331 Allowance or Charge Method of Handling Code
Code indicating method of handling for an allowance or charge
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>15Information Only
- <>07Optional
- <>25Cash in Advance
- <>CACalculate and Add to Invoice
- <>13Provide Amount
- <>PPPrepaid
- <>ZZMutually Defined
- <>12Cancel Allowance
- <>01Bill Back
- <>18Non-Payable Tax
- <>04Credit Customer Account
- <>20Accrual Fund
- <>02Off Invoice
- <>05Charge to be Paid by Vendor
- <>08Off Gross Quantity Invoiced
- <>CCCollect
- <>11Charge Denied by Vendor
- <>03Vendor Check to Customer
- <>21Flat Fund
- <>06Charge to be Paid by Customer
- <>10Allowance To Be Issued by Reseller
- <>09Allowance To Be Issued by Vendor