CSD Consolidated Shipment Invoice Data
AtMax 1
To specify the data relative to carrier invoices on consolidated shipments
Position | Element | Name | Type | Min/Max | Repeat | |
1 | 152 | Special Handling Code | Mandatory | ID | 2/3 | AtMax 1 |
2 | 128 | Reference Identification Qualifier | Mandatory | ID | 2/3 | AtMax 1 |
3 | 127 | Reference Identification | Mandatory | Alphanumeric | 1/50 | AtMax 1 |
4 | 146 | Shipment Method of Payment | Mandatory | ID | 2/2 | AtMax 1 |
5 | 373 | Date | Opt | Date | 8/8 | AtMax 1 |
6 | 373 | Date | Opt | Date | 8/8 | AtMax 1 |
7 | 58 | Amount Charged | Mandatory | Number | 1/12 | AtMax 1 |
8 | 140 | Standard Carrier Alpha Code | Opt | ID | 2/4 | AtMax 1 |
9 | 127 | Reference Identification | Opt | Alphanumeric | 1/50 | AtMax 1 |
Element Details
NameSpecial Handling Code
LengthMin 2 / Max 3
- <>LTTLess Than Truckload
- <>TSSTank Surveillance Service
- <>ANCAnchoring and Unanchoring
- <>CSDCourier, Same Day
- <>OODOn Deck Stowage
- <>HMAAccessible Hazardous Material
- <>FASFirearms
- <>NPRNo Placards Required
- <>GSPGovernment Guard Car
- <>CLSClass Rates Applied
- <>SLCShipper Load and Count
- <>DNFDo Not Freeze
- <>510Offshore - Alaska/Hawaii Service
- <>XTCross Town
- <>WRIWar Risk Insurance
- <>IMPImpactographs
- <>MTEMilitary Traffic Expediting Service
- <>IMInteroffice Move
- <>15Speed Restricted to 15 Miles per Hour
- <>CWBill Consignee for Weigh Charges
- <>LAYLayover
- <>VACVacuum Service
- <>RESResidential Delivery
- <>EEDExclusive Use
- <>LPProtect Lowest Through Rate
- <>DCSDOD Constant Surveillance Service
- <>LMELiner Terms at Port of Embarkation
- <>PSGProtective Service Security with Armed Guards
- <>HOSHose
- <>SWStretch Wrap
- <>OFUFumigation
- <>ECREscort/Courier Service
- <>AECustomer Required Appointment Number
- <>SERService Charge Applies
- <>LBRLight Bar Service
- <>SHWShipment Holdover on Weekdays
- <>TSCTruckload-Single Operator-Common Carrier
- <>EXQExpedited Service
- <>675Security Signature Service
- <>HTHeat
- <>IPUInside Pickup
- <>SUBSpot for Unloading from B Brake End
- <>BNIf Bad Ordered Notify Shipper
- <>PGPoisonous Gas
- <>HOXSpecial Hose
- <>PTSProtective Tarp For Security Purposes
- <>MRMechanical Refrigeration
- <>RMPReturn Movement of Pallet
- <>SPTSpot for Storage - No Shipment
- <>HOHold for Orders
- <>TPSThird Party Service
- <>DSDelivery Only on Surrender of Written Order
- <>TMVTendering of Multiple Vehicles
- <>EXZExpand Remove and Install
- <>SOCStop-off
- <>WBBWharfage - Breakbulk
- <>PDSPickup and Delivery From Storage in Transit
- <>A3MAggregate 3000
- <>SHLShipper Load
- <>TSTransit Shipment
- <>520Oversized Premium
- <>LABLabor Disturbance
- <>WRBWar Risk Crew Bonus
- <>OCSCompleting Shipment
- <>SFBSingle Factor Origination/Destination
- <>TCTrailer, Consolidator Load
- <>NINew Equipment First Transborder Movement
- <>25Speed Restricted to 25 Miles per Hour
- <>STPStop-off at Origination
- <>PMRPer Mile Rates Apply
- <>PWAttachment - Prepaid Waybill
- <>WHAttachments - High Wide Notice
- <>TRATractor Only
- <>FAFace "A-end" to Head of Train
- <>LHSLinehaul Service
- <>REShipper Steam Ship Released
- <>ARTAir Ride Truck Service
