RDI Retail Account Demographic Information
GT 1
To report demographic information regarding a retail account
Element Details
NameEntity Identifier Code
LengthMin 2 / Max 3
- <>ABONew Address
- <>5AMedical Surgical or Other Intensive Care Unit
- <>QEPolicyholder
- <>84Subscriber's Employer
- <>T8Previous Title Company
- <>N2Notify Party no. 2
- <>2NArmy Facility
- <>1ULong Term Care Facility
- <>C7County
- <>ACVInformation Source
- <>GSGaraged Location
- <>YMComplainant's Attorney
- <>TXTax Authority
- <>NRGas Transaction Starting Point
- <>ALAAlternative Addressee
- <>8TVoter
- <>5QMegavoltage Radiation Therapy Unit
- <>QUVeterinarian
- <>XTFinal Customer Organization
- <>CGCarnet Issuer
- <>51Parts Distributor
- <>Q5Advertising Group
- <>KOPlant Clearance Officer
- <>8DPermit Holder
- <>THTheater Circuit
- <>NBNeighbor
- <>DCCChief Deputy Clerk of Court
- <>73Other Physician
- <>FZChildren's Day Care Center
- <>AA4Admission Office
- <>S7Secured Party Company
- <>RECReceiver Manager
- <>E1Person or Other Entity Legally Responsible for a Child
- <>WSWater System
- <>IMImporter
- <>ZFBreak Bulk Point
- <>XDAlias
- <>15Accounts Payable Office
- <>CWAccounting Station
- <>G3Clinic
- <>RGAResponsible Government Agency
- <>MIPlanning Schedule/Material Release Issuer
- <>37Previous Debt Holder
- <>EAPLeader
- <>A5Veteran-Owned Business
- <>4XHemodialysis Facility
- <>ADYFormer Registered Address
- <>JVJoint Owner
- <>WCComparable Property
- <>ZVAllowable Recipient
- <>LPLoading Party
- <>FJFirst Contact
- <>6JVolunteer Services Department
- <>AUParty Authorizing Disposition
- <>48In-service Source
- <>RNRepair or Refurbish Location
- <>DHDoing Business As
- <>J6Power of Attorney
- <>UAPlace of Bottling
- <>3WSpecialized Outpatient Program for AIDS/ARC
- <>4HEmergency Department
- <>D8Dispatcher
- <>PLParty to Receive Purchase Order
- <>JFGeneral Merchandise Department
- <>U1Gas Transaction Point 1
- <>MYMaster General Agent
- <>BUSBusiness
- <>EBKSponsored Committee
- <>IALCompany in which Interest Held
- <>OSHOff-Site Handler
- <>7SPipeline Segment
- <>AATIncorporation Jurisdiction
- <>SWSealing Company
- <>EQOld Debtor
- <>W3Third Party Investment Advisor
- <>VJOwner Joint Annuitant Payor
- <>HDContingent Annuitant
- <>UQSubsequent Owner
- <>M9Manufacturing
- <>3GOrthopedic Facility
- <>6ZAdvisor
- <>AEAdditional Delivery Address
- <>DXDistiller
- <>X4Spouse
- <>1EHealth Maintenance Organization (HMO)
- <>ACFBorder Crossing
- <>GCPrevious Credit Grantor
- <>IORImporter of Record
- <>AADName not to be Confused with
- <>SGStore Group
- <>EAStudy Submitter
- <>HTState Chartered Facility
- <>Z6Transferring Party
- <>7CPlace of Occurrence
- <>BNBeneficial Owner
- <>EAKDonor
- <>61Performed At
- <>4CCardiac Catherization Laboratory
- <>R5Regulatory (State) Entity
- <>PGPrime Contractor
- <>D3Defendant
- <>ADBFor Profit Health Care Provider
- <>JMCandy and Confections Department
- <>MRMedical Insurance Carrier
- <>IAGDirector
- <>07Titleholder
- <>7XParty Represented
- <>BUPlace of Business
- <>F1Company - Owned Oil Field
- <>EZNew Secured Party
- <>W8Interline Service Commitment Customer
- <>VASecond Contact
- <>HOComparable Property Listing
- <>UZSigner
- <>M2Receipt Location
- <>3LChildren's Psychiatric Facility
- <>6QRespiratory Therapy Services
- <>ANAuthorized From
- <>RUReceiving Sub-Location
- <>DSDistributor
- <>96Debtor Company
- <>YVHostile Witness
- <>1NShareholder
- <>ACMEmergency Provider
- <>GHMotor Vehicle Report Provider Company
