812 Payment Format Code
Code identifying the payment format to be used
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 1 / Max 10
- <>CCDCash Concentration/Disbursement (CCD) (ACH)
- <>MTEMachine Transfer Entry
- <>POPPoint of Purchase Entry
- <>CIECustomer Initiated Entry
- <>ATXFinancial EDI Acknowledgment
- <>PPPPrearranged Payment and Deposit plus Addenda (PPD+) (ACH)
- <>IXMLFed Wire CTP or CHIPS Remittance in an ISO XML Format
- <>PBRConsumer Cross-Border Payment
- <>ARCAccounts Receivable Entry
- <>IAPInternational ACH Payment with Addenda Type Code 17
- <>SWIFFed Wire CTP or CHIPs Remittance is in a SWIFT Field 70 Format
- <>GXMLFed Wire CTP or CHIPS Remittance in a General XML Format
- <>TRXTruncated Entries Exchange
- <>ACKACH Payment Acknowledgment
- <>RRMTFed Wire CTP or CHIPS Remittance in a Related Remittance Information Format
- <>S820Fed Wire CTP or CHIPS Remittance in a STP 820 Format
- <>PBCCommercial/Corporate Check
- <>IATInternational Automated Clearing House (ACH) Transaction
- <>POSPoint of Sale Entry
- <>PPDPrearranged Payment and Deposit (PPD+) (ACH)
- <>CTXCorporate Trade Exchange (CTX) (ACH)
- <>NARRFed Wire CTP or CHIPS Remittance in a Free Form Format
- <>RCKRe-presented Check Entry
- <>CIPCustomer Initiated Entry Plus Addenda
- <>CBCConsumer/Employee Check
- <>PROPFed Wire CTP or CHIPS Remittance in a Proprietary Local Instrument Format
- <>TELTelephone-Initiated Entry
- <>UEDIFed Wire CTP or CHIPS Remittance in an U.N. EDIFACT Format
- <>TRCTruncated Entry
- <>ANSIFed Wire CTP or CHIPs remittance in an ANSI X12 Format
- <>WEBInternet-Initiated Entry
- <>XCKDestroyed Check Entry
- <>CCPCash Concentration/Disbursement plus Addenda (CCD+) (ACH)
- <>RMTSFed Wire CTP or CHIPS Remittance in a Related Remittance Structured Format
- <>ADVAutomated Account Advice
- <>CBRCorporate Cross-Border Payment
- <>PRDPreauthorized Draft
- <>BOCBack Office Conversion Entry
- <>BPTBill Payment
- <>SHRShared Network Transaction