APE Assurance Protocol Error
AtMax 1
To report assurance protocol errors in a security structure
Position | Element | Name | Type | Min/Max | Repeat | |
1 | 1432 | Business Purpose of Assurance | Mandatory | ID | 3/3 | AtMax 1 |
2 | 1434 | Domain of Computation of Assurance | Mandatory | ID | 1/2 | AtMax 1 |
3 | 1714 | Security or Assurance Protocol Error Code | Mandatory | ID | 1/2 | AtMax 1 |
4 | 1435 | Assurance Originator | Opt | Alphanumeric | 1/64 | AtMax 1 |
5 | 1436 | Assurance Recipient | Opt | Alphanumeric | 1/64 | AtMax 1 |
Element Details
NameBusiness Purpose of Assurance
LengthMin 3 / Max 3
- <>AGRAuthorization Signature Appropriate to this Document, Receipt Requested
- <>EPRExport Approval Certification, Receipt Requested
- <>SFRSignature Forwarded Independent of Referenced Document, Receipt Requested
- <>ASPAuthorization to Service Provider
- <>ZZZMutually Defined
- <>EXPExport Approval Certification
- <>ASGAuthorization Signature Appropriate to this Document
- <>MRRMedical Record Release Certification
- <>PRRPreparer's Signature, Receipt Requested
- <>SIRNon-repudiation of Receipt, Receipt Requested
- <>TSOTime Stamp Only (No Responsibility for Contents)
- <>EARApproval Certification of Environmental Protection Agency, Receipt Requested
- <>NRRNon-repudiation of Receipt
- <>CGRAuthorization Co-signature Appropriate to this Document, Receipt Requested
- <>EPAApproval Certification of Environmental Protection Agency
- <>MCRMedical Report Release Certification, Receipt Requested
- <>CSGAuthorization Co-signature Appropriate to this Document
- <>PRPPreparer's Signature
- <>ZZRMutually Defined, Receipt Requested
- <>TAXAuthorization Signature Appropriate to Submitter of Filing of Taxation Return (TS 813 and others) and under Penalties Prescribed by the Relevant Laws
- <>PPSPaid Preparer's Signature
- <>APRAuthorization to Service Provider, Receipt Requested
- <>SFSSignature Forwarded Independent of Referenced Document
- <>PSRPaid Preparer's Signature, Receipt Requested