- <>BEBeneficiary
- <>7HGovernment Furnished Property FOB Point
- <>AAOObservation Room Services
- <>SLOrigin Sublocation
- <>EJPrincipal Person
- <>VQMiddle School
- <>COSCorrected Subscriber
- <>EBPSlate Mailer Organization
- <>IAWRecord-Keeping Address
- <>ABDUnit Property
- <>5JPsychiatric Consultation-Liaison Services
- <>QNDentist
- <>K4Party Authorizing Release of Security Information
- <>T3Terminal Location
- <>N9Neighborhood
- <>2ENon-Health Care Miscellaneous Facility
- <>BALBailiff
- <>GXRetrocessionaire
- <>YFWitness for Prosecution
- <>TSParty to Receive Certified Test Results
- <>NYBirth Name
- <>KTCourt
- <>DIRDistribution Recipient
- <>007Spud Contractor
- <>2UOther Not-for-profit Facility
- <>ABTImported from Location
- <>5ZRehabilitation Outpatient Services
- <>9VFirst Supplier
- <>OPOperator of property or unit
- <>CLContainer Location
- <>AB4Chartered School District
- <>PREPrevious Owner
- <>8ODisabled Individual
- <>KDProposer
- <>TCTool Source
- <>NINon-insured
- <>25Woman-Owned Business, Large
- <>OAAOrganic Accredited Certifying Agency
- <>78Service Requester
- <>B5Affiliated Company
- <>FQPier Name
- <>WXPreliminary Referred To Organization
- <>IFInternational Freight Forwarder
- <>ZMLease Location
- <>LKJuvenile Owner
- <>XOPreliminary Customer Organization
- <>G8Entity Responsible for Follow-up
- <>9FLoss Payee
- <>MBCompany Interviewer Works For
- <>4SRespite Care Facility
- <>ADRCharter School
- <>PWPickup Address
- <>AEKParty to Receive Packing, Crating, and Handling Credit
- <>WHWarehouse
- <>IVRenter
- <>V1Surety
- <>0GPrimary Electronic Business Contact
- <>FAFacility
- <>6AReproductive Health Services
- <>43Claimant Authorized Representative
- <>P7Third Party Repricing Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
- <>DCDestination Carrier
- <>UJSales Assistant
- <>LVLoan Servicer
- <>0JPrimary Practice Location
- <>FLPrimary Control Point Location
- <>AEFPlanning Commission
- <>WESubject Property
- <>H2Sub-Office
- <>ZPGaining Inventory Manager
- <>UGNursing Home Chain
- <>BLDBuilding
- <>3QChildren's Chronic Disease Facility
- <>6LOrgan/Tissue Transplant Unit
- <>ASPostsecondary Education Sender
- <>RHResponsible Installation, Destination
- <>DNReferring Provider
- <>PJParty to Receive Correspondence
- <>ADOPublic Pre-K Education
- <>U7Psychologist
- <>EAFCommittee
- <>4NAlzheimer's Diagnostic/Assessment Services
- <>R8Credit Reporting Agency
- <>SQService Bureau
- <>EWServicing Broker
- <>VLBuilder Name
- <>HBHistorically Black College or University
- <>EBMTemporary Residence
- <>GBOGate Booth
- <>OBGOperator Buying Group
- <>7ULiquidator
- <>BXAttorney for Plaintiff
- <>ACAir Cargo Company
- <>RXResponsible Exhibitor
- <>UWUnassigned Agent
- <>BLTStructure
- <>3AHospital Unit Within an Institution for the Mentally Retarded
- <>X2Party to Perform Packaging
- <>TSEConsignee Courier Transfer Station
- <>1CGroup Purchasing Organization (GPO)
- <>GEGeneral Agency
- <>CHAChanged Address
- <>HRSubject of Inquiry
- <>IAZOriginal Jurisdiction
- <>7EParty Authorized to Definitize Contract Action
- <>BHInterim Trustee
- <>AABManagement Non-Officer
- <>SASalvage Carrier
- <>EGEngineer
- <>N4Price Administration
- <>2HHospital District or Authority
- <>TECTax Exempt Corporation
- <>ABIJoint Annuitant Owner
- <>5GOrganized Outpatient Services
- <>QCPatient
- <>82Rendering Provider
- <>K9Previous Distributor
- <>YKBondsman
- <>1SOutpatient Surgicenter
- <>C1In Care Of Party no. 1
- <>ACPGovernment - Combined Control
- <>GUGuarantee Agency
- <>8RConsumer Service Provider (CSP) Customer
- <>KYTechnical Office
- <>NTMagistrate Judge
- <>2XCorporation for-profit Facility
- <>5WMagnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Facility
- <>QSPodiatrist
- <>XRMexican Customs Broker
- <>CACarrier
- <>TNTradename
- <>NDNext Destination
- <>28Subcontractor
- <>AB9Agent Towns School System
- <>57Servicing Organization
- <>Q3Retail Account
- <>KIUnited States Overseas Security Administration Office
- <>8BPrimary Residence
- <>E7Previous Employer
- <>WUPrimary Support Organization
- <>IKIntermediate Carrier
- <>LFLimited Partner
- <>75Participant
- <>B8Regular Dealer
- <>AA2Financial Aid Office
- <>S1Parent
- <>G5Contingent Beneficiary
- <>9KKey Person
- <>OMOrigin Mail Facility
- <>XBIn-land Mexican Broker
- <>13Contracted Service Provider
- <>CQCorporate Office
- <>A3Labor Surplus Area Firm
- <>PZParty to Receive Equipment
- <>JPFloral Department
- <>MORelease Drayman
- <>31Postal Mailing Address
- <>EAVParty Authorized to Administer Oaths
- <>XEClaim Recipient
- <>14Wholly-Owned Subsidiary
- <>SNPU.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) Second Notify Party
- <>CVConverter
- <>G2Annuitant
- <>9LIncorporated By
- <>JWJoint Venture
- <>MHMortgage Insurer
- <>36Employer
- <>EAQParty Performing Liaison
- <>A4Other Disadvantaged Business
- <>4YHome Health Services
- <>ADXFuture Address
- <>AEASecond Level Parent Company
- <>WBAppraiser Name
- <>LYPOrganizer
- <>H5Paying Agent
- <>ZWField
- <>LQLaw Firm
- <>6KOutpatient Surgery Services
- <>ATPostsecondary Education Recipient
- <>49Initial Dealer
- <>ROOriginal Intermodal Ramp
- <>DIDifferent Premise Address (DPA)
- <>J7Trust Officer
- <>3VAIDS/ARC Unit
- <>EAAAssistant
- <>4ITrauma Center (Certified)
- <>D9Creditor's Attorney
- <>ADHResidency Institution
- <>PMParty to receive paper Memo of Invoice
- <>JGHealth & Beauty Department
- <>MXJuvenile Witness
- <>EBJSponsor
- <>IAMCompany which Holds Interest
- <>SUSSupply Source
- <>7RBirthplace
- <>AAUMarker Owner
- <>SVService Performance Site
- <>EPEligible Party to the Rate
- <>W2Supplier Work Team
- <>VKProperty or Building Manager
- <>HEContingent Owner
- <>UPUnloading Party
- <>M8Educational Institution
- <>3FRehabilitation Facility
- <>ADParty to be advised (Written orders)
- <>DYDefault/Foreclosure Specialist
- <>X5Durable Medical Equipment Supplier
- <>1DCo-operative
- <>ACGBobtail Service Point
- <>GBOther Insured
- <>7BBottler
- <>BOBroker or Sales Office
- <>AAELot
- <>SFShip From
- <>MBRMaster Broker
- <>HUSubsidiary
- <>Z7Mark-for Party
- <>L1Inspection Location
- <>FGTForeign Government
- <>ABNAcronym
- <>QDResponsible Party
- <>85Billing Provider
- <>T9Prior Title Evidence Holder
- <>N3Ineligible Party
- <>2ONavy Facility
- <>TSRConsignor Courier Transfer Station
- <>1TPhysician, Clinic or Group Practice
- <>C6Municipality
- <>ACWInternship Entity
- <>GRReinsurer
- <>YLCourt Appointed Attorney
- <>TYTrustee
- <>NSNon-Temporary Storage Facility
- <>SL2Pipeline Segment Defined by 2 Locations (or Second of 2 Locations)
- <>8UNative Hawaiian Organization
- <>5PPsychiatric Partial Hospitalization Program
- <>QTPsychiatrist
- <>OZOutside Testing Agency
- <>XUUnited States Customs Broker
- <>CFSubsidiary/Division
- <>50Manufacturer's Representative
- <>Q4Cooperative Buying Group
- <>KNFormer Address
- <>PROProspect Service
- <>8EMinority Institution
- <>TITariff Issuer
- <>NCCross-Town Switch