- <>TRLTrailer Preparation - Special
- <>FLFlammable
- <>WEWeigh Empty
- <>PHRPer Hour Rates Applied
- <>SEDShipper Export Declaration Required
- <>DNShipper Authorization Required for Diversion or Consignment
- <>RSSRestricted Speeds
- <>DDZDrayage at Port of Debarkation (Rate Zone)
- <>EWExcessive Weight
- <>NHLDo Not Use Helper Locomotive to Push
- <>CONContract Rates Apply
- <>OEHExempt Commodity
- <>ACCustomer Required Packing List
- <>LBTLow Boy Trailer/Flat Bed
- <>HRHome for Repair
- <>570Preparation of Insurance Certificate
- <>OOBCargo on Board Certification Required
- <>DBLDouble Wide Separate and Reassemble
- <>NTDo Not Transfer Contents
- <>ZZZMutually Defined
- <>CTMContainer Mounting
- <>TNTurn Car
- <>NDDo Not Divert
- <>RCCReconsignment
- <>ELSExtra Lights
- <>LFLoaded to Full Visible Capacity
- <>CCBConvert Commercial Bill of Lading (BOL) to Government BOL
- <>OCNOver Height Container
- <>DLRNotify Shipper Immediately if Shipment is Delayed en Route
- <>PVLLoading/Unloading of Privately Owned Vehicle
- <>BSCBunker Surcharge Authorized
- <>EZERoadway Easy Rates Applied
- <>KMDKeep Material Dry
- <>WBWide-Body Pickup Truck (Applies to Finished Vehicle Loading
- <>TRKTruck Rates Applicable
- <>LMDLiner Terms at Port of Debarkation
- <>UTLUtilities Disconnect and Connect
- <>ATAttachment to Move with Car
- <>RORush Order
- <>SECSpecial Equipment Charge
- <>RLSRelocation of Vehicle
- <>HOR24 Hour Availability
- <>EPExpedite
- <>HEHead End Car
- <>UPUnprotected Perishable
- <>BLSBlind Shipment
- <>ECSEmpty Railcar Ordered But Not Used
- <>BU2Bunker Adjustment - 20 Foot Container
- <>ADCustomer Required PRO Number
- <>555Preparation of Canadian Customs Invoice
- <>APLAppliance Servicing
- <>DSRDromedary Service Requested
- <>EXPExpedited Rates Applied
- <>HALHold at Location
- <>PDYPickup and Delivery Beyond Service Area
- <>SSUPole Lashing Equipment (PLE) Surcharge
- <>BOXBoxing Service - Dry Bulk
- <>PUPPUP Trailer Rates Apply
- <>NSNotify Shipper Before Reconsignment
- <>DETDetention of Conveying Equipment Excluding the Power Unit
- <>LTELinehaul To Port of Embarkation
- <>OPRPerishable
- <>CRLContainer Lease
- <>AGSArmed Guard Service
- <>CFContainer, Factory Load
- <>ALPPort Changes
- <>NCNotify Consignee Before Delivery
- <>TTTeam Track Delivery
- <>CPCCopilot Service
- <>761Written Proof of Delivery
- <>SNMTransmit a Ship Notice/Manifest Transaction Set
- <>SFESingle Factor Port of Embarkation/Destination
- <>CCHCertification
- <>WDSWaterfront Delivery
- <>FTRFiltration Service
- <>TDPTruckload-Double Operator-Padded Van
- <>IIHIcing Inhibitor Service
- <>WOWeigh to Check for Overload
- <>DPTDelivery of Fuel From Pipeline to Tank Truck or Trailer
- <>RBRender Bill for Charges
- <>RISRail Inspection Service
- <>DDPDual Driver Protective Service
- <>SGLSingle Shipment
- <>BKABulky Article
- <>MATModified Atmosphere
- <>HHHousehold
- <>00Delivery of Fuel into Underground Storage Tank
- <>DTDead in Tow
- <>UFCUnder Carriage Furnished By Carrier
- <>ARCAir Conditioning Disconnect and Connect
- <>DOCDocumentation - Special
- <>DPDDrayage at Port of Debarkation
- <>RRRear Rider
- <>SKRequires Shelf Couplers
- <>EVCExcessive Valuation Authorized
