346 Application Type Code
Code identifying an application
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>37Highway Import
- <>48Air Consignment In-Transit
- <>PLPaid List (All Debits)
- <>BNBooking
- <>07United States Returned Goods
- <>ANArrival Notice
- <>SLShipper's Letter of Instruction
- <>T3Consolidation of Packaging Containers (U.S. Department of Defense)
- <>CLCash Letter
- <>25Vessel Consignment Export Manifest (Canadian)
- <>FAFull Account Reconciliation
- <>43Air Import
- <>HRPersonal Property Tender
- <>BHPrivately Owned Personal Property Bill of Lading
- <>28Rail Export Manifest (Canadian)
- <>S1Single Package Shipment Status
- <>31Re-Manifest Manifest (Canadian)
- <>36Rail Manifest
- <>ATAppointment
- <>ROReassociation Report
- <>EPElectronic Presentments
- <>CFControlled Disbursement Funding
- <>22Vessel Export Manifest (Canadian)
- <>PPPoint to Point Rate Application
- <>ZZMutually Defined
- <>44Air Export
- <>R2Simulation of Consolidation of Vans, Trailers, or Pallets (U.S. Department of Defense)
- <>BRAccounts Reconciliation
- <>DTDepository Transfer
- <>RRRange Reconciliation
- <>T4Multiple Level Consolidation (U.S. Department of Defense)
- <>29Rail In-Transit Manifest (Canadian)
- <>30House Bill of Lading (Canada)
- <>DODelivery Order
- <>SPMultiple Shipment Invoice
- <>BLBill of Lading
- <>LBLockbox Summary
- <>35Rail Consignment In-Transit
- <>45Air In-Transit
- <>R3Simulation of Consolidation of Packaging Containers (U.S. Department of Defense)
- <>01Standard or Regular Filings
- <>RSScale Rate Application
- <>23Vessel In-Transit Manifest (Canadian)
- <>40Highway Consignment Import
- <>04Military, Government, Diplomatic
- <>BFBroker Filed
- <>COConsolidation
- <>26Vessel Consignment In-Transit Manifest (Canadian)
- <>FRFreight Tender
- <>34Rail Consignment Export
- <>LSLoad Summary
- <>CDConsolidator's Invoice
- <>CICommercial Invoice
- <>TFTrailer Forecast
- <>39Highway In-Transit
- <>ISTransportation Control Movement Document (TCMD)
- <>46Air Consignment Import
- <>02To Order Shipments
- <>RPPartial Account Reconciliation
- <>SISingle Shipment Invoice
- <>BGGovernment Bill of Lading
- <>T1Single Shipment Less Release Units (U.S. Department of Defense)
- <>TQSingle Shipment Release Unit (U.S. Department of Defense)
- <>27Rail Import Manifest (Canadian)
- <>41Highway Consignment Export
- <>05Diplomatic Shipment
- <>SSSingle Shipment Status
- <>33Rail Consignment Import
- <>LTLoad Tender - Truckload (TL) Carrier Only
- <>DLDeposit List
- <>PSPartial Load Tender, Shipper Consolidate
- <>MFManifest
- <>38Highway Export
- <>47Air Consignment Export
- <>R1Simulation of Single Shipment Less Release Units (U.S. Department of Defense)
- <>PCPartial Load Tender, Carrier Consolidate
- <>03Household Goods and/or Personal Effects
- <>RQSimulation Single Shipment Release Unit (U.S. Department of Defense)
- <>TGGovernment Guaranteed Traffic Tender
- <>21Vessel Import Manifest (Canadian)
- <>24Vessel Consignment Import Manifest (Canadian)
- <>42Highway Consignment In-Transit
- <>RDDeposit Reconciliation
- <>R4Simulation of Multiple Level Consolidation (U.S. Department of Defense)
- <>06Carnet
- <>BTBalance and Transaction Reporting
- <>BDFinancial Institution Account Statement
- <>T2Consolidation of Vans, Trailers, or Pallets (U.S. Department of Defense)
- <>TMTrailer Manifest
- <>S2Multiple Package Shipment Status
- <>32Abstract Bill of Lading (Canada)
- <>PIPro Forma Invoice