To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number
To identify agency tariff
To specify pertinent dates and times
To transmit identifying information as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier
To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code
Additional Name Information
To specify additional names
To specify the location of the named party
To specify the geographic place of the named party
To identify a person or office to whom communications should be directed
To transmit identifying information as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier
To define the beginning of a section that contains specific tariff information; it will define tariff information that follows
To specify pertinent dates and times
To identify low-value break of the specific weight groups used when applying rates
To define tariff restrictions values such as charges, mileage and weight
To transmit tariff minimum rate values
To indicate that the next segment begins a loop
To identify a scale or rate basis number associated with a particular geographic location or specific set of rates
To transmit tariff minimum rate values
To transmit tariff freight rates
To indicate that the loop immediately preceding this segment is complete
To indicate that the next segment begins a loop
To identify a scale or rate basis number associated with a particular geographic location or specific set of rates
To transmit tariff minimum rate values
To transmit tariff freight rates
To indicate that the loop immediately preceding this segment is complete
To indicate that the next segment begins a loop
To reference a line number in a transaction set
To define the geographic region from or to which a rate docket applies
To indicate that the next segment begins a loop
To reference a line number in a transaction set
To define the geographic region from or to which a rate docket applies
To identify a scale or rate basis number associated with a particular geographic location or specific set of rates
To define tariff restrictions values such as charges, mileage and weight
To transmit tariff minimum rate values
To transmit tariff freight rates
To indicate that the next segment begins a loop
To identify a scale or rate basis number associated with a particular geographic location or specific set of rates
To transmit tariff freight rates
To indicate that the loop immediately preceding this segment is complete
To indicate that the loop immediately preceding this segment is complete
To indicate that the loop immediately preceding this segment is complete
To indicate that the next segment begins a loop
To reference a line number in a transaction set
To define the geographic region from or to which a rate docket applies
To indicate that the next segment begins a loop
To reference a line number in a transaction set
To define the geographic region from or to which a rate docket applies
To identify a scale or rate basis number associated with a particular geographic location or specific set of rates
To define tariff restrictions values such as charges, mileage and weight
To transmit tariff minimum rate values
To transmit tariff freight rates
To indicate that the loop immediately preceding this segment is complete
To indicate that the loop immediately preceding this segment is complete
To indicate that the next segment begins a loop
To reference a line number in a transaction set
To define the geographic region from or to which a rate docket applies
To identify a scale or rate basis number associated with a particular geographic location or specific set of rates
To indicate that the loop immediately preceding this segment is complete
To indicate that the next segment begins a loop
To reference a line number in a transaction set
To define the geographic region from or to which a rate docket applies
To indicate that the next segment begins a loop
To reference a line number in a transaction set
To define the geographic region from or to which a rate docket applies
To transmit tariff adjustment values
Tariff Adjustments Minimum Charge
To transmit tariff adjustment values for previously defined minimums
To indicate that the loop immediately preceding this segment is complete
To indicate that the loop immediately preceding this segment is complete
To indicate that the next segment begins a loop
To identify a scale or rate basis number associated with a particular geographic location or specific set of rates
To indicate that the next segment begins a loop
To transmit tariff adjustment values
Tariff Adjustments Minimum Charge
To transmit tariff adjustment values for previously defined minimums
To indicate that the loop immediately preceding this segment is complete
To indicate that the loop immediately preceding this segment is complete
To indicate that the next segment begins a loop
To reference a line number in a transaction set
Tariff Accessorial Charges
To identify accessorial charges and define the range for which each charge is applicable
To define the geographic region from or to which a rate docket applies
To indicate that the loop immediately preceding this segment is complete
To indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted segments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments)