TD1 Carrier Details (Quantity and Weight)
AtMax 20
To specify the transportation details relative to commodity, weight, and quantity
Position | Element | Name | Type | Min/Max | Repeat | |
1 | 103 | Packaging Code | Opt | Alphanumeric | 3/5 | AtMax 1 |
2 | 80 | Lading Quantity | Rel | Number | 1/7 | AtMax 1 |
3 | 23 | Commodity Code Qualifier | Opt | ID | 1/1 | AtMax 1 |
4 | 22 | Commodity Code | Rel | Alphanumeric | 1/30 | AtMax 1 |
5 | 79 | Lading Description | Opt | Alphanumeric | 1/50 | AtMax 1 |
6 | 187 | Weight Qualifier | Opt | ID | 1/2 | AtMax 1 |
7 | 81 | Weight | Rel | Decimal | 1/10 | AtMax 1 |
8 | 355 | Unit or Basis for Measurement Code | Rel | ID | 2/2 | AtMax 1 |
9 | 183 | Volume | Rel | Decimal | 1/8 | AtMax 1 |
10 | 355 | Unit or Basis for Measurement Code | Rel | ID | 2/2 | AtMax 1 |
Element Details
NamePackaging Code
LengthMin 3 / Max 5
- <>84Polystyrene
- <>LOGLog
- <>TSSTrunk, Salesmen Sample
- <>BAGBag
- <>51Wire Mesh
- <>HPTHopper Truck
- <>73Other than Glass
- <>TLDIntermodal Trailer/Container Load (Rail)
- <>37Fiberboard
- <>CNAHousehold Goods Container, Wood
- <>GABGable Top
- <>48Wire/Cord
- <>BBLBarrel
- <>61Moisture Resistant
- <>07Burlap
- <>RALRail (Semiconductor)
- <>EPREdge Protection
- <>96Double Wall Corrugated Board
- <>QTRQuarter of Beef
- <>BALBale
- <>BRGBarge
- <>CRFCorner Reinforcement
- <>BOBBobbin
- <>25Corrugated or Solid
- <>78Plastic - Injection Molded
- <>43Glass
- <>CONCones
- <>BLTBelting
- <>BDLBundle
- <>SPISpin Cylinders
- <>AABSplash Blend
- <>PLFPlatform
- <>82Pulpboard
- <>SHAShaker
- <>WHEOn Own Wheel
- <>28Double-wall Paper
- <>HPRHamper
- <>75Plastic - Vacuum Formed
- <>13Cloth
- <>31Fibre
- <>PATPallet - 2 Way
- <>TRKTrunk and Chest
- <>49Insulated
- <>BINBin
- <>VPKVan Pack
- <>ENVEnvelope
- <>KTBKnockdown Tote Bin
- <>ATHAttachment
- <>85Rubber
- <>EGGEgg Crating
- <>DBKDry Bulk
- <>BOXBox
- <>DRKDouble-length Rack
- <>50Steel - Vinyl Coated
- <>CAGCage
- <>72Paper - VCI
- <>22Compressed
- <>RFTReinforcement
- <>PCKPacked - not otherwise specified
- <>STWStretch Wrap
- <>19Cloth or Fabric
- <>LNRLiners
- <>BICBing Chest
- <>JUGJug
- <>91Stainless Steel
- <>88Rubber and Fabric
- <>SHKShook
- <>83Plastic - Regrind
- <>CLDCar Load, Rail
- <>BRKBrick Pack
- <>DRMDrum
- <>FWRForward Reel
- <>74Other than Metal or Plastic Tubes, or Glass
- <>SCSSuitcase
- <>CNFContainer, Multi-walled, Secured to Warehouse Pallet
- <>CCSCan Case
- <>VILVial
- <>LIFLifts
- <>TUBTub
- <>SSCSingle Serving Cup
- <>PWTPlastic-Wrapped Tray
- <>UNPUnpacked
- <>CHECheeses
- <>86Foam
