PSC Product Service Contract
GT 1
To describe the conditions of a product service contract as in a warranty registration
Position | Element | Name | Type | Min/Max | Repeat | ||
1 | 846 | Contract Status Code | Mandatory | ID | 2/2 | AtMax 1 | |
2 | 1230 | Type of Product Service Code | Mandatory | ID | 2/4 | AtMax 1 | |
3 | 1230 | Type of Product Service Code | Opt | ID | 2/4 | AtMax 1 | |
4 | 127 | Reference Identification | Opt | Alphanumeric | 1/50 | AtMax 1 | |
5 | 98 | Entity Identifier Code | Opt | ID | 2/3 | AtMax 1 | |
6 | 367 | Contract Number | Opt | Alphanumeric | 1/30 | AtMax 1 | |
AtMax 1 | |||||||
8 | 609 | Count | Rel | Number | 1/9 | AtMax 1 | |
9 | 374 | Date/Time Qualifier | Opt | ID | 3/3 | AtMax 1 | |
10 | 373 | Date | Rel | Date | 8/8 | AtMax 1 | |
11 | 373 | Date | Opt | Date | 8/8 | AtMax 1 | |
AtMax 1 | |||||||
13 | 741 | Range Maximum | Rel | Decimal | 1/20 | AtMax 1 | |
14 | 740 | Range Minimum | Rel | Decimal | 1/20 | AtMax 1 | |
15 | 739 | Measurement Value | Rel | Decimal | 1/20 | AtMax 1 | |
16 | 306 | Action Code | Opt | ID | 1/2 | AtMax 1 | |
17 | 954 | Percentage as Decimal | Opt | Decimal | 1/10 | AtMax 1 | |
18 | 559 | Agency Qualifier Code | Rel | ID | 2/2 | AtMax 1 | |
19 | 822 | Source Subqualifier | Opt | Alphanumeric | 1/15 | AtMax 1 | |
20 | 1231 | Operation Environment Code | Rel | Alphanumeric | 2/3 | AtMax 1 | |
21 | 560 | Special Services Code | Opt | ID | 2/10 | AtMax 1 | |
22 | 352 | Description | Opt | Alphanumeric | 1/80 | AtMax 1 | |
23 | 212 | Unit Price | Opt | Decimal | 1/17 | AtMax 1 | |
24 | 1073 | Yes/No Condition or Response Code | Opt | ID | 1/1 | AtMax 1 | |
25 | 1079 | Contact Method Code | Opt | ID | 1/1 | AtMax 1 |
Element Details
NameContract Status Code
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>GSGeneral Suspension
- <>NBContract Provider No Longer in Business
- <>VAValid Open Contract
- <>HOHold
- <>ANAnnuitized
- <>CLClosed contract - all quantities taken
- <>FLFree Look Period
- <>ACAddress Change
- <>NTNot Taken
- <>CAContract Award
- <>ROReopened Contract
- <>IAInactive
- <>PPPrepaid Service Authorization
- <>RBRescinded
- <>AWAwaiting Initial Premium
- <>SUSurrendered
- <>RCRestricted
- <>DEDeath
- <>PAPaid Up
- <>OCOriginal Contract
- <>MAMatured
- <>PDPending Exchange Transfer
- <>IEInternal Exchange
- <>INInvalid Contract Due To Terms
- <>PRProposed Contract
- <>PBPending
- <>TATerminated
- <>DADisabled
- <>EXExpired Contract
- <>SCStandard Contract
- <>CCContract Cancelled
- <>DLDeleted Contract
- <>CXContract Cancelled - Refund Due
- <>RAReissue
- <>PCPending Death Notification
- <>TRContract Transferred
- <>CMContract Modified
- <>CBCancelled by IRS
- <>CRContract Renewed