CID Characteristic/Class ID
GT 1
To specify the general class or specific characteristic upon which test results are being reported or are to be taken
Position | Element | Name | Type | Min/Max | Repeat | |
1 | 738 | Measurement Qualifier | Rel | ID | 1/3 | AtMax 1 |
2 | 750 | Product/Process Characteristic Code | Rel | ID | 2/3 | AtMax 1 |
3 | 559 | Agency Qualifier Code | Rel | ID | 2/2 | AtMax 1 |
4 | 751 | Product Description Code | Rel | Alphanumeric | 1/12 | AtMax 1 |
5 | 352 | Description | Rel | Alphanumeric | 1/80 | AtMax 1 |
6 | 822 | Source Subqualifier | Opt | Alphanumeric | 1/15 | AtMax 1 |
7 | 1073 | Yes/No Condition or Response Code | Opt | ID | 1/1 | AtMax 1 |
Element Details
NameMeasurement Qualifier
LengthMin 1 / Max 3
- <>TEEAutodecomposition Temperature
- <>ABOAbsorbance
- <>VOMVomitoxin
- <>QEQuality or Concentration Minimum
- <>BHFBottomhole Pressure - Flowing
- <>ROIResidue on Ignition
- <>TTLTrailer Tongue Length
- <>PDXPolydextrose
- <>C7Organic Acids
- <>GSCarbon Black Undertone
- <>DHPDefect Hulls
- <>MULMullen
- <>YPEYield Point Elongation
- <>TXThulium
- <>ZCMCarbon Monoxide
- <>CFICrude Fiber
- <>ELEElevation
- <>LLegal Weight
- <>LTDLiner Top Depth
- <>LOWLow Boilers
- <>ZTBNewspaper--Tabloid Page
- <>GOLGranulation on Number 80 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>LAILanglier Index
- <>WABWater Absorption
- <>CGCadmium
- <>FLVFlavor Threshold
- <>51Number of Employees
- <>CURCurcumin
- <>IMPImpurities
- <>PRNProportion Normal
- <>THThickness
- <>NBNumber per Bundle
- <>DCCDefect Contrasting Classes
- <>FZOutput Power (Mean RF)
- <>MELMelt Time
- <>S7Sediment
- <>E1End
- <>IMIridium
- <>ZFSulfate Sulfur
- <>MIPMiscolored Pieces
- <>15Other Repairs
- <>CWCuttable Width
- <>GRIGraininess
- <>G3Tilt
- <>OKOutput Short-Circuit Current
- <>MIMinimum
- <>37Number of Active Listings
- <>A5Average Differential Pressure
- <>HOCHeat of Combustion
- <>RESResistance
- <>WCWeb Depth/Height
- <>ZVVanadium
- <>LPCamber of Pattern Line
- <>CCTCook Test
- <>FJFace Width
- <>AUNumber of Units Projected
- <>48Cost of Hire
- <>RNRequired Interrupt Release
- <>DHDysprosium
- <>UAUranium
- <>CGPCO2 Gas Production
- <>D8Vertical
- <>PLPercent Defective
- <>MYMagnetizing Field
- <>ZBTN-Butane
- <>COHCoercive Force
- <>SURSurface Roughness
- <>SWShort Width
- <>HDHigh Propagation Delay Time
- <>3GWell Test After Oil
- <>UCBCube
- <>FOMForeign Material
- <>AEArgon
- <>PSWSoftwood Fiber
- <>DXSugar
- <>CHGRate of Change
- <>LSKLength Shrinkage
- <>MHIHighest Torque
- <>CSTChoke Size - Tubing
- <>GCGadolinium
- <>SGSlit Width
- <>EAElongation
- <>HTHeight
- <>HCORelease Rate
- <>L0Leaf Grade
- <>BNBend
- <>DDWDefect Damaged Wheat
- <>TOTTotal Aldehyde Content
- <>PGPolonium
- <>D3Drying Agent
- <>MRModule R (R Bar)
- <>HCTDischarges
- <>GTDGranulation thru Number 20 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>NVONon-volatile Oil
- <>COCCanola Oil Coating
- <>BUBuckles
- <>F1Fire Point
- <>RALResidual Alcohol
- <>VAVitamin A
- <>HOHoles
- <>M2Maximum Differential Pressure
- <>TPSTubing Pressure - Shutin
- <>ANFlute Test
- <>RURhodium
- <>DSDistance Between Points
- <>CHLChlorides
- <>EKAVitamin E Acetate
- <>GHGallium
- <>DMFDistributed Meter Factor
- <>BEBoron Factor
- <>AAOAdded Oil
- <>SLShort Length
- <>EJElectrical Conductivity
- <>COSCost
- <>SOCSodium Acid Pyrophosphate
- <>AGIAggressive Index
- <>NONNon-Volatile Matter
- <>T3Technical
- <>WPPWeight Per Piece
- <>TSLength Type: Specific
- <>MSAMonounsaturated
- <>BORBoiling Range
- <>WSKWidth Shrinkage
- <>LEFLeaf
- <>GGross Weight
- <>DIRDistillation Range
- <>7Plume Height
- <>ETVEthyl Vanillin Content
- <>VOVVolatiles by Volume
- <>POPPour Point
- <>CRFFree Chlorine Residual
- <>ZTITitanium
- <>GOGGranulation on Number 30 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>OPOpenness
- <>CLCladding Thickness(% of Composite Thickness)
- <>CPTCup Test Adhesion
- <>IHVInherent Viscosity
- <>SFBSolid Fat Index at 50 F
