loan Paid in Full
- <>MPTMiddle Position Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Type
- <>B30Currently enrolled but courses in progress not included
- <>076Lack of Production
- <>D14Student Over Compulsory Attendance Age Left School Voluntarily with No Intention of Returning
- <>BWTBottom Well Cannot Handle Unit Assigned because of Type
- <>ACCActual Contractor-Caused Delay
- <>ENRExport Release Not Required
- <>010Neighborhood Problem
- <>A99Alternate Carrier Delivered
- <>032Air traffic control delay
- <>D50Delayed
- <>A08Not In On Delivery Completed
- <>A55Hold Due to Customs/Documentation
- <>EXDExcessive Dimension Cannot be Accepted
- <>RFMRailroad Failed to Meet Schedule
- <>A77Name Specified Does Not Match Account