TXI Tax Information
AtMax 7
To specify tax information
Position | Element | Name | Type | Min/Max | Repeat | |
1 | 963 | Tax Type Code | Mandatory | ID | 2/2 | AtMax 1 |
2 | 782 | Monetary Amount | Rel | Decimal | 1/18 | AtMax 1 |
3 | 954 | Percentage as Decimal | Rel | Decimal | 1/10 | AtMax 1 |
4 | 955 | Tax Jurisdiction Code Qualifier | Rel | ID | 2/2 | AtMax 1 |
5 | 956 | Tax Jurisdiction Code | Rel | Alphanumeric | 1/10 | AtMax 1 |
6 | 441 | Tax Exempt Code | Rel | ID | 1/1 | AtMax 1 |
7 | 662 | Relationship Code | Opt | ID | 1/1 | AtMax 1 |
8 | 828 | Dollar Basis For Percent | Opt | Decimal | 1/9 | AtMax 1 |
9 | 325 | Tax Identification Number | Opt | Alphanumeric | 1/20 | AtMax 1 |
10 | 350 | Assigned Identification | Opt | Alphanumeric | 1/20 | AtMax 1 |
Element Details
NameTax Type Code
LengthMin 2 / Max 2
- <>GSGoods and Services Tax
- <>TXAll Taxes
- <>CGFederal Value-added Tax (GST) on Goods
- <>WSWell Service
- <>AUReal Property Tax
- <>EQEquipment Tax
- <>AEAd Valorem Tax
- <>HTHandicap Tax
- <>PGState or Provincial Tax on Goods
- <>F1FICA Tax
- <>VAValue Added Tax
- <>ANHighway (Fuel) Use Tax
- <>BEHarmonized Sales Tax
- <>SLState and Local Tax
- <>LVLeaky Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Tax (state)
- <>FLFuel L.U.S.T. Tax (Leaking Underground Storage Tank)
- <>ASPersonal Property Tax
- <>ACDeparture
- <>SAState or Provincial Fuel Tax
- <>CACity Tax
- <>CVFederal Value-added Tax (GST) on Services
- <>ATAssessment
- <>ADAccommodations Tax
- <>SFSuperfund Tax
- <>GRGross Receipts Tax
- <>TTTelecommunications Tax
- <>TDTelecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) Service Excise Tax
- <>FFFuel Super Fund Tax
- <>ZZMutually Defined
- <>AYTourism Tax
- <>AIEmployment Tax
- <>BBUse Tax
- <>ZA911-City Tax
- <>CPCounty/Parish Sales Tax
- <>MNMinimum Tax
- <>ARMotor Fuel Tax
- <>SPState/Provincial Tax
- <>EVEnvironmental Tax
- <>ABSurtax
- <>HSPublic Health and Education Tax
- <>SEState Excise Tax
- <>LBLabor By Trade Tax
- <>ZD911-State Tax
- <>AWSolid Waste Tax
- <>SUSales and Use Tax
- <>AGCoin Operated Device Tax
- <>AXTobacco Tax
- <>ULLicense Tax
- <>MTMetropolitan Transit Tax
- <>AHCorporate Income Tax
- <>BCWithholding Tax
- <>MDMedical Device Tax
- <>MAMaterial Tax
- <>F2FICA Medicare Tax
- <>AMGift Tax
- <>FRFranchise Tax
- <>ZE911-Tax
- <>OHOther Taxes
- <>CTCounty Tax
- <>FIFederal Income Tax Withholding
- <>LSState and Local Sales Tax
- <>AVSeverance Tax
- <>STState Sales Tax
- <>AFAlcoholic Beverage Tax
- <>CICity Rental Tax
- <>FTFederal Excise Tax
- <>FDFederal Tax
- <>BPBusiness Privilege Tax
- <>AKFee-in-Lieu
- <>HZHazardous Waste Tax
- <>T1Pre-threshold Tax
- <>FSFuel Spill Tax
- <>MPMunicipal Tax
- <>F3FICA Social Security Tax
- <>ALGaming Tax
- <>SSState Tax on Specific Labor
- <>AAStadium Tax
- <>SCSchool Tax
- <>ZB911-County Tax
- <>CSCity Sales Tax
- <>LTLocal Sales Tax (All Applicable Sales Taxes by Taxing Authority Below the State Level)
- <>AQInheritance Tax
- <>DLDefault Labor Tax
- <>PSState or Provincial Tax on Services
- <>AZTransit Tax
- <>SXEnhanced 911 - State Excise Tax
- <>AJEstate Tax
- <>BAUnemployment Tax
- <>OTOccupational Tax
- <>LOLocal Tax (Not Sales Tax)
- <>MSMiscellaneous State Tax
- <>AOInternational Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) Tax
- <>BDWorker's Compensation Tax
- <>T2Post Threshold Tax
- <>CBThreshold Tax
- <>ZC911-Excise Tax
- <>CRCounty Rental Tax
- <>LULeaky Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Tax (federal)
- <>APIndividual Income Tax
- <>SRState Rental Tax
- <>ETEnergy Tax
- <>UTUtility Users' Tax
- <>SBSecondary Percentage Tax