- <>PREPrior Experience
- <>HHWHemispherical Point
- <>WReformulated Fuel Level
- <>TCTemperature
- <>NINumber of Splices per Package Label
- <>IGAAutoignition Temperature
- <>25Marketing Time
- <>STPStaple
- <>78Subcontractor - Labor and Materials
- <>B5Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient
- <>FQFrequency
- <>REHRehydration
- <>WXWax Pick
- <>IFInput Low Voltage
- <>FRCFresh Cut
- <>NNWNet Net Weight
- <>MBMendelevium
- <>PWPurchased Width
- <>WHWhiteness
- <>IVIodine
- <>TRATrash Area
- <>FAFluorine
- <>43Typical Rents
- <>REReam Weight
- <>DCDuctile Class
- <>FLLongitudinal Flatness
- <>WEWolfram
- <>ZPPhosphorous
- <>UGUsage
- <>ASAsh Fusion Temperature
- <>RHRhenium
- <>PSAPercent Solution Actual
- <>DNDensity
- <>PJPulse Width
- <>IRAInclusion Rating
- <>R8Speed Limit
- <>SQShipped Quantity
- <>EWEmpty Weight
- <>UNAUnipunch Adhesion
- <>HBHeavy Aluminas
- <>PWEPhysical Description - Weight
- <>ESTEsterification
- <>GTIGranulation thru 3/8 Inch U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>CONConcentration
- <>SUTSurface Tension
- <>BXBlood Alcohol
- <>ACActinium
- <>RXRidges
- <>3ATarget Depth
- <>CSRCost Realism
- <>FIMFilm Integrity Test
- <>GEGuided Bends Face
- <>CHAChemical Addition Rate
- <>S10Pulp Impurities
- <>HRHeight of Runners
- <>HCIEmission Factor
- <>BHBromine
- <>AABAflatoxin (United States)
- <>SASort Code CIE LAB
- <>EGEquivalent Temperature
- <>NOCNumber of Cosigners
- <>QCQuantity or Loading Maximum
- <>SHAShelf Life
- <>VCGVertical Center of Gravity
- <>DBLDoubles
- <>C1Carbonyl
- <>ELCExposure Ceiling: Threshold Limit Value
- <>TESStorage Temperature
- <>SAPSaponification Number
- <>GGRGas Gravity
- <>ZZZMutually Defined
- <>CACaliper
- <>GOJGranulation on Number 6 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>TNTimer Period
- <>NDNeodymium
- <>28Financing Concessions
- <>ZPPPropane
- <>FLPFluid Level Above Pump
- <>57Total Mileage
- <>SFOSolid Fat Content
- <>ELSAmerican Conference of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value: Short-Term Exposure
- <>CUTCure Time
- <>E7Vitamin B6
- <>WUWeight per Unit of Length
- <>IKIndium
- <>LFLong Fibers
- <>B8Carbohydrates
- <>S1Smoothness
- <>OMOutside Diameter, Maximum
- <>13Utilities
- <>CQCuts
- <>A3Aging Time
- <>ZHXHexane
- <>PZPipe Size Nominal
- <>MOMottles
- <>31Suggested Initial List Price
- <>OJOutput Off Current High
- <>14Carpet or Floors
- <>CVRiboflavin-B2
- <>G2Grain Size
- <>MHMelting Point
- <>36Number of Phases
- <>A4Aromatics
- <>LIPLipids
- <>FKFluid Consistency
- <>WBWeb
- <>PATPatulin
- <>ZWTungsten
- <>AMYAmylograph
- <>ATAdditive
- <>49Frontage
- <>ROReset Pulse Width
- <>DIDiameter
- <>D9Dots per Inch
- <>ADHAdhesion
- <>PMPractice
- <>MXMaximum
- <>SUSSuspended Solids
- <>RAFRoof Adjustment Factor
- <>SVScandium
- <>EPExciting Power
- <>HEHeavy Silicates
- <>LD5Lethal Dose, 50% ("LD-50")
- <>3FWell Test Before Water
- <>HEXHexanal
- <>AMIAmines
- <>PHEPhenol
- <>ADAmbient Temperature
- <>DYDyeability
- <>GBGuided Bends Root
- <>SUCSucrose
- <>BOLateral Bow (Camber)
- <>SFSamarium
- <>HCNReleased Quantity
- <>L1Lights
- <>TVOTotal Volatiles
- <>VOLVolume
- <>QDQuality or Concentration Average
- <>CLBCalibration
- <>ROHRear Over-Hang of Vehicle
- <>C6Omega 6 Fatty Acids
- <>GRGravity
- <>HYDHydroxyl Number
- <>TYTear Strength
- <>NSNumber per Skid
- <>FARFarinograph Arrival Time
- <>IMAImpact Adhesion
- <>MMinimum Weight (for Weight)
- <>ROXOxygen from a Renewable Oxygenate
- <>PDIProtein Dispersibility Index
- <>CRLCompression Relaxation
- <>GOMGranulation on 1/2 Inch U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>LRCLovibond Red Color
- <>WACWater Activity
- <>CFCapacitance Out
- <>ALPAlpha-Cellulose
- <>VWTVolume Weight
- <>50Gross Sales
- <>ELTAmerican Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value: Time Weighted Average
- <>KNK&N Holdout
- <>PROProcessability
- <>TIThin Silicates
- <>NCNumber per Coil Group
- <>S6Saturation
