304 Event Code
Code identifying the event about which a report is made
Element Details
Type ID
LengthMin 3 / Max 3
- <>SLCSeal Deleted
- <>BHVBad Order Heavy Repair
- <>OIROpen Interchange Receipt
- <>FCACarrier Does Not Possess Valid U.S. Operating Authority
- <>RECPostal Reconsignment
- <>DDLDelivery Attempt
- <>CCTCrew Call
- <>TDLTrain Delay
- <>SERSeized Equipment - Removed
- <>AADActual Arrival at POD
- <>FTEFree Time Expired Date
- <>SPTSpot Date
- <>COCCancellation of Conveyance
- <>EFTEstimated Free Time
- <>ARDActual Arrival Date at Final Destination
- <>DPCDeparture Cancelled
- <>SPDScheduled Passing
- <>RYDRail Yard Move
- <>WAIWaived
- <>DVUConveyance Diversion Update
- <>PUJPull from Joint Industry
- <>STPStored Prospective Load
- <>TODTrain Overdue
- <>ADRHighway Departure
- <>SEISeized Equipment
- <>HEBHold for Embargo
- <>RLTReleased From Leased Track
- <>ICHInterchange Delivery
- <>ARIArrival Transit Location
- <>PLFPlaced on Leased Track - From Customer
- <>OIDOpen Interchange Delivery
- <>ZZZMutually Defined
- <>DECDeclined
- <>PACPlacement Actual
- <>FDHDriver Does Not Have Proper Commercial Drivers License (CDL) Endorsements for HAZMAT Cargo
- <>VARVessel Arrival
- <>RSTRestore Annulled Train
- <>OSIOrigin Switch Interchange
- <>SUSSuspended
- <>FOLFollow Up
- <>CG1Car Grade By Inspection
- <>SLRSeal Replaced
- <>NOTNotified Destination Party
- <>BOHBad Order - Hours to Repair
- <>REBRelease from Embargo Hold
- <>ORPOrdered to Place
- <>WGHWeigh
- <>DVRConveyance Diversion Rejection
- <>PRBProblem Log Created
- <>ICRInterchange Receipt
- <>FRTFrom Repair Track
- <>ETAAdvanced Estimated Time of Arrival
- <>ANOArrived, Not Ordered Placed by Destination Party
- <>TMATrain Move Arrival
- <>NOBNo Bill at Location
- <>RCRCrew and or Passengers Released
- <>SLDSailed
- <>DRMDeramped
- <>ALVActually Loaded on Vessel
- <>RETReceipted
- <>MWYMove Away
- <>DPODeparture Overdue
- <>ACAActual Conveyance Arrival
- <>SADScheduled Arrival Date
- <>SLASeal Added
- <>SATSatisfied
- <>FCCSafety Score Indicates Inspection is Warranted
- <>FDLDriver Does Not Have Valid/Current Commercial Drivers License (CDL) or Equivalent (Mexico or Canada)
- <>DFLDeparture from Location
- <>HTRTrip Held
- <>ITSIngate to Rail Terminal or Satellite
- <>REQEquipment Released
- <>FCSCarrier Data Not Found in Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) Systems
- <>STITo Storage - Intend
- <>ARRArrival Final Destination
- <>RLOReleased Loaded from Customer
- <>HSRHaulage Start
- <>INVAssociation of American Railroads Inventory Move
- <>DVCConveyance Diversion Cancellation
- <>DVSConveyance Diversion Submission
- <>PULPulled From Leased Track
- <>STVDriver's Country of Citizenship Missing
- <>RTRTrip Released
- <>ORIOutgate to Rail Interchange
- <>FVDTractor Check Not Performed, Data Not Available at this Time
- <>HEQEquipment Held
- <>CLKConsist Locked
- <>CSLCargo Stripping
- <>HMIHold or Miscellaneous
- <>APUAnticipated Pickup
- <>OGTIntermodal Out-Gate
- <>POSPostpone
- <>INCIncomplete
- <>WYBWaybilled
- <>PCOPlacement Constructive
- <>FCICarrier's Current Insurance Does Not Meet the Minimum Level or Better
- <>STSStored for Seasonal Use
- <>ALRActually Loaded on Rail
- <>FCBCarrier Has an Out of Service Order Against It
- <>REPRepended
- <>IRDIn Transit
- <>FEDTrailer Check Not Performed, Data Not Available at this Time
- <>HRERelease from Hold or Miscellaneous
- <>IBDIn Bond
- <>BADBad Order
- <>PURCustomer Released with No Billing
- <>CULConsist Un-Lock
- <>IGTIntermodal In-Gate Arrival at Railroad Intermodal Terminal
- <>TRTTo Repair Track
- <>STUStored Serviceable
- <>CTUCrew Tie Up
- <>IRIIngate to Rail Interchange
- <>WITWithdrawn
- <>VDPVessel Departure
- <>TMDTrain Move Departure
- <>ASOAnticipated Set-out
- <>CRDCargo Receipt Date
- <>DELDeleted
- <>REJRejected by Shipper
- <>OCAOverdue Conveyance Arrival
- <>UFVUnloaded From Vessel
- <>EDDEstimated Departure Date
- <>PLTPlaced On Leased Track - To Customer
- <>SUVDriver Missing Approved Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative (WHTI) Document
- <>UNSUnable to Schedule
- <>OTSOutgate to Rail Terminal or Satellite
- <>ZZXRefuel
- <>MALMailed
- <>TRNLading Transferred
- <>TPLTrip Planned
- <>EADEstimated Arrival Date
- <>PENPending
- <>ERDEstimated Arrival Date at Final Destination
- <>TDCTrain Delay Cancelled
- <>SDDScheduled Departure Date
- <>FVCNo Current Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) Decal On File
- <>RMTReleased Empty from Customer
- <>EWIEarly Warning Inspections
- <>HSPHaulage Stop
- <>EQOEquipment Ordered In
- <>ANLTrain Annulment
- <>DVAConveyance Diversion Approval
- <>HARHighway Arrival RR Facility
- <>RCOConveyance Released
- <>PFPPulled from Patron
- <>TRPTrain Reported Passing
- <>FDDDriver Check Not Performed, Data Not Available at this Time
- <>STATo Storage - Actual
- <>RAMRamped
- <>BFRRelease from Bad Order
- <>EWLAssociation of American Railroads Early Warning Letter
- <>PLJPlace at Joint Industry
- <>DSIDestination Switch Interchange
- <>ZZYFuel Reading
- <>FCDCarrier Check Not Performed, Data Not Available At This Time
- <>STNStored Unserviceable
- <>BLGBad Order Light Repair
- <>ACCAccepted
- <>AAARequested Requirements
- <>DEPDelivery Pending