1129 Adjustment Reason Code Characteristic
Specifies an additional characteristic of the adjustment reason
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 1 / Max 2
- <>84Bodily Injury Payment
- <>C7Penalties Paid on Medical Benefits
- <>73Chiropractor
- <>E1Radiology
- <>15Defense Medical Evaluation
- <>G3Vocational Rehabilitation Training
- <>37Employer's Legal Expenses
- <>A5Hospital Bill Audit
- <>D8Property Adjustment
- <>AEDurable Medical Costs
- <>61Additional Living Expense
- <>D3Pharmacy
- <>F1Testing Lab
- <>96Commercial Photographers
- <>7Permanent
- <>25Permanent Total Supplemental
- <>78Indemnity Payments
- <>B5Major Case of Individual Case Reporting
- <>43Vocational Rehabilitation Education
- <>H2Federal Supplemental Fund
- <>ACPhysical Therapy Costs
- <>82Claim Payment
- <>C1Medical Rehabilitation
- <>28Temporary Total
- <>57Vocational Rehabilitation Maintenance
- <>E7Supplemental Permanent Total Benefits
- <>75Medical Reserves
- <>B8Medical Management Services
- <>G5Autopsy Fees
- <>13Applied
- <>A3Hospital - Inpatient Charges
- <>31Permanent Partial Disfigurement
- <>14Receiving
- <>G2Witness Fees and Expenses - Other than Expert Witness
- <>36Interest
- <>A4Hospital - Outpatient Charges
- <>D9Provider Bill Audit Expense
- <>ADPharmaceutical Costs
- <>85Bodily Injury Reserve
- <>C6State Fund - Other
- <>72Central Index Bureau Filing Fees
- <>22Fee Schedule Savings
- <>B2Life Pension
- <>19Expert Fees and Expenses (excluding tests and testimony)
- <>A9Legal Expenses - Miscellaneous
- <>44Other Vocational Rehabilitation
- <>66Attorney Fees
- <>D4Photographs other than Commercial
- <>F6Utilization Review - Hospital
- <>AIAgreed upon or Directed Medical-Legal Costs
- <>91Collision Reserve
- <>88Comprehensive Payment
- <>83Claim Reserve
- <>29Temporary Partial
- <>E6State Supplemental Fund
- <>74Indemnity Reserves
- <>B9Medical Records or Reports
- <>G4Appraisal Fees
- <>12Eligible
- <>30Employer Liability
- <>A2Hearing Attendance or Representation Fees
- <>H3Flat Rate
- <>ABDental Expenses
- <>86Property Damage Payment
- <>C5Extended Care Facility
- <>71Catastrophic Benefits
- <>E3Scheduled Award
- <>17Engineering Services
- <>35Penalties
- <>A7Independent Adjustor Expense
- <>F8Unallocated Indemnity
- <>AGEmployee Medical-Legal Costs
- <>45Total Temporary Catastrophic
- <>67Auto Liability Subrogation
- <>D5Physiotherapy
- <>F7Utilization Review - Physician
- <>AHEmployer-Claim Administrator Medical-Legal Costs
- <>90Collision Payment
- <>89Comprehensive Reserve
- <>1Primary Disability - Frozen
- <>23Fatal
- <>B3Lump Sum Remarriage Payment
- <>18Expert Test (Trial)
- <>A8Independent Medical Exam
- <>40Hospital Costs
- <>62Alternative Dispute Resolution Services
- <>F2Third Party Contribution
- <>95Claimant Medical Evaluation
- <>4Dependent Disability - Non-frozen
- <>26Permanent Partial Scheduled
- <>E9Employee Interest
- <>B6Medical Equipment
- <>E2Time and Expense Fees
- <>16Delayed Reporting Penalty (Insured)
- <>34Funeral Expenses
- <>A6Impairment Income Benefits
- <>69Not Eligible
- <>F9Unallocated Medical
- <>AFMedical Travel Costs
- <>87Property Damage Reserve
- <>C4Nursing Care
- <>C9Pension Indemnity Benefit
- <>2Primary Disability - Non-frozen
- <>39Payments to Physicians
- <>46Unknown Payment Type
- <>64Annuity
- <>D6PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) Fees or Expenses
- <>F4Transportation - Medical Treatment
- <>AKFuture Credit Recovery
- <>93Expert Witness Fees
- <>94Claimant Legal Expense
- <>5Retirement - Frozen
- <>58Claim Value Recovery
- <>27Permanent Partial Unscheduled
- <>B7Peer Review Board Expenses
- <>41Other Medical
- <>63Anesthesiologist
- <>F3Transportation - Other
- <>AAChiropractic Expenses
- <>99Defense Attorney Fees and Expenses
- <>80Expense Payments
- <>C3No-fault benefit or expense (Non-Workers Compensation)
- <>8Temporary
- <>77Vocational Rehabilitation Reserves
- <>E5State Second Injury Fund
- <>11Deferred
- <>G7Temporary Income Benefits
- <>A1Funeral Benefits
- <>38Claimant's Legal Expenses
- <>65Attorney Expenses
- <>D7Product Liability Subrogation
- <>F5Treating or Panel Physician
- <>AJUnallocated Funds
- <>92Salvage
- <>C8Penalties Paid on Indemnity Benefits
- <>3Dependent Disability - Frozen
- <>B1Liability Settlement
- <>24Permanent Total
- <>79Medical Payments
- <>B4Lump Sum Settlement Amount
- <>G9Federal Second Injury Fund
- <>42Vocational Rehabilitation Evaluation
- <>60Deductible Recovery
- <>D2Personal Property or Contents
- <>97Mandated Medical Exam
- <>6Retirement - Non-frozen
- <>9Canadian
- <>76Expense Reserves
- <>E4Social Security
- <>G6Surveillance Special Investigation Fees and Expenses
- <>10Joint
- <>32Employer Paid
- <>98Death Benefits
- <>81Vocational Rehabilitation Payments
- <>C2Medical Test (Trial)