- <>E0Extraneous Matter
- <>WRWrinkles
- <>MTDMaximum Total Depth
- <>ILImperfections - Neps
- <>ZNINickel
- <>ZGOrganic Sulfur
- <>LALanthanum
- <>LEALeakers
- <>TTTime
- <>FPVAcetate Plugging Value
- <>ZCACalcium
- <>ZFLNewspaper--Full Page
- <>ELIImmediately Dangerous to Life and Health
- <>LCGLongitudinal Center of Gravity
- <>ABSAbsorbency
- <>ZGEGermanium
- <>CKCalifornium
- <>CTGCoating
- <>OWOverall Width
- <>MILMilk Fat
- <>FAOFree Fatty Acid As Oleic
- <>22Proximity
- <>CPSCasing Pressure - Shutin
- <>SFESodium Ferrocyanate
- <>TDThin Aluminas
- <>LLLong Leg
- <>FCMFat left in Cooked Meat
- <>B2Number of Comparable Listings
- <>FVTransverse Flatness
- <>REOResidual Ethylene Oxide
- <>MTIFarinograph Mixing Tolerance Index
- <>IAImperfections - Thicks
- <>FDBFat on a Dry Basis
- <>OGOutput High Current
- <>XHSide Height, Flat Bed With Removable Sides
- <>19Windows
- <>EOREthylene Oxide Residue
- <>PPPowder/Paste Package Size
- <>JOMJominy Hardenability
- <>LDHLimited Dome Height (LDH)
- <>MEMaximum Input Low Voltage
- <>TDPPerforation Top Depth
- <>A9Exposure
- <>SCHSchedule
- <>FFFrancium
- <>MEPMeat Protein
- <>IQInput Clamp Diode Voltage
- <>H8Net Explosive Weight
- <>6FGain
- <>AYNumber of Comparable Sales
- <>44Neighborhood Apartment Vacancy
- <>RBRange Value
- <>BICBark in Chips
- <>DDDepth of Dents
- <>ZMOMolybdenum
- <>EFCEffective Carbohydrates
- <>NESNeutralizing Strength
- <>66Garage (Dealers) Employee Weeks Worked
- <>R2Hematocrit
- <>D4Dry Point
- <>MATMaturity
- <>MUMultiplier
- <>HHHeavy Globular Oxides
- <>HCSChronic Toxicity
- <>GTCGranulation thru Number 18 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>CYBColor Yellowness (+B)
- <>SPSStatic Pressure
- <>IPIPrimary Irritation Index
- <>BRBrightness
- <>F6Height to Tip
- <>UNKUnknowns
- <>DTDistance From Base Point
- <>M5Minimum Speed
- <>LPLLabeled Product Life
- <>DOCDouble Olsen Cup
- <>FOAFoam
- <>AIAcidity
- <>RRReduction Ratio
- <>ZASArsenic
- <>TSOTotal Solids
- <>GOParticle End Point
- <>SODSolids
- <>BBBeryllium
- <>SKShrinkage
- <>EMElmendorf Tear
- <>COTContent
- <>VOAVolatile Oil Ash
- <>QIAbundance
- <>T4Single End Break
- <>CLOChloramphenicol
- <>YAYttrium
- <>AGEInventory Age
- <>QBQuantity or Loading Average
- <>NOBNorbixin
- <>R10Relative Fraction of Pure Long-Chain Cellulose
- <>POLPolariation
- <>FNSFines
- <>5FHeight above Ground
- <>CSCChoke Size - Casing
- <>GTGlass Transition Temperature
- <>DHWDefect Heat Damaged Wheat
- <>RUDUsage Deviation (Applies to Kilowatt Hours, Kilowatt Demand and Reactive Demand)
- <>C0Color Grade
- <>PRYPorosity
- <>WHTWhip Test
- <>NUNumber per Unit
- <>SLDSolderability
- <>ASAAcid Insoluble Ash
- <>ZIPI-Pentane
- <>FUPFunctionality Penetrometer
- <>NORNumber of References
- <>WPLWater/Product Level
- <>HAZHaze
- <>DWPDew Point
- <>ZTETellurium
- <>DLCDial Count
- <>GOKGranulation on Number 60 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>PRIProduct Index
- <>TOTerbium
- <>CAACitric Acid
- <>29Marketing Concessions
- <>56Total Cost
- <>REDReducing Substance
- <>E6Vitamin B12
- <>WTWeight
- <>IJInput Hold Time
- <>NITNitrite
- <>LGLeg
- <>B9Cholesterol
- <>CPCrimp
- <>GRNGranulation
- <>OCOOil Coating
- <>G4G-Force
- <>HIBHigh Boilers
- <>OLOutput Disable Time from Low Level of a 3-State Output
- <>12Appliances
- <>30Probable Net Price
- <>PEFPerformance
- <>VADVapor Density
- <>BUDBulk Density
- <>A2Adsorption
- <>LIVLimit Intrinsic Viscosity
- <>MNMinimum Average
- <>PARParticle Size
- <>LWLong Width
- <>DCTDirt Count
- <>STLShort Term Exposure Limit
- <>WDWidth
- <>IZIngot Pound Size
- <>TURTurbidity
- <>ARBeta Carotene
- <>RIRubidium
- <>DOCompressed File Size
- <>R9Retinol
- <>TOXToxic Emissions Performance
- <>PKPulse Recovery Time
- <>JAJunction Temperature
- <>PEVPeak Viscosity
- <>BYMonounsaturated Fat
- <>AASAcid Solubles
- <>SPSplinter Count
- <>HCHelium
- <>HCXToxicity
- <>GTHGranulation thru Number 7 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>LPGLiquefied Petroleum Gas Factor
- <>ABActivation Energy
- <>RYRatio
- <>PSPPast Performance
- <>ZMTMethane
- <>ANTAntibiotics
- <>FILFilter Number
- <>GDGold
- <>S11Salt
- <>HCHDistance to Endpoint
- <>SPHSphere
- <>BIEdible
- <>AACAnethole Content
- <>EFEuropium
- <>GAGrain
- <>OTEOthers Each
- <>SHUScoville Heat Units
- <>OXYOxyethylene
- <>BLBlisters
- <>SESelvage Left
- <>ECEnglish Coil Dimensions
- <>HCMRelease Duration
- <>SROSpecific Rotation
- <>QGDuration
- <>DIKDefect Insect Damaged Kernels
- <>CLAClarity
- <>SHEShell
- <>C5Omega 3 Fatty Acids
- <>OXIOxidizable Substance
- <>GQScattered Particles
- <>EXCExtractable Color
- <>NActual Net Weight
- <>NPPercent of Specified
- <>ZCOCobalt
- <>FLDFluid Point
- <>TEWTest Weight
- <>CECapacitance In
- <>QURReportable Quantity
- <>GONGranulation on 1/4 Inch U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>OYOperating Weight
- <>SILSilica (Silicon Dioxide)
- <>BSWPercent Bottom Sediment and Water
- <>FAAFat Acidity
- <>ZPTN-Pentane
- <>FLTFluting
- <>53Per Capita or Each
- <>MGLMonoglyceride
- <>ELWAmerican Industrial Hygienists Association (AIHA) Work Environment Exposure Level (WEEL)
- <>PRLProduct Level
- <>8FDirectional Height above Average Terrain
- <>TJTotal Supply Current
- <>LBLithium
- <>CCFComposite Corrected Factor
- <>FXFiller
- <>S5Stiffness
- <>REAReactivity
- <>E3Total Dietary Fibre
- <>WMLWeight of Moisture Loss
- <>IOInput High Current
- <>ZDLoad Factor
- <>OIOutput Off Current Low
- <>ZZNZinc
- <>AOXAntioxidant
- <>CUCoil Curvature
- <>G1Gutter
- <>MKMicroseperometer (MSEP)
- <>35Number of Living Units
- <>PECPotassium Chloride
- <>A7Flame Projection Distance
- <>GLEGround Level Elevation
- <>LISListeria
- <>FHFinish
- <>WAWeight per Unit of Area
- <>ORCOrganic Carbon
- <>AWRemaining Economic Life
- <>TACTartaric Acid
- <>RLReduction Ration
- <>DJDominant Wave Length
- <>LPRLine Pressure
- <>PESPotassium Sorbate
- <>68Gross Wage
- <>CGRColor Grayness RD
- <>PNPalladium
- <>ZOCOctane
- <>HFHardness
- <>PWAProcessed Waste
- <>SUPSuspended Pulp
- <>F8Radius from Coordinates
- <>SUShipped Units
- <>ESEdge
- <>VHHeight, Van Door
- <>DZSugar Alcohol
- <>3EWell Test Before Gas
- <>AGAmericium
- <>TASTaste
- <>FGFreezing Point
- <>IPInput Leakage Current
- <>H9Recommended Exposure Limit
- <>FRUFructose
- <>TPEFarinograph Time to Peak
- <>AXRemaining Physical Life
- <>45Number of Admissions
- <>RCRadius of Corner
- <>P1Price
- <>DEDefects
- <>ZMNManganese
- <>MTMoisture Content
- <>R3Epoetin Starting Dosage
- <>TORTorque
- <>PAPackage Separation
- <>D5Wear
- <>HIHafnium
- <>HCRAcute Toxicity
- <>GTBGranulation thru Number 140 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>SPRSeparator Pressure
- <>PIPPiperine
- <>BSFolate
- <>F7Radius from a Location
- <>SZSkid Height
- <>EVREvaporation Rate
- <>RSRMS Range (Side 2)
- <>DUDraw Tension
- <>M4Area
- <>3JEstimated Depth of Operations
- <>AHAstatine
- <>ENZEnzyme
- <>GNGross to Net Conversion Factor
- <>FBUFat due to Butterfat
- <>BCBillet Size
- <>SDVSurface Starch
- <>SJShort Circuits
- <>KVLStrength Coefficient
- <>ELElasticity
- <>VWWidth, Van Door
- <>ESOEssential Oil
- <>SAKSodium Acid Pyrophosphate (SAPP) by Chittick Method
- <>INVInvertase
- <>T5Skein Break
- <>CLNCleanliness
- <>APPAppearance
- <>FIVFinal Viscosity
- <>WTBWater/Tank Bottom Level
- <>AConsolidated Weight
- <>TUTechnetium
- <>1Control Efficiency
- <>NOXNOx Emissions Performance
- <>WPFWellhead Pressure-Flowing
- <>PDECasing/Liner Tubing Depth
- <>TEXTexture
- <>ABRAbrasion
- <>CJCycle Time
- <>BGLBeta Glucan
- <>GOAGranulation on 3/8 Inch U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>HZCHazardous Component
- <>OVOpacity
- <>DFSDefect Skins
- <>FANFalling Number
- <>23Repairs and Improvements
- <>SFDSolid Fat Index at 80 F
- <>ELXAmerican Industrial Hygienists Association (AIHA) Work Environment Exposure Level (WEEL): Time Weighted Average
- <>KBKrypton
- <>QVolatile Organic Compounds Plus Water
- <>TETenacity