- <>SPCSpecial Permit
- <>OSTStow Between Decks
- <>DTPDelivery of Fuel From Tank Truck or Trailer to Pipeline
- <>MNSMotor Surveillance Service
- <>HDWShipment Holdover for Weekends
- <>TERTerminal Handling Charges
- <>LCLPercent Differential - Less Than Container
- <>OPTPartial Shipment
- <>HAZHazardous Cargo
- <>DWPDetention With Power Units (60 minute periods)
- <>CTLControlled Atmosphere
- <>TLSTendered as Truckload (Truckload Service Requested)
- <>NENo Special Entrainment Required
- <>TRMTermination
- <>CCSCarrier Caboose
- <>SCCSpecial Containers
- <>WDWaived Inspection - Set Direct
- <>SEEStairs, Elevator, Excess Carry
- <>SDLSplit Delivery
- <>AASAttendants Accompanying
- <>SPAttachment - Shipper's Packing Instructions
- <>EVDamages Incurred if Shipment Fails to Meet Vessel Loading
- <>OVROverflow
- <>BU4Bunker Adjustment - 40 Foot Container
- <>ABCar is Air Brake Controlled
- <>SSCStripping, Sorting & Consolidation
- <>GAGoods Astray
- <>MOTOther
- <>BLBlowable Load
- <>SEAttachment - Shipper's Export Document
- <>HVHigh Value Load
- <>CA4Currency Adjustment - 40 Foot Container
- <>DNTDo Not Couple to Tank Cars
- <>EXCExclusive Use of Vehicle
- <>RDHRailhead Handling
- <>NPDo Not Pool
- <>VFNVehicles Furnished But Not Used
- <>PFHProtect From Heat
- <>CPMCustoms Papers Mailed
- <>SATSaturday Pickup or Delivery
- <>170Certificate of Origin
- <>CECleared for Export
- <>JLXJoint Line Exception
- <>PRLPrelodge
- <>PUCPickup
- <>CNSConsolidation
- <>LBLand Bridge (Import/Export)
- <>ORSReceipt/Issue Overtime Normal Business Hours
- <>OAHStow Away from Heat
- <>MENEscort Service with Overnight Subsistence
- <>LYCLayover Service
- <>SNSSatellite Surveillance Service
- <>LFDLinehaul from Port of Debarkation
- <>DDNDual Driver with National Agency Check
- <>35Speed Restricted to 35 Miles per Hour
- <>BUABunker Adjustment
- <>ITSInterline Transfer Service
- <>FRZAccepted by Carrier at Owner's Risk of Freezing
- <>LRLess Than Container, Factory Load
- <>FCSFurnishing Chassis
- <>AWAttachments - Advance Only Waybill
- <>IDCIdler Car
- <>CGRReturn Carrier Guard Car Service
- <>UPKUnpacking
- <>EDOEquipment Hose at Origin
- <>SUPSupervisor Requested
- <>USShipper Certifies Gross Weight under 240,000 pounds
- <>AGDispose of Residue (Heel)
- <>FGFlammable Gas
- <>IPImport Shipment
- <>OUCUnder Container On-deck Stowage
- <>CNLConsolidation and Line Haul
- <>ARRAir Ride Tractor Service
- <>OFHIn Front of House Stowage
- <>45Speed Restricted to 45 Miles per Hour
- <>DPUDetention With Power Units (30 minute periods)
- <>RCRailroad Controlled Private Equipment Subject to Demurrage
- <>DEDemurrage
- <>ULUnload from Left Side of Car
- <>IDLInside Delivery
- <>KEGCertification that the Containers Being Returned Empty Were Received Filled by Rail Freight Service
- <>SPRSpreader Service
- <>01Delivery of Fuel into Above Ground Storage Tank
- <>OBLBlock Stowage
- <>DPEDrayage at Port of Embarkation
- <>RSInspect Hourly if Car Stopped
- <>DUDo Not Uncouple
- <>HETHeat With Steam
- <>AHHumidity Sensitive Shipment
- <>SJShip to Furthest Destination First
- <>ELEnvironmental Control Limits
- <>COUConsignee Unload
- <>GMSGarment Surcharge
