SOI Source of Income
AtMax 1
To define the source and related information about the income being reported
Element Details
NameType of Income Code
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>84Workman's Compensation
- <>51Highest Verified Income
- <>73Lump Sum Payment (Disability Event)
- <>15Next Pay Increase
- <>48Last Pay Increase
- <>61Average Rent
- <>07Monthly Ration
- <>96Military Combat Pay
- <>SLSabbatical
- <>TCTotal Annual Compensation
- <>25W-2 Wage and Tax Statement with Deferred Compensation
- <>78Discontinued Fringe Benefit Income
- <>43Welfare
- <>HRHourly Wage
- <>SASalary
- <>82Gross Rental Income on Existing Rental Property
- <>C1Supplemental Compensation
- <>28Compensation Required for Internal Revenue Code 415 Testing
- <>57"S" Corporation Income
- <>75American Payroll Association Code
- <>S1Fringe Benefits Supplement
- <>13Child Support
- <>31Nonemployment
- <>14Law Suit
- <>49Monthly Variable Housing Allowance
- <>85Military Base Pay
- <>72Short Term Disability
- <>S6Extended Salary
- <>22Base Employment Income plus Commissions, Bonus or Both
- <>19Interest
- <>ZZMutually Defined
- <>44Sale of Stocks and Bonds
- <>66Income Per Suite
- <>AIActual Income
- <>91Employment - Total
- <>88Military Flight Pay
- <>83Insurance Payments
- <>C0Base Compensation
- <>29Employment
- <>56Corporation Income
- <>S0Supplement Excluding Fringe Benefits
- <>74Lump Sum Payment (Fatality Event)
- <>12Alimony
- <>30Real Estate
- <>SPSeparation Pay
- <>86Foster Care
- <>53Automobile Allowance
- <>71Long Term Disability
- <>S5Summer Salary
- <>17Dividends
- <>35Total Monthly Income
- <>68Income Per Slip or Dock
- <>45Other Type of Income
- <>67Income Per Bay
- <>BSBeginning Salary Amount
- <>89Military Hazard Pay
- <>23Self-Employment Income
- <>18Profit Sharing
- <>40Unemployment Compensation
- <>PDPer Diem
- <>62Net Operating Income
- <>04Monthly Quarters
- <>95Monthly Overseas Pay
- <>BFBase Fringe Benefits
- <>EIEstimated Income
- <>26Income Eligible for Employer Matching
- <>59Trust Income
- <>52Salary at Termination
- <>70Continuation of Pay
- <>S4Other Supplement
- <>16Stock Options
- <>34Total Gross Income
- <>69Gross Sales
- <>87Mortgage Credit Certificate
- <>K1K1 Earnings
- <>20Base Employment Income
- <>39Mortgage Differential Payments
- <>46Notes Receivable Income
- <>64Income Per Building
- <>02Monthly Clothing Income
- <>93Windfall Income - Total
- <>94Civil Action Income - Total
- <>BGBudgeted Earnings
- <>58Lottery Winnings
- <>27Compensation Required for Nondiscrimination Testing
- <>41Pension
- <>63Income Per Unit
- <>08Bonus Income
- <>SCSalary Plus Commission
- <>80Average Employment Wage
- <>55Partnership Income
- <>77Concurrent Employment Wage
- <>S3Extra-curricular Activities Supplement
- <>11Income From Tips
- <>33Net Rental Income
- <>PSSick Pay
- <>38Veteran Affairs Benefits
- <>47Toke Income (Gambling Tips)
- <>65Income Per Area
- <>03Monthly Pro Pay
- <>92Earnings From Financial Assets - Total
- <>21Base Employment Income plus Overtime
- <>S8Selected Benefits
- <>24W-2 Wage and Tax Statement
- <>79Continued Fringe Benefit Income
- <>42Social Security
- <>60Expense Account Payments
- <>06Overseas Annual Income
- <>VPVacation Pay
- <>54Aid for Dependent Children Benefits
- <>76Primary Employment Wage
- <>S2Co-curricular Activities Supplement
- <>10Commission Income
- <>32Unknown Type of Income
- <>09Overtime Income
- <>SBSalary Plus Bonus
- <>81Dividend and Interest