- <>NONominal (Target, Aim)
- <>LMLength, Maximum
- <>B3Present Land Use
- <>FWFlange Width
- <>MEAMedia Depth
- <>OFOutput High Voltage
- <>FFAFree Fatty Acid
- <>18Roof
- <>CZSaturated Fat
- <>DRWDrained Weight
- <>ZHSHydrogen Sulfide
- <>PQPlutonium
- <>MDMeasurement Voltage
- <>MPLMonopalmitin
- <>ZBIBismuth
- <>VANVanilla
- <>GRAGas Test Rate
- <>WODWater-Oil Distribution Coefficient
- <>OCOutput Low Voltage
- <>SBUSodium Bisulfite
- <>PTPits
- <>MAMean Average
- <>ZNPNeo-Pentane
- <>FCYFood Drug & Cosmetics (FD&C) Yellow Number 5
- <>FBFlare
- <>IUInterrupt Setup Time
- <>RFResistivity
- <>GIRGas Injection Test Rate
- <>RVPReid Vapor Pressure
- <>40Price Per Gross Living Area
- <>PDPlatinum
- <>D0Diacetyl
- <>FSIFree Swelling Index
- <>MQMCQuaid
- <>TDDTotal Sugar (Dry)
- <>SBESodium Benzoate
- <>62Garage Employee Payroll Maximum
- <>LLDLight Load
- <>BVMoisture Loss %
- <>F2Radiated Power
- <>SDCColor Strength
- <>HLHeat Loss
- <>HCWSamples in Compliance
- <>GTGGranulation thru Number 60 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>ZSESelenium
- <>DOGDefect Other Grains
- <>AMAverage Speed
- <>RVRuthenium
- <>EMDEthoxylated Mono & Diglyceride
- <>DPDepth
- <>M1Melt Range
- <>SMBSAM-B Rating
- <>FBPAcetate Break Point
- <>OXSOxidizing Substance
- <>ACNAcid Number
- <>GKTinting Strength
- <>DMEDichloromethane Extract
- <>HCGHorizontal Center of Gravity
- <>SPGSpecific Gravity
- <>E90Vitamin D3
- <>HWSSoftening Point
- <>BFBrinell
- <>SOSort Code CIE LCH
- <>EIExpansion
- <>DIADiastase
- <>WPSWellhead Pressure Shutin
- <>2FAlternate Radio Frequency
- <>POCCompletion
- <>INSInsolubles
- <>DSKDefect Shrunken and Broken Kernels
- <>LSSLinear Sheet Swelling
- <>ZCECerium
- <>IGRInput Gas Rate
- <>FLNFiber Length
- <>DDestination Weight Agreement
- <>TPThorium
- <>FNLFines Retained on Screen
- <>4Throughput Rate
- <>TIATitratable Acidity
- <>OSOpen Circuits
- <>RTBReporting Temperature Base
- <>WRAWater Test Rate
- <>COCore Loss
- <>GODGranulation on Number 14 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>SFASolid Fat Index at 104 F
- <>PRFPressure Factor
- <>TTare Weight
- <>PCOPiece Count
- <>NJNumber of Sheets per Package Label
- <>DEMDe Minimis Level
- <>ZCUCopper
- <>26Closed Comparable Sales
- <>VISViscosity
- <>FRFlow Rate
- <>E9Vitamin D
- <>CIVCuene Intrinsic Viscosity
- <>IEImperfections - Thins
- <>ZNNitrogen
- <>DCKDockage
- <>CCLChocolate Liquor
- <>B6Total Project Dwelling Units
- <>ZFSIron plus Silicon
- <>52Payroll
- <>SFJSolid Fat Index at 70 F
- <>ELVUnshielded Exposure Rate
- <>TKTimer Pulse Width
- <>NANumber per Package
- <>LCLow Propagation Delay Time
- <>FCBFood Drug & Cosmetics (FD&C) Blue
- <>CCGCombined Center of Gravity
- <>FYBeam
- <>S4Surface Strength
- <>E2Thiamin-B1
- <>INInput Low Current
- <>OHOverhead Height, Receiving Door
- <>MISMilk Solids
- <>16Landscaping
- <>CTCenter-to-center
- <>DRYDryness
- <>MJMajor Section (Stepped)
- <>34Occupancy Rate
- <>A6Average Static Pressure
- <>LIRLiquid Injection Test Rate
- <>FIFilament Count
- <>LSShort Leg
- <>FCRFood Drug & Cosmetics (FD&C) Red Number 4
- <>PHWHardwood Fiber
- <>AVAge
- <>RMRMS Range (Side 1)
- <>DKColor Bits in Palette
- <>MPRProduction Rate-Well
- <>PERMagnetic Permeability
- <>VAPVapor Pressure
- <>POPercent of Order (-, +)
- <>HGHeavy Sulfides
- <>F9Operating Hours
- <>RADRadius
- <>STStop Recovery Startup Time
- <>3DWell Test Before Oil
- <>ZSNTin
- <>AFAngle of Bend
- <>DSPDefect Splits
- <>1FRadio Frequency
- <>BMEnergy
- <>SDStrength
- <>EBEdge Burr
- <>EVLEvaporation Loss
- <>HCLPopulation
- <>QFQuality or Concentration Maximum
- <>FUDFull Load
- <>ZALAluminum
- <>ZDATitanium Dioxide Assay
- <>C4Color Quadrant
- <>GPGroup Package Separation
- <>OTTOthers Total
- <>OExcess Weight Over Maximum
- <>CAUCaustic Reaction Severity
- <>MNLMonolein
- <>DTODefect Total
- <>CRNCrown
- <>FMLFlammability Limits
- <>CDCompression
- <>QUSQuick Sog
- <>ZTATantalum
- <>OXOwnership Share
- <>TWDTire Width