- <>53Jumbo
- <>71Not Otherwise Specified
- <>KITKit
- <>CNCContainer, Navy Cargo Transporter
- <>BXTBucket
- <>HTBHalf-Standard Tote Bin
- <>CYLCylinder
- <>MXDMixed
- <>HEDHeads of Beef
- <>67Multiple-wall Paper (2 or more walls)
- <>KEGKeg
- <>SPRSeparator/Divider
- <>01Aluminum
- <>BDGBanding
- <>90Standard
- <>HRKHalf-Standard Rack
- <>SAKSack
- <>89Special
- <>JARJar
- <>BOTBottle
- <>POVPrivate Vehicle
- <>TNKTank
- <>MIXMixed Container Types
- <>AMPAmpoule
- <>40Fiberboard Metal
- <>04As Specified by the DOT
- <>SKDSkid
- <>PKGPackage
- <>95Single Wall Corrugated Board
- <>DSKDouble-length Skid
- <>LVNLift Van
- <>CANCan
- <>59Metal Cans
- <>52Iron or Steel
- <>PAFPallet - 4 Way
- <>TRYTray
- <>70Multiple-wall Paper (3 or more walls)
- <>16Cloth Top
- <>34Fibre (Paperboard)
- <>DUFDuffelbag
- <>CNBContainer, MAC-ISO, LT. WGT. 8x8x20 Foot Air
- <>HGHHogshead
- <>SHTSheet
- <>PLCPrimary Lift Container
- <>UNTUnit
- <>SPLSpool
- <>SLPSlip Sheet
- <>87Polycoated
- <>MRPMulti-Roll Pack
- <>SAHSachet
- <>VOCVehicle in Operating Condition
- <>DTBDouble-length Tote Bin
- <>BEMBeam
- <>POUPouch
- <>RCKRack
- <>BSKBasket or hamper
- <>CBCContainers of Bulk Cargo
- <>46In Inner Containers
- <>64Molded Plastic
- <>KRKKnockdown Rack
- <>LSELoose
- <>PLNPipeline
- <>94Wood
- <>CRTCrate
- <>NOLNoil
- <>FIRFirkin
- <>LBKLiquid Bulk
- <>FLOFlo-bin
- <>CRDCradle
- <>58Metal
- <>TKRTank Car
- <>PALPail
- <>WRPWrapped
- <>TRCTierce
- <>BLKBulk
- <>05Soft Wood
- <>SKESkid, elevating or lift truck
- <>PLTPallet
- <>COLCoil
- <>TBNTote Bin
- <>99Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)
- <>HRBOn Hanger or Rack in Boxes
- <>80Polyethylene Lined
- <>CHSChest
- <>PCSPieces
- <>CARCarrier
- <>CABCabinet
- <>55Lead
- <>77Plastic - Structural Foam
- <>CNEContainer, Engine
- <>CBYCarboy
- <>WLCWheeled Carrier
- <>03Hard Wood
- <>PIRPirns
- <>TBETube
- <>BXIBox, with inner container
- <>92Tubes, Metal or Plastic
- <>INTIntermediate Container
- <>CSKCask
- <>BRCBracing
- <>TKTTank Truck
- <>VEHVehicles
- <>TRUTruck
- <>RELReel
- <>79Plastic
- <>RVRReverse Reel
- <>FSKFlask
- <>LUGLug
- <>97Triple Wall Corrugated Board
- <>CORCore
- <>PRTPartitioning
- <>SRWShrink Wrap
- <>SIDSide of Beef
- <>CTNCarton
- <>54Special Jumbo
- <>PRKPipe Rack
- <>FRMFrame
- <>CNTContainer
- <>76Paper
- <>10Chemically Hardened Fibre
- <>CNDContainer, Commercial Highway Lift
- <>LIDLip/Top
- <>AMMAmmo Pack
- <>98Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
- <>AAAPallet, Returnable
- <>ROLRoll
- <>SLVSleeve
- <>81Plastic - Virgin
- <>CASCase