692Conveyance Code
Code indicating rate application
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 1 / Max 1
- <>LAir Taxi
- <>GRail Trailer on Flat Car/Container on Flat Car (TOFC/COFC) Plan 3
- <>7Military Sealift Command (MSC)
- <>WShipper Agent (Truck/Rail/Truck)
- <>JAir Freight
- <>ZShipper Association
- <>MMultimodal
- <>PApplied To Deregulated (US ICC) Piggyback
- <>KAir Freight Forwarder
- <>NSurface Freight Forwarder
- <>ABus
- <>1Package Express
- <>QShipper Agent
- <>DApplies to deregulated (US ICC) carload rail, other than piggyback
- <>4Ocean Military Air
- <>TTowaway Service
- <>OWater
- <>BTruck
- <>2Groups
- <>RApplies to regulated carload rail other than piggyback.
- <>ERail
- <>5Air, Small Package Carrier
- <>UDriveaway and Towaway Service
- <>HRail Trailer on Flat Car/Container on Flat Car (TOFC/COFC) Plan 4
- <>8Air Mobility Command (AMC)
- <>CTruck - Rail - Truck
- <>3Ocean Roll-On, Roll-Off (RORO)
- <>SDriveaway Service
- <>VWater/Pipeline Intermodal Movements
- <>FRail Trailer on Flat Car/Container on Flat Car (TOFC/COFC) Door-to-Door
- <>6Intermodal (Personal Property)
- <>9Local Delivery
- <>YPipeline
- <>IApplies to regulated intermodal traffic