- <>MICMicronaire
- <>LOILoss on Ignition
- <>SAHSodium Acid Pyrophosphate (SAPP) by Humidified Boyd Method
- <>VOCVOC Emissions Performance
- <>QKSize Class
- <>YCYtterbium
- <>C9Polyunsaturated Fat
- <>OILOil
- <>BBilled Weight
- <>LC5Lethal Concentration, 50% ("LC-50")
- <>TVThallium
- <>ZCCCalcium Chloride
- <>OLAOleic Acid
- <>2Capture Efficiency
- <>ASHAsh
- <>CICurium
- <>VSOVolume Split to Others
- <>GOBGranulation on Number 10 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>ZZRZirconium
- <>XZSpool Size
- <>MSTMonostearin
- <>NLNumber per Lift
- <>ZCSCalcium Sulfate
- <>20Cleaning or Trash Removal
- <>SFGSolid Fat Index at 92 F
- <>KAKnoop
- <>RPer Unit Dunnage
- <>TFTensile
- <>ZHHydrogen
- <>LNLength
- <>TRTTransmissivity Pathlength; The length of the path taken to arrive at transmissivity measurements
- <>B0Blemishes
- <>FTFlange Thickness
- <>S9Site Atmospheric Pressure
- <>ICIncremental Distance
- <>GORGas-to-Oil Ratio
- <>OEOutput Low Current
- <>PGMPropylene Glycol Monoesters
- <>CYContamination
- <>UPWUnits per Weight
- <>TOAAquatic Toxicity
- <>ZHPHeptane
- <>PRPraseodymium
- <>MGMercury
- <>MPOMoisture Protein Ratio
- <>PEOPeroxidase
- <>FDFrequency of Operation
- <>MEREfficient Rate-Reservoir
- <>WMPWiley Melting Point
- <>WMWidth, Maximum
- <>ISInput High Voltage
- <>ISPIncubated Spindown
- <>TRDTire Diameter
- <>TPFTemperature Factor
- <>DFDistance Across Flats
- <>MWMolecular Weight
- <>ZBZBenzene
- <>GLYGlycerin
- <>4FSquelch Tone
- <>PBPressure
- <>D6Horizontal
- <>UNIUniformity
- <>HJHolmium
- <>HCQWind Speed
- <>GTAGranulation thru Number 100 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>COFCoefficient Factor
- <>BPBoiling Point
- <>F4Height above Average Terrain
- <>SYService Interrupt Duration
- <>RPReduction of Area
- <>EMBBones
- <>DVStarch
- <>3IWell Test After Water
- <>FOCFinishing Oil Roasted
- <>AKVolatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
- <>GMEmulsion Gloss
- <>S18Hemicellulose
- <>SMDSAM-D Rating
- <>SPASaturated Fatty Acid as Palmitic
- <>SOFSoftening Range
- <>SULSulfite
- <>PICPick Off
- <>SISupply Current
- <>EOVitamin K
- <>HZHazepoint
- <>FIBFiber
- <>GJGrit, Unbrushed
- <>RDSReducing Sugars
- <>SNStain
- <>EHErbium
- <>T90T90
- <>SOASoda
- <>BGBerkelium
- <>CRTTotal Chlorine Residual
- <>QLQuality
- <>T1Tire Pressure
- <>EXHExhaust Benzene Emissions
- <>YDYarn Count
- <>TSZTrim Size
- <>ZCDCarbon Dioxide
- <>CPFCasing Pressure - Flowing
- <>ELLExplosion Limit
- <>EEstimated New Weight
- <>H2OWater Volume
- <>TQThin Globular Oxides
- <>VOTVolatiles
- <>PORPropylene Oxide Residue
- <>5Cloud Cover
- <>ORDistance Between Outside Runners
- <>MIIMineral Impurities
- <>VBAV-Bend Adhesion
- <>CNChlorine
- <>CTBClasses that Blend
- <>GOEGranulation on Number 20 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>58Number of Rating Units
- <>PRGPropylene Glycol
- <>UWeight per Unit
- <>TAThickness Heavy End (Tapered/Stepped)
- <>NKNesting Factor
- <>27Competitive Listings in Price Range
- <>B7Biotin
- <>FSFold Strength
- <>E8Vitamin C
- <>IDInside Diameter
- <>ZOOxygen
- <>TRSTransmissivity; Measure of the quantity of light that passes through a given volume of seawater; also used to measure turbidity and to estimate plant growing zones in the ocean
- <>DRSDark Specs
- <>OBOsmium
- <>PUPressure Base
- <>ITInterrupt Pulse Period
- <>DXIInvert Sugar
- <>TRCTrash Count
- <>FCShort Cycle Flatness
- <>RGRadium
- <>DADelta Value A
- <>41Built-up Rate
- <>63Employee Gross Wage Less Allowable Deductions
- <>MDLMethod Detection Limit; Minimum concentration of a substance that can be measured and reported with 99% confidence that analyte concentration is greater than zero
- <>R7Speed
- <>PEPotassium
- <>D1Maximum Dilatation
- <>PQLPractical Quantitation Limit; Lowest concentration of a substance which can be consistently determined within +/- 20% of the true concentration by 75% of the laboratories tested in a performance evaluation study
- <>MPMullen Pop
