IMA Interchange Move Authority
AtMax 1
To identify the transportation interchange authority
Element Details
NameMovement Authority Code
LengthMin 1 / Max 2
- <>LNot in Compliance With Special Car Order 90 or Special Car Order 100 Empty
- <>DSDestination Switch Move
- <>GRefused by Customer - Unneeded
- <>WNo Waybill
- <>MEmpty - No handling required by Car Service Rules
- <>NCNo Clearance
- <>PIntermediate Switch Carrier
- <>RBRBOX or RGON Exception
- <>NUNot on Universal Machine Language Equipment Register
- <>NNo Record Rights
- <>AReleased From Bad Order
- <>DEmpty Received as a Load
- <>OSOrigin Switch Move
- <>TTransfer or Adjustment of Lading Car Service Rate 10, Sections 1 & 2
- <>OOverweight Shipment
- <>BBad Order Setback
- <>RRefused by Customer - Unfit
- <>EEmbargoed Shipment
- <>HMHaulage Movement
- <>XAssociation of American Railroads Restriction
- <>CCar Not Weighed
- <>SCar Applied to Shipper Car Order - Place for Loading
- <>OAOld Age (Over-age)
- <>IInterchanged in Error