1595 Government Service Affiliation Code
Code specifying the government service affiliation
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 1 / Max 1
- <>LPeace Corp
- <>GMarine Corps Reserves
- <>WMilitary Sealift Command
- <>JNavy Reserves
- <>MRegular Armed Forces
- <>KOther
- <>NReserves
- <>AAir Force
- <>1Foreign Army
- <>QForeign Military
- <>DArmy Reserves
- <>4Foreign Navy
- <>OU.S. Public Health Service
- <>BAir Force Reserves
- <>2Foreign Air Force
- <>RAmerican Red Cross
- <>ECoast Guard
- <>5Office of the Secretary of Defense
- <>UUnited Services Organization
- <>HNational Guard
- <>XNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- <>CArmy
- <>3Foreign Marines
- <>SDepartment of Defense
- <>FMarine Corps
- <>YUnknown
- <>INavy