To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number
Beginning Segment for Rail Carrier's Invoice
To transmit identifying numbers, dates, and other basic data relating to the transaction set
To specify alternate payment
Extended Reference Information
To transmit identifying information as specified by the Reference Identification Qualifier
To identify specific flight or voyage information for multimodal shipments
To transmit information in a free-form format, if necessary, for comment or special instruction
To identify the equipment
To define motor vehicle identification and logistics
To identify the scale type and the location and time a shipment is weighed
To record seal numbers used and the organization that applied the seals
To specify carrier equipment
Intermodal Chassis Equipment
To specify the chassis equipment details in terms of identifying numbers, weights, and ownership
Intermodal Movement Information
To specify the overall movement of a shipment
In-bond Identifying Information
To transmit in-bond information
Canadian Grain Information
To transmit the transportation and distribution requirements of grain at Canadian ports
To identify the waybill and to specify the equipment used and the destination details
To identify the rail origin of the shipment
To identify the rail destination of the shipment
To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code
Additional Name Information
To specify additional names
To specify the location of the named party
To specify the geographic place of the named party
Administrative Communications Contact
To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directed
To identify the individual billing segments within a movement when joint rail rates have been established between carriers but do not cover the entire movement
To identify a stop-off party
To specify the address of the stop-off party
To specify location details for a stop-off
To specify carrier and routing sequences and details
Route Code Identification
To specify the route using a single code
Protective Service Instructions
To specify mechanical protective service and ventilation instructions
Transaction Set Line Number
To reference a line number in a transaction set
Description, Marks and Numbers
To specify the line item in terms of description, quantity, packaging, and marks and numbers
Line Item - Quantity and Weight
To specify quantity, weight, volume, and type of service for a line item including applicable "quantity/rate-as" data
To specify physical measurements or counts, including dimensions, tolerances, variances, and weights(See Figures Appendix for example of use of C001)
To specify rate and charges detail relative to a line item including freight charges, advances, special charges, and entitlements
To specify pertinent dates and times
Price Authority Identification
To communicate basis of pricing, such as contract number, quote number, or tariff number
To specify condition restrictions or provisions applicable to the rate docket
To specify origin point and waybill references of movement to transit waybill point
To specify lading description, including weight and rate details applying to the associated T1 segment
To specify transit inbound routing, including equipment identifications for associated T1 and T2 segments
To identify the transit inbound prior origin point and waybill reference of movement to the point specified in T1 segment
To transmit information in a free-form format relating to a specified transit sequence number
To specify the total shipment in terms of weight, volume, rates, charges, advances, and prepaid amounts applicable to one or more line items
To indicate customs information
To indicate the end of the transaction set and provide the count of the transmitted segments (including the beginning (ST) and ending (SE) segments)