335 Transportation Terms Code
Code identifying the trade terms which apply to the shipment transportation responsibility
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 3 / Max 3
- <>FASFree Alongside Ship
- <>FCAFree Carrier
- <>EXQEx Quay
- <>CPTCarriage Paid To
- <>CFRCost and Freight
- <>EXWEx Works
- <>DESDelivered Ex Ship
- <>ZZZMutually Defined
- <>FCPFreight Carriage Paid To
- <>DDPDelivered Duty Paid
- <>DAFDelivered at Frontier
- <>EXSEx Ship
- <>DOMDomestically Supplied
- <>CIFCost, Insurance, and Freight
- <>FCIFreight Carriage and Insurance Paid To
- <>CIPCarriage and Insurance Paid To
- <>FOTFree on Truck
- <>DDUDeliver Duty Unpaid
- <>DEQDelivered Ex Quay
- <>NPFNon-privileged Foreign
- <>FORFree on Rail
- <>FOBFree on Board
- <>PPFPrivileged Foreign
- <>DUPDelivered; Duty Unpaid