- <>CLNCleaning
- <>VCLVan Cleaning
- <>045Advanced Fee
- <>EXLExtra Length Surcharge
- <>SFTSpecial Train Movement
- <>405Fuel Surcharge Authorized
- <>HZCHazardous Materials Surcharge
- <>OVOverweight
- <>DFS410 Dromedary
- <>A5MAggregate 5000
- <>SFDSingle Factor Origination/Port of Debarkation
- <>PMTPickup of Shipments Requiring Same Day Delivery Service and/or Delivery at a Specified Time
- <>CISConstant Surveillance
- <>VTSVehicles in Truckaway
- <>PBCPallet Label Bar Code
- <>VANROEE Van Type Truck
- <>PVBBonded Privately Owned Vehicle
- <>EAXExtra Axles
- <>SCLShipper Load and Consignee Unload
- <>FBFace "B-end" to Head of Train
- <>METEscort Services (Telephone)
- <>EMTEmpty Movement
- <>UIUnitized
- <>SKTSkirting and Unskirting
- <>HEAHeat in Transit
- <>URCUnloading or Reloading
- <>TOWMotor Tow Away Service
- <>PDPrivately Controlled Private Equipment Subject to Demurrage
- <>RMSRail Surveillance
- <>ARGRail Armed Guard Service
- <>RDRRoadrailer Service
- <>OTOOn Top On-deck Stowage
- <>RMCReturn of Empty Container
- <>SDSSpecial Dromedary Service
- <>HDHShipment Holdover for Holidays
- <>POCPiano/Organ Carry
- <>DSKDo Not Couple to Double Shelf Couples
- <>AUXAuxiliary Service
- <>OOLCarrier Load and Carrier Unload
- <>WTGWaiting Time Authorized
- <>HMIInaccessible Hazardous Material
- <>POSPositioning at Origin
- <>OSCommodity Loaded Less Than or Equal To the Car Ordered
- <>CONo Marshalling Required for Hazardous Materials
- <>OHCHarmless
- <>FAKBarge Freight All Kinds Service
- <>VISVehicles Inoperable
- <>FRFragile - Handle with Care
- <>PPDPickup and Delivery Service for Perishables
- <>ERSEmpty Return
- <>RWRReweight Requested
- <>IMSIntermodal Shipment Service
- <>LCCar Trip Leased to Consignee
- <>PVIInoperable Privately Owned Vehicle
- <>DFM410 Dromedary with Mechanical Restraining Devices
- <>BNSBolster Load, Do Not Switch
- <>CGCCarrier Guard Car Service
- <>REPRespotting
- <>PAVPickup of Shipments on Saturday, Sunday, and/or Holidays Requiring Absolute Next Day Delivery
- <>LSLocal Service Only
- <>AVAnnual Volume
- <>RMRadioactive Material
- <>UBUnload at Bumper (Circus Ramp)
- <>PERSpecial Permits
- <>RSVReservations
- <>STStack Train
- <>ERReturn Empty Via Reverse Route
- <>URUnload from Right Side of Car
- <>AFLoad on Top of Residue (Heel)
- <>OTDTime of Delivery and Signature Required
- <>SUASpot for Unloading from A End
- <>SDSubject to Special Detention Rules/Charges
- <>HWHigh Wide Load
- <>HANHandling
- <>TSPTruckload-Single Operator-Padded Van
- <>ENDEndorsement
- <>GSSGreater Security Service
- <>JITJust-In-Time (JIT)
- <>CDAttachment - Customer's Document
- <>ONSNot Restricted Cargo
- <>RRRRound Trip Service
- <>LBLApply a Uniform Code Council/International Article Numbering Association (UCC/EAN) Serial Shipping Container Label to the Shipping Containers
- <>DSMDromedary with Mechanical Restraining Devices
- <>EXOExport Preparation
- <>OILOil Field Service
- <>LECLess Than Container
- <>TVTime Volume Rates Only
- <>FPTFor Processing in Transit
- <>DTBLabor Associated with Detention of Conveying Equipment
- <>ONCUse No Hooks
- <>AIBAdditional Injection/Blending Service