- <>PEXPerioxide Value
- <>BWBasis Weight
- <>F3Output Power (Peak Envelope)
- <>EXEccentricity
- <>HMHeight, Maximum
- <>HCVFertilization
- <>GTFGranulation thru Number 50 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>TPQThreshold Planning Quantity
- <>ZSDSulfur Dioxide
- <>ALSpine Show
- <>RWRolling Width
- <>DQSoluble Fibre
- <>IXDIndex Differential
- <>COLColor
- <>BZNiacin-B3
- <>AAPAC-apparent Power
- <>SSSilver
- <>FOIFouling Index
- <>AAAlternating Current
- <>SEVSeverity
- <>3CTotal Depth
- <>ZSISilicon
- <>GGGauge
- <>CHCConcentration of Hazardous Component
- <>S12Start
- <>MORMortality
- <>APIAPI Gravity
- <>BJBurst Index
- <>SCSchedule Number (Pipe Size)
- <>EEEinsteinium
- <>HPHeight of Tread Plate Pattern
- <>HCKPollutant Emission
- <>SABSodium Acid Pyrophosphate (SAPP) by Boyd Method
- <>VOIVolatile Oil
- <>QAQuality Index
- <>CWTCharge Weight
- <>C3Maximum Contraction
- <>GWGross Weight, Maximum
- <>HGround Water Reference Point
- <>PRZProportion Fertilized
- <>NVN Value
- <>ZPBLead
- <>8Individuals
- <>LOSLoss on Drying
- <>CCCelsius
- <>GOHGranulation on Number 40 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>XPSpecified
- <>NFNeon
- <>XMaximum Weight (for Rate)
- <>TLTapered/Stepped Length Type
- <>ZBBoron
- <>LDLawrencium
- <>S3Sheffield Smoothness
- <>E5Transfatty Acids
- <>IIInput Setup Time
- <>MCNMagnetic Contamination
- <>OOOutput Enable Time from Low Level of a 3-State Output
- <>SIZSize
- <>11Structural Costs
- <>DWCDefect Wheat of Other Classes
- <>CSCross Section
- <>PXPurity
- <>WINWater Insolubles
- <>MMManagement
- <>33Probable Final Value
- <>A1Acids
- <>GLCGlycerol
- <>FNFlatness
- <>SXSSodium Sulfate
- <>IYInduction
- <>ZRPyritic Sulfur
- <>LTLengthwise Spacing
- <>TRNTransmittance
- <>TPLTubing Pressure - Flowing
- <>BBXBrix
- <>RJRockwell-C
- <>DLDelta Value L
- <>ZMGMagnesium
- <>FECFenchone Content
- <>BNDAmount Bound in Material
- <>IDEIdentification
- <>SBISodium Bicarbonate
- <>ADMDye Manufacturing Units
- <>PHPulse Setup Time
- <>CTTContact Time
- <>ODOutside Diameter
- <>PGLPolyethylene Glycol
- <>FMPFat Melting Point
- <>CXCalculated Value
- <>OCGOil/Condensate Gravity
- <>SBRSodium Bicarbonate Release
- <>PSProtactinium
- <>MFMinimum Input High Voltage
- <>38Price Active Listings
- <>VALVanillin
- <>TCLTire Tread Contact Length
- <>FEFermium
- <>SXXS10 Minus S18 Value
- <>WLWall Thickness
- <>IRIdeal Diameter
- <>PPSProprietary Shade
- <>NILNil Ductility Test
- <>AMWAverage Molecular Weight
- <>FORForeign Matter
- <>AZArbor Size
- <>HVMHeavy Metals
- <>RARelative Humidity
- <>DGDirect Current
- <>RSZRoll Size
- <>MVMaximum Average
- <>65Garage Employee Average Hours Worked Per Week
- <>R1Hemoglobin
- <>PCPer Hundred Linear Yards
- <>D7Distillation Fraction
- <>SXSodium
- <>HKHuman Factors
- <>HCPSulfur Content
- <>AVTAverage Temperature
- <>BQBreaks
- <>F5Ground Elevation
- <>ZSBAntimony
- <>BBCBroken Cookies
- <>FOBFinishing Oil Honey Roasted
- <>AJAim Gage
- <>RQRadon
- <>DWWidth, Boxcar Door
- <>M6Maximum Speed
- <>3HWell Test After Gas
- <>GLGloss
- <>OTHOdor Threshold
- <>BABarium
- <>SUMSuspended Matter
- <>SHStrontium
- <>ENEntanglement
- <>ZETEthane
- <>ASYAssay
- <>R18Relative Fraction of Total Cellulose
- <>PODPhysical Description - Outer Diameter
- <>QJBiomass
- <>MOIMoisture
- <>YBYield
- <>C8Pantothenic Acid
- <>FITFilterability
- <>EO1Vitamin K1
- <>CActual New Repeated for Combination
- <>PRQProduct Reportable Quantity
- <>TWTop
- <>WSOWater Solubles
- <>ZCBColumbium
- <>ALNAlkalinity Number
- <>INDInitial Deformation Point
- <>3Photonflux Density
- <>HARHardening Rate
- <>SLLSalmonella
- <>PDGPump Depth from Ground
- <>AOEEthyl Alcohol
- <>CHCesium
- <>GOCGranulation on Number 100 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>OTOutput Delay Time
- <>TGThin Sulfides
- <>PUNPungency
- <>NMNumber Pkgs. per Master Pack
- <>ZCRChromium
- <>BRSBreaking Strength
- <>21Probable Sales Price
- <>CPPCount per Pound
