BMP Beginning Segment for Market Development Fund Settlement
AtMax 1
To indicate identifying numbers and other basic data relative to market development funds
Element Details
NameTransaction Handling Code
LengthMin 1 / Max 2
- <>LApply on Account
- <>GPlan Order(s) and Ship Product
- <>JPayment Requested (Adjustment to Account)
- <>ZMutually Defined
- <>MMemo/Additional Remittance Detail
- <>PPrenotification of Future Transfers
- <>KReimbursement to Follow
- <>NCheck Issuance Notice
- <>AOff Invoice (Deduction from Original Invoice)
- <>QCredit Due, Payment Being Issued
- <>DMake Payment Only
- <>TAdjustment Requested
- <>ODeduct from Next Remittance
- <>BDebit/Credit Advice No Remittance Detail
- <>RRecurring Debit Authorization
- <>EDebit/Credit Advice with Remittance Detail
- <>USplit Payment and Remittance
- <>HNotification Only
- <>XHandling Party's Option to Split Payment and Remittance
- <>CPayment Accompanies Remittance Advice
- <>SSingle Debit Authorization
- <>FPlan and Submit Suggested Purchase Order(s)
- <>IRemittance Information Only