TRT Trade Item Type
AtMax 1
To identify the trade item product type
Position | Element | Name | Type | Min/Max | Repeat | |
1 | 687 | Class of Trade Code | Mandatory | ID | 2/2 | AtMax 1 |
2 | 128 | Reference Identification Qualifier | Rel | ID | 2/3 | AtMax 1 |
3 | 127 | Reference Identification | Rel | Alphanumeric | 1/80 | AtMax 1 |
4 | 128 | Reference Identification Qualifier | Rel | ID | 2/3 | AtMax 1 |
5 | 127 | Reference Identification | Rel | Alphanumeric | 1/80 | AtMax 1 |
6 | 355 | Unit or Basis for Measurement Code | Rel | ID | 2/2 | AtMax 1 |
7 | 739 | Measurement Value | Rel | Decimal | 1/20 | AtMax 1 |
Element Details
NameClass of Trade Code
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>WSUser
- <>WCWarehouse Clubs
- <>AEFinancial Institutions
- <>ANTheme Park
- <>WHWholesaler
- <>ASSeller
- <>ACCommercial Enterprises
- <>RXHealthcare Products
- <>SAServices
- <>DIDistributor
- <>ADSpecial Trades
- <>GRGeneral Retail
- <>BRBroker
- <>AIImporter
- <>ARVending
- <>ABMembers
- <>HSHospitals
- <>GAGrocery Accounts
- <>SESecurities
- <>WAWarehousing
- <>AGAgent
- <>DEDealer
- <>RSResale
- <>AHNon-Profit
- <>OFOff Premise
- <>PTPet Supply Store
- <>AMPrisons
- <>COContractor
- <>LCLong-term Care
- <>INInstitutional
- <>STStationer
- <>AFFast Food
- <>CYConvenience Store
- <>DFDoctors' Offices
- <>GMGeneral Merchandise
- <>BGBuying Group
- <>CNConsolidator (Master Distributor)
- <>FSFood Service
- <>IDIndustrial
- <>EXExporter
- <>ALGaming
- <>AABranches
- <>AQRestaurant
- <>PHOutpatient Pharmacy
- <>JBJobber
- <>CXConfection
- <>MFManufacturer
- <>IRIndependent Retail
- <>AJSchools
- <>MCManaged Care
- <>PFProfessional
- <>AOMulti-Purpose
- <>DRDrug Store
- <>TRGeneral Trade
- <>CBCombined
- <>ONOn Premise
- <>CRChain Store Retail
- <>PYPrivate Label
- <>MLMilitary
- <>APPurchaser
- <>SBSupport
- <>GVGovernment