- <>PRAProportion Alive
- <>SState Weight
- <>IBImpact Energy
- <>LOLong Length
- <>B1Base Number
- <>FUAzimuth
- <>S8Solubility
- <>RELReflectance
- <>SFCShort Fiber Content
- <>VOxygenation Level
- <>TBThickness Small End (Tapered/Stepped)
- <>NHNumber of Items per Package Label
- <>FAIFat As Is
- <>24Contributory Value of Repairs and Improvements
- <>TRPTricalcium Phosphate
- <>79Subcontractor - Labor Only
- <>B4Subject Phase Dwelling Units
- <>FPFlashpoint
- <>MEFMeter Factor
- <>REIRefractive Index
- <>IGGranulated Ingot Size
- <>ZNBNiobium
- <>OAOffset
- <>LASLot Acceptability for Shape
- <>PBDPlug Back Total Depth
- <>MCMin./Max Cuttable Width
- <>NEENon-volatile Ether Extract
- <>PVPicks
- <>WIWinding Loss
- <>IWIncrustation Factor
- <>OAPObserved American Petroleum Institute Gravity
- <>STAStability
- <>VIAVitamin A Palimate
- <>42Vacant Rate
- <>RDReadpoint
- <>DBDelta Value B
- <>R4Creatinine
- <>PFPromethium
- <>D2Dispersing Agent
- <>DYCDye Content
- <>MSMinor Section (Stepped)
- <>NEUNeutralization Number
- <>GTEGranulation thru Number 200 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>BTBursts
- <>F0Fat
- <>HCUEffectiveness
- <>M3Maximum Static Pressure
- <>BBFButterfat
- <>AOAlcohol
- <>RTRounds Ammunition/Military
- <>DRDelta R
- <>O1Orifice - Inside Diameter
- <>LSALock Seam Adhesion
- <>GIGrit, Brushed
- <>SMShear
- <>EKVitamin E
- <>GELGel
- <>TVDMaximum True Vertical Depth
- <>CORCorrosiveness
- <>BDBias
- <>SALSalinity; Salt level in a sample of seawater
- <>T2Tube - Inside Diameter
- <>BDPPerforation Bottom Depth
- <>WELWeight Loss
- <>ALKAlkalinity
- <>OLEOlefins
- <>ELOOccupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit
- <>FDeficit Weight
- <>TRLength Type: Random
- <>SLISlagging Index
- <>VOWVolatiles by Weight
- <>DISDispersion
- <>6Velocity
- <>GOFGranulation on Number 25 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>OQOutput Enable Time from High Level of a 3-State Output
- <>WDEWater Depth
- <>CMCures
- <>OCROil/Condensate Test Rate
- <>SASSaturated Fatty Acid as Stearic
- <>9Storage Limits
- <>BHSBottomhole Pressure - Shutin
- <>WPNWhey Protein Nitrogen
- <>XQSquareness
- <>DATDatum Depth
- <>CBProtein
- <>GOIGranulation on Number 50 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>TMLength Type: Multiples
- <>HYPHydroxyporpylcellulose
- <>NGNobelium
- <>ALTAlternate Measurement
- <>54Remuneration
- <>ELPOccupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit Ceiling
- <>IHInput Current
- <>ZCCarbon
- <>FRMFinal Raisin Moisture
- <>ODROdor
- <>LELutetium
- <>CCACinnamic Aldehyde
- <>ITDIntegrated Differential
- <>S2Selvedge on Beam
- <>REFRefining
- <>E4Total Fat
- <>ONOutput Disable Time from High Level of a 3-State Output
- <>XAXenon
- <>10Painting Costs
- <>FMZFlammability
- <>CRCrosswise Spacing
- <>MDPMettler Dropping Point
- <>PYPercent of Water
- <>NTSNatural Tomato Soluables
- <>32Value Change
- <>VINVinyl
- <>WFWait Recovery Startup Time
- <>IXInside Diameter, Minimum
- <>H1Heavies
- <>DXEDextrose Equivalent
- <>ZSSulfur
- <>EPLExpected Product Life
- <>APAverage Pressure
- <>SVLSurvival
- <>RKRockwell-B
- <>DMDual Amplitude
- <>MPTMany Press Test
- <>HTEHeat Equivalency
- <>PIPulse Hold Time
- <>SRSelvage Right
- <>ETEnd Point
- <>VOVoltage
- <>HAHydro Pressure
- <>GESGel Strength
- <>PWFPower Factor
- <>GTJGranulation thru Number 6 U.S. Standard Sieve (USSS)
- <>PHApH
- <>FOHFront Over-Hang of Vehicle
- <>DPMDegree of Polymerization
- <>PSRPesticide Residuals
- <>3BCurrent Depth
- <>SSASodium Silico Aluminate
- <>FINFineness
- <>GFGuided Bends Side
- <>EXTExtractables
- <>CHBChlorophyll-a
- <>OBTObserved Temperature
- <>BKBulk
- <>AAAAcetic Acid
- <>SBSort Code CMC
- <>EDEddy
- <>HCJHeat Content
- <>SACSodium Ascorbate
- <>ZIBI-Butane
- <>DILDilution Factor; An amount by which a quantity is diluted in order to be read on an instrument scale
- <>ETHEthoxyquin
- <>C2Catalyst
- <>T50T50
- <>IHeat Input
- <>PFOPerforation Feet Open
- <>ZFEIron