1609Related Data Identification Code
Code identifying the nature of data related to an application edit error condition
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 2 / Max 3
- <>TXTax Identification
- <>ANDue to Number
- <>UPUnit Price
- <>TTTime of Transaction
- <>QYQuantity
- <>00Price List
- <>DTDate of Transaction
- <>AIAssigned Identification
- <>VVBuyer's Item Number
- <>DFIDepository Financial Institution (DFI) Identification Number
- <>ESEntity Identification (Secondary)
- <>01U.P.C./Global Trade Identification Number
- <>RSReference Identification (Secondary)
- <>MAMonetary Amount
- <>EIEntity Identification (Primary)
- <>INInvoice Number
- <>POPurchase Order Number
- <>PRPricing Specification
- <>02Vendor's (Seller's) Item Number
- <>RPReference Identification (Primary)
- <>LILocation Identification
- <>PSProduct or Service Identification
- <>MVMeasurement Value
- <>RTRate