- <>SRSSurveying Routes
- <>MINInsulated
- <>CICustoms Inspection
- <>OCVDelivery Verification Not Required
- <>VSOStop-off Delivery of Personal Vehicles
- <>PVTPrivately Owned Vehicle in Truckaway Service
- <>TFTrailer, Factory Load
- <>LNLess Than Container, Consolidator Load
- <>TRTTractor and Trailer
- <>CIPCommercial Invoice Preparation
- <>ICIce
- <>PVDDetention of Privately Owned Vehicle
- <>PYSPriority Service
- <>CYCertification that this Shipment is for Recycling as Defined in Applicable Tariffs Containing Such Provisions
- <>CBCCase Label Bar Code
- <>FDFull Service
- <>WMManifest Must Accompany Waybill
- <>ISSurveillance Service
- <>ODIStow with Doors Facing Inward
- <>EMREmergency Service
- <>CMDComb. Rates over Detroit
- <>PBPerishable in Box Car
- <>DVEquipment
- <>OWROne Way Rates Applied
- <>AKAttachment - Auto Keys
- <>TMSMulti-Tank Surveillance Service
- <>SPASpecial Allowance
- <>COVCourier, Overnight
- <>SIShip to Cross Dock or Pool
- <>VTVentilation Instructions
- <>APDAdditional Copy of Shipping Papers for Proof of Delivery
- <>WTVWeight Verification
- <>CHNChain and Binders
- <>LC2Land Currency Adjustment Factor - 20 Foot Container
- <>A1MAggregate 1000
- <>665Saturday Delivery
- <>PVSStop-offs for Privately Owned Vehicle Shipment
- <>RCLRedelivery
- <>TACars Temporarily Articulated
- <>DELDelivery Service
- <>FSNontransit Flat Shipment
- <>IDShipment to be Inspected at Destination and Disposition Instructions will be Furnished
- <>OUWBelow Water Line Stowage
- <>TRSTrade Show
- <>STRSignature and Tally Record
- <>OCACargo Aboard
- <>CTRCircuitous Routing
- <>HQTHigh Cube Trailer Rates
- <>TOFTrailer on Flat Car
- <>FCMoving Under "For Furtherance Instructions" and May Be Delivered
- <>DADangerous
- <>BLKBlocking and Bracing
- <>DOVContainer Diversion
- <>HTIHitch Installation
- <>EDDEquipment Hose at Destination
- <>MPMultiple Pickup
- <>BWBill Shipper for Weigh Charge
- <>EXExplosive Flammable Gas
- <>HMEndorsed as Hazardous Material
- <>NHCDo not Hump or Hump into
- <>PLTPallets/Skids/Platforms
- <>VNVerification Weigh
- <>AANo Facial Hair
- <>DPLDelivery of Fuel From Pipeline to Rail Tank Car
- <>SEVSecurity Escort Vehicle Service
- <>PSSProtective Security Service
- <>HBBHandling Freight Not Adjacent to Vehicle
- <>LPDLinehaul Percent Differential
- <>CSPGovernment Caboose
- <>EXUExclusive Use of Vehicle Damaged
- <>OTCTemperature Control
- <>550Preparation of Air Waybill - Origin
- <>SOLShipper Load and Carrier Unload
- <>SCShove to Rest and Cover
- <>EEElectronic Equipment Transfer
- <>HPHeated Prior to Loading
- <>CA2Currency Adjustment - 20 Foot Container
- <>OTSTotal Shipment
- <>CUFCurrency Adjustment - Break Bulk
- <>MVSSpecial Motor Surveillance
- <>CARROEE Car or Pick-up Truck
- <>CCContainer, Consolidator Load
- <>XPExport
- <>LDLoading Devices
- <>WWWaste Water
- <>DLPDelivery of Fuel From Rail Tank Car to Pipeline
- <>OCLCarrier Load and Consignee Unload
- <>STOStowage
- <>PMMP.M. Delivery Requirement
- <>LTLess Than Full Carload
- <>TRNTransfer Product
- <>WCTWharfage - Container
- <>HBRHand Brakes at Each End Must Be Released
- <>CGTCargo Taxes
- <>LIELiability of Carrier
