1196 Breakdown Structure Detail Code
Code identifying details relating to a reporting breakdown structure tree
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>84Total Direct Costs
- <>51Employment
- <>73Travel - Domestic
- <>E1Major Reimbursement Source Code
- <>15Interdivisional Work Authorization
- <>37Total Cost Less General & Administrative
- <>A5Sub-class
- <>H4Classification Code
- <>48Indirect Labor
- <>61Government Furnished Property
- <>D3Field Level Organization
- <>MRManagement Reserve
- <>07Material Overhead
- <>F1Object Class
- <>BEBusiness Event Type Code
- <>TCTermination Costs
- <>25Nonrecurring Manufacturing Labor
- <>78Participant Other
- <>B5Advance Procurement Year
- <>FAFunctional Area
- <>43Materials and Purchased Items
- <>H2Labor Type Code
- <>82Computer Automated Data Processing (ADP) Services
- <>C1Program Element
- <>28Total
- <>57Future Business
- <>75Participant Stipends
- <>S1Security Cooperation Customer Code
- <>13Manufacturing Labor
- <>A3Fiscal Year Indicator
- <>31Direct Cost or Hours
- <>14Manufacturing Overhead
- <>G2Special Interest Code or Special Program Cost Code
- <>36Total Price
- <>A4Basic Symbol Number
- <>ATAir Force Transportation Account Code (ATAC)
- <>49Employee Benefits
- <>L1Accounting Installation Number
- <>85Human Subject Costs
- <>50Payroll Taxes
- <>72Total Purchased Equipment
- <>22Nonrecurring Subcontract
- <>TDTechnical Data
- <>B2Budget Sub-activity Number
- <>IASecurity Cooperation Implementing Agency
- <>19Nonrecurring Labor
- <>WOWork Order Number
- <>ZZMutually Defined
- <>44Quality Control Labor
- <>66Quality Control
- <>D4Work Center
- <>AIActivity Indicator
- <>91Advanced Procurement Indicator
- <>I1Abbreviated Department of Defense (DoD) Budget and Accounting Classification Code (BACC)
- <>88Cost Sharing
- <>83Funding From Non-Federal Sources
- <>29Nonrecurring and Total
- <>56Administration
- <>74Travel - Foreign
- <>12Engineering Overhead
- <>30Recurring and Total
- <>A2Transfer from Department
- <>H3Cost Allocation Code
- <>J1Document or Record Reference Number
- <>BYBase Year Costs
- <>BLBillings
- <>86Animal Costs
- <>NPNon-production
- <>53Production Related
- <>71Total Salaries and Wages and Employee Benefits
- <>E3Customer Indicator
- <>17Change Document Number
- <>G1Program or Planning Code
- <>35Profit or Fee
- <>A7Subhead or Limit
- <>RLRental or Lease of Equipment or Facilities
- <>ESEscalation
- <>45Other Government Effort
- <>P1Disbursing Station Number
- <>67Manufacturing
- <>D5Allotment Recipient
- <>01Labor
- <>90Project/Task
- <>TUParticipant Tuition
- <>23Nonrecurring Labor and Material
- <>LMLabor - Military
- <>B3Budget Line Item Identification
- <>18Funds Appropriation
- <>MDMovement Designator Code (MDC)
- <>40Standard
- <>62Engineering
- <>04Subcontract
- <>F2Object Sub-class
- <>M1Local Installation Data
- <>YEEnding Period of Availability
- <>26Recurring
- <>59Government Furnished Equipment
- <>FRForward Priced
- <>B6Fund Code
- <>52Communications and Travel
- <>70Total Salaries and Wages
- <>E2Detail Reimbursement Source Code
- <>INInsurance
- <>16Intercomponent Work Authorization
- <>34Cost of Money
- <>A6Sub-Account Symbol
- <>UBUndistributed Budget
- <>87Alternations and Renovations
- <>N1Transaction Type
- <>20Nonrecurring Material
- <>CYCurrent Year Costs
- <>39Other Costs
- <>46Commercial Effort
- <>P2International Balance of Payments (IBOP) Code
- <>64Tooling Design
- <>D6Sub-allotment Recipient
- <>02Material
- <>F4Foreign Currency Code
- <>EHEquipment Maintenance
- <>K6Accounting Classification Reference Code
- <>58Credits
- <>TATransportation Account Code (TAC)
- <>27Nonrecurring
- <>FCFunding Center Identification
- <>P5Security Cooperation Case Line Item Identifier
- <>41Variance
- <>63Tooling
- <>D1Defense Agency Level Organization
- <>05Labor and Material
- <>F3Government or Public Sector Identifier
- <>EXExpenditures
- <>08Other Overhead
- <>SCService Contracts
- <>80Publication Costs
- <>C3Funding Type
- <>CCCost Center Identifier
- <>55Facilities - Furniture and Equipment
- <>77Participant Travel
- <>11Engineering Labor
- <>33General & Administrative
- <>A1Department Indicator
- <>J2Standard Document Reference Number (SDRN) Line Item Number (SLIN)
- <>38Total Cost Plus General & Administrative
- <>FEParticipant Fees
- <>47Total Direct Cost Base
- <>P3Disbursing Office Voucher Number
- <>65Tooling Fabrication
- <>D7Work Center Recipient
- <>03Other Direct Costs (ODC)
- <>F5Country Code
- <>YBBeginning Period of Availability
- <>21Nonrecurring Other Direct Costs
- <>B1Budget Activity Number
- <>24Nonrecurring Engineering Labor
- <>79Participant Total
- <>B4Project/Task/Budget Sub-Line
- <>FPFixed Price
- <>42Purchased Equipment
- <>60Government Furnished Material
- <>D2Major Command Level Organization
- <>06Labor Overhead
- <>TRTraining
- <>CMCommitments
- <>54Facilities - Building and Land
- <>S2Security Cooperation Case Designator
- <>10Total General and Administrative
- <>32Plant-wide Overhead
- <>H1Cost Code
- <>J3Standard Document Reference Number (SDRN) Sub Line Item Number (SSLIN)
- <>09Total Overhead
- <>81Consultant Services
- <>C2Budgetary Restrictions