1142Academic Grade or Course Level Code
Code indicating the level or type or both, of work which is reflected in the grade average and the credit hours or the credential assessment
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 1 / Max 2
- <>LLower division (postsecondary)
- <>15Independent Study
- <>GGraduate (postsecondary)
- <>7Regular
- <>X2Secondary
- <>13Special Education
- <>14Vocational Education
- <>MWork in the Major or Program
- <>PProfessional
- <>19International Baccalaureate
- <>12Advanced Placement
- <>ARAcademic Renewal
- <>17Adult Basic
- <>ASummary of all courses taken at all institutions
- <>1Remedial
- <>18Adult Secondary
- <>DDual Level (Upper Division and Graduate)
- <>4General
- <>TSummary of Transfer Work Only
- <>16Work Experience
- <>BSummary of all courses taken at sending institution
- <>2Basic
- <>RRemedial (postsecondary)
- <>ESummary of All Courses Taken at All Institutions, Excluding Repeated and/or Forgiven Courses
- <>5Applied
- <>UUndergraduate (postsecondary)
- <>HHigher or Upper division (postsecondary)
- <>8Specialized Topics
- <>11Gifted and Talented
- <>DLDual Level (Graduate and Professional)
- <>3Teacher's Aide
- <>VSummary of Transfer Work Only, Excluding Repeated and/or Forgiven Courses
- <>FSummary of All Courses Taken at the Sending Institution, Excluding Repeated and/or Forgiven Courses
- <>6Survey
- <>9Advanced
- <>10Honors
- <>X1Elementary
- <>IInstitutional Credit