MEA Measurements
AtMax 4
To specify physical measurements or counts, including dimensions, tolerances, variances, and weights(See Figures Appendix for example of use of C001)
Position | Element | Name | Type | Min/Max | Repeat | ||
1 | 737 | Measurement Reference ID Code | Opt | ID | 2/2 | AtMax 1 | |
2 | 738 | Measurement Qualifier | Opt | ID | 1/3 | AtMax 1 | |
3 | 739 | Measurement Value | Rel | Decimal | 1/20 | AtMax 1 | |
AtMax 1 | |||||||
5 | 740 | Range Minimum | Rel | Decimal | 1/20 | AtMax 1 | |
6 | 741 | Range Maximum | Rel | Decimal | 1/20 | AtMax 1 | |
7 | 935 | Measurement Significance Code | Opt | ID | 2/2 | AtMax 1 | |
8 | 936 | Measurement Attribute Code | Rel | ID | 2/2 | AtMax 1 | |
9 | 752 | Surface/Layer/Position Code | Opt | ID | 2/2 | AtMax 1 | |
10 | 1373 | Measurement Method or Device | Opt | ID | 2/4 | AtMax 1 | |
11 | 1270 | Code List Qualifier Code | Rel | ID | 1/3 | AtMax 1 | |
12 | 1271 | Industry Code | Rel | Alphanumeric | 1/30 | AtMax 1 |
Element Details
NameMeasurement Reference ID Code
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>CGAverage Owing
- <>FZFile Size
- <>CWPromissory Notes in Force
- <>LPLast Sold Period
- <>FJAntenna Characteristics
- <>AUSample
- <>RNLengths Limitation
- <>PLPackage Limitations
- <>AEMeter reading-beginning actual/ending estimated
- <>GCContractor Delivery Limitations
- <>EAMeter reading-beginning estimated/ending actual
- <>BNBilled Minimum
- <>MRBase Material Result
- <>ANWork
- <>SLSkid Limitations
- <>TSSingle Test Limits
- <>OPOther Property
- <>CLDrafts
- <>MBActivity Period Result
- <>ZPLog Zero Point of Reference
- <>ASModified Exposure
- <>DNDunnage Dimension
- <>PJProject Complete
- <>ACMaximum Balance
- <>HRHistorical Result
- <>SASpacing/Margin
- <>C1Conformance Property Status
- <>CACoating
- <>CQPayment Orders
- <>CVCumulative Test Period
- <>9LNinth Layer
- <>ATPro Rata Factor
- <>RORoll Limits
- <>PMPermitted
- <>ADServing Specifications
- <>BOMeter Reading as Billed
- <>SFShelf Life
- <>CFConversion Factor
- <>TITime
- <>NCNet Change
- <>WRWarranty
- <>TTThis Type Property
- <>CKDiscounted Checks
- <>TDSplice Tape Dimensions
- <>LLLift Limitation
- <>FVFiring Values
- <>OGOriginal
- <>MEMap Scale
- <>R2Closing Reading
- <>BRBilled History
- <>DTDimensional Tolerance
- <>AINet Compliance Total
- <>GOGovernment Ordering Limitations
- <>BBBank Balance
- <>SKSkid Dimensions
- <>QRQuarterly Result
- <>TOTotal Dimensions
- <>NENeighborhood
- <>WTWeights
- <>ZAMulti - Family
- <>LGLoans Granted
- <>CPLetter of Credit Size
- <>OLOrder Limits
- <>ARAnnual Result
- <>PKPackage Dimensions
- <>SPSplices
- <>HCHigh Credit Average
- <>ABAverage Balance
- <>EFEvaluation Factors
- <>BLBundle Limitation
- <>SEProperty Specifications
- <>CUPledge Size
- <>FHRadio Operations
- <>WAWaste Amount
- <>AWRelative Humidity
- <>RLReceiving Facility Limitations
- <>SUSurface
- <>AGCompliance Total
- <>P1Platform Limitation
- <>DEDefects
- <>PAPallet Dimensions
- <>SZSubject Property
- <>RSResponse Time
- <>AHGross Compliance Total
- <>BCBilled Actual
- <>SJSubject Phase
- <>ELElectrical Characteristics
- <>CJCurrent Balance
- <>TETemperature
- <>LMLayer of Multiple Layered Product
- <>MDDesign Capacity
- <>PTPretest Period
- <>MAAccuracy
- <>PDPhysical Dimensions
- <>AMCapacity
- <>TPTest Period
- <>COConcentration
- <>LCLimited Weight/Size Coils
- <>INIncrustation
- <>CTCounts
- <>LSLot Status
- <>AVAverage Reading
- <>POPosition
- <>STSurface Treatment
- <>AFActual Total
- <>BMBase Metal
- <>SDShipped Dimensions
- <>GPOrdering Period Limitations
- <>QVQuantity Variation
- <>CYSecured Amount
- <>PRProduct Dimension Range Price Bracket
- <>FDFinished Dimensions
- <>PBReceivership Period
- <>BPBearing Piece Limitation
- <>RPRelative Position
- <>AKPenetration
- <>VTVacant
- <>CNCore Notch Dimensions
- <>TATwo to Four Family
- <>IDIndustrial
- <>PUPlanned Urban Development
- <>FCFirst of Campaign Result
- <>RGRegulatory Limit
- <>MPMaturity Period
- <>ALExposure
- <>BZBatten Size
- <>AAMeter reading-beginning actual/ending actual
- <>SCStandard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code Size Standards
- <>EEMeter reading-beginning estimated/ending estimated
- <>CCCooperative
- <>TLTransportation Equipment Limitations
- <>LDLoad Planning Dimensions
- <>CSCore Size
- <>LTLot Limits
- <>AQAmount Owes
- <>ODOrdered Dimensions
- <>PSProduct Characteristic Specification
- <>MFMaximum Daily Limit
- <>IRInterpolated Result
- <>RAReject Amount
- <>R1Opening Reading
- <>PCParting Cut (Sawcut)
- <>AJEffectiveness
- <>RQRequested
- <>GLGuidelines
- <>BABase Point
- <>SHShipping Tolerance
- <>ENEnvironmental Conditions
- <>CHChemistry
- <>MCAverage Daily Limit
- <>BTBatch Limits
- <>AOAccount Opened Period
- <>RTReplacement
- <>SMShade
- <>BDBilled Dimensions
- <>NXNet Explosive Weight
- <>TRTest Results
- <>CMCommercial
- <>CBCondominium
- <>PYProperty
- <>APApartments
- <>PIProject Incomplete
- <>SRSurface Roughness
- <>SBSingle Family