C056 Composite Race or Ethnicity Information
To send general and detailed information on race or ethnicity
Element Details
NameRace or Ethnicity Code
LengthMin 1 / Max 1
- <>GNative American
- <>7Not Provided
- <>WNot Hispanic or Latino (Office of Management and Budget 1997)
- <>JNative Hawaiian
- <>ZMutually Defined
- <>PPacific Islander
- <>NBlack (Non-Hispanic)
- <>AAsian or Pacific Islander
- <>QBlack or African American (Office of Management and Budget 1997)
- <>DSubcontinent Asian American
- <>TAmerican Indian or Alaska Native (Office of Management and Budget 1997)
- <>OWhite (Non-Hispanic)
- <>BBlack
- <>RHispanic or Latino (Office of Management and Budget 1997)
- <>EOther Race or Ethnicity
- <>UAsian (Office of Management and Budget 1997)
- <>HHispanic
- <>8Not Applicable
- <>CCaucasian
- <>SWhite (Office of Management and Budget 1997)
- <>VNative Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (Office of Management and Budget 1997)
- <>FAsian Pacific American
- <>IAmerican Indian or Alaskan Native