1487 Retrip Reason Code
Code identifying the reason a trip has been revised
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>OKCar Reported Released from Bad Order
- <>WCWaybill Cancellation
- <>EARoad Estimated Time of Arrival Available
- <>SLTrain Delay - Washout or Slide
- <>OPOperating Plan Change
- <>TCTrain Consolidation
- <>WETrain Delay - Weather
- <>HRCar Reported Released from Hold
- <>BOCar Reported Bad Order
- <>TDTrain Departed Without Car
- <>RRTrain Rerouted
- <>SKTrain Delay - Sun Kink
- <>WTCar Departed on Different Train
- <>WDWaybill Diversion or Correction
- <>CUTrain Delay - Hold for Maintenance of Way Curfew
- <>WACar Arrived on Different Train
- <>DETrain Delay - Derailment
- <>HLCar Reported Held
- <>SOTrain Block Set Out Location Changed
- <>HWTrain Delay - High Wind
- <>CIChange in Interchange Mode
- <>SIAdded Consignee Placement Instructions
- <>TATrain Annulment
- <>IDScheduled Interchange did not Include Car
- <>PEPredictive Estimated Time of Arrival Used
- <>MVCar Location Move (Without Train)
- <>WICar Included in Different Interchange
- <>MSCar Manually Scheduled
- <>TRTrain Size Reduction (tonnage, length, number or cars)
- <>TMTrain Movement Reporting Deletion
- <>ETCar Rescheduled to an Extra Train