- <>585Preparation of U.S. Export Documentation
- <>DRUDrumming Service
- <>FFCFuel Filters Furnished by Carrier
- <>CXTop Load Only
- <>PSProduct Protection Service
- <>HOLSunday or Holiday Pickup or Delivery
- <>MFCleared for Border Crossing
- <>STDStop-off at Destination
- <>MESEscort
- <>IRRail Incentive Rate
- <>OWCOver Width Container
- <>RAReturn Authorization
- <>UNUnload as Placarded
- <>DDSDirect Delivery
- <>NSVNose Side Vanning
- <>TDCTruckload-Double Operator-Common Carrier
- <>PIRPier Time
- <>DWDestination Weights Apply
- <>OTHOn Top In-hatch Stowage
- <>BAClearinghouse Balance
- <>SHShiftable Load
- <>ASYAssembly Service Requested
- <>INTIntra-Plant Move
- <>SHHShipment Holdover on Holidays
- <>CDDCorrosion Additive Service
- <>LC4Land Currency Adjustment - 40 Foot Container
- <>DEZDrayage at Port of Embarkation (Rate Zone)
- <>FFSFuel Filters Furnished by Shipper
- <>CHCarrier
- <>GOCGovernment-Owned Containers
- <>IBIn-bond
- <>ERTSatisfactory Service Standards
- <>PAJPumping Equipment
- <>PUKPack and Unpack
- <>NHDo Not Hump
- <>TRPTire Repair and Replace
- <>PMSPickup of Shipments Requiring Same Day Delivery Service
- <>FPFlammable Poison Gas
- <>DFDKeep From Freezing Percent Differential
- <>LASCommingling/Loss Allowance
- <>MCPerson in Charge of Car
- <>WIWaive Inspection
- <>STAConductivity/Anti-static Additive
- <>SPUSplit Pickup
- <>OSBStow Below Deck
- <>RIEReleased Value Charge in Excess of Carrier Maximum Liability
- <>WFGWharfage
- <>HESHeat - Special
- <>SVSStorage of Vehicles
- <>DPBDelivery of Fuel From Pipeline to Barge
- <>RTRecord for Transit
- <>565Preparation of Export Entry
- <>DRDrop Yard
- <>SSNSubstitute Service Not to be Used
- <>DBPDelivery of Fuel From Barge to Pipeline
- <>GIGrain Inspection
- <>SMAttachment - Shipper's Manifest
- <>CORCertification That the Newsprint Winding Cores Being Returned Empty Were Received Filled by Rail Freight Service
- <>DTVDetention (Vehicle)
- <>SRGStorage
- <>SMPSmall Package
- <>NXNot for Export
- <>CFCCustoms Fees - Container Level
- <>PRTStuffing Charge
- <>RPDReefer Cargo Percent Differential
- <>DISDistribution Service Requested
- <>HZDHazardous Cargo On Deck
- <>PVPPrivate Owned Vehicle Processing
- <>CMAttachment - Cotton Manifest
- <>SASShipment Holdover on Weekends
- <>DNCDo Not Couple to Other Diaphragmed Cars
- <>HRSHeater or Refrigeration
- <>DRODrop-Off Delivery
- <>PUDPickup and Delivery
- <>ALTUse of Alternate Terminal
- <>FLSFlatrack Surcharge
- <>BCPBypass Consolidation Point
- <>MRFRefrigerated
- <>SNTShipment from Non-Temp Storage
- <>CRCircus Ramp Only (TOFC Van)
- <>JSJunction Settlement Account
- <>FSTFor Storage in Transit
- <>AFNAir Craft Furnished and Not Used
- <>DMDomestic
- <>RSPReshipment
- <>ADLAdvance Loading
- <>PIIced Prior to Loading
- <>SRSpeed Restricted
- <>AMMA.M. Delivery Requirement
- <>UTUnit Train
- <>DSVDoor Side Vanning
- <>EXTExtra Labor
- <>SBShipper Load/Carrier Count
- <>EDExcessive Dimensions
- <>670Saturday Pick-Up
- <>AGGAggregate Tender Discount
- <>EXDExtra Driver
- <>CFLCustoms Fees - Lift Level
- <>RFMReefer Maintenance
- <>NWIn Case of Fire Do Not Use Water
- <>DEPDetention of Conveying Equipment and the Power Unit