- <>NPCNotary Public
- <>72Operating Physician
- <>AA5Multi-Campus Administrative Unit
- <>S6Agency Granting Security Clearance
- <>E0Assistant Engineer
- <>WRWithdrawal Point
- <>ILInsured or Subscriber
- <>ZGPresent Address
- <>CNPConfirming Party
- <>LAAttorney
- <>KSPre-kindergarten to Grade 12 Sender
- <>8XOil and Gas Custodian
- <>TTTransfer To
- <>QYMedical Doctor
- <>TTPTertiary Payer
- <>2RFederal Facility
- <>ABSFounder
- <>CKPharmacist
- <>9QLast Supplier
- <>OWOwner of Property or Unit
- <>XXBusiness Area
- <>22Minority-Owned Business, Small
- <>AB3Vocational Regions School System
- <>Q9Last Employer
- <>8HTax Exempt Organization
- <>KCParty That Received Disclosure Statement
- <>TDTooling Design
- <>NNNetwork Name
- <>LLLocation of Load Exchange (Export)
- <>0PParty to Declare Goods
- <>B2Other Unlisted Type of Organizational Entity
- <>FVVessel Name
- <>AA8Superintendent
- <>LYMAmended Name
- <>IAInstalled At
- <>ZJBranch
- <>OGCo-owner
- <>XHFinal Referred To Organization
- <>19Non-Production Supplier
- <>DAMDamaged By
- <>9ADebtor Individual
- <>ADUNeglected/Delinquent Institution
- <>PPProperty
- <>JZManaging General Agent
- <>MEVeterans Administration Loan Authorized Supplier
- <>A9Sales Office
- <>4TSenior Membership Program
- <>FFForeign Language Synonym
- <>AELPrimary International Telecom Carrier
- <>WOStorage Facility at Origin
- <>IQIn-patient Pharmacy
- <>V6Well Casing Depth Authority
- <>ZZMutually Defined
- <>6FEmergency Department Social Work Services
- <>AYClearinghouse
- <>44Data Processing Service Bureau
- <>RBReceiving Bank
- <>P0Patient Facility
- <>DDAssistant Surgeon
- <>UMCurrent Employer (Primary)
- <>EALEndorser
- <>66Applicant's Cosigner
- <>4DOpen-Heart Surgery Facility
- <>R2Reporting Officer
- <>D4Debtor
- <>ADEPhysician Hospital Organization (PHO)
- <>JJProduce Department
- <>MUMeeting Location
- <>HHHome Health Agency
- <>CODCo-Driver
- <>EBGReceiving Committee
- <>00Alternate Insurer
- <>BRBroker
- <>F6Small Control Station Location
- <>VFSelling Office
- <>DTDestination Terminal
- <>M5Migrant Health Clinic
- <>3KChildren's Hospital Unit of an Institution
- <>6VNon-Invasive Cardiac Assessment Services
- <>AIAirline
- <>RRRailroad
- <>LGSLocal Government Sponsor
- <>91Action Party
- <>O7Registered Business Name
- <>YQPro Se Counsel
- <>X8Hispanic Service Institute
- <>1IPreferred Provider Organization (PPO)
- <>ACJReferral Provider
- <>GOPrimary Beneficiary
- <>BBBusiness Partner
- <>7OFederally Chartered Facility
- <>AAHAir Ambulance Services
- <>SKSecondary Location Address (SLA)
- <>EMParty to Receive Electronic Memo of Invoice
- <>I1Interested Party
- <>VVOwner Payor
- <>EIDDepartment of Defense Enterprise Identifier
- <>HXTransporter of Hazardous Waste
- <>IAPAlien Affiliate
- <>2BThird-Party Administrator
- <>ABCProject Property
- <>5MPsychiatric Geriatric Services
- <>QIParty in Possession
- <>88Approver
- <>K3Place of Performance Cognizant Security Office
- <>T4Transfer Point
- <>YAAffiant
- <>1YRetail Pharmacy
- <>ACZNon-Profit Health Care ProviderSee U.S. Internal Revenue Code Chapter 1, Subchapter F, Part 1, Section 501(c)
- <>QBPurchase Service Provider
- <>83Subscriber's School
- <>K8Filing Location
- <>N5Party Who Signed the Delivery Receipt
- <>2IChurch Operated Facility
- <>ABHJoint Owner Annuitant
- <>5FOccupational Health Services
- <>ACQGovernment - Federal - Military
- <>GTCredit Grantor
- <>YJJuvenile Defendant
- <>1RUniversity, College or School
- <>C0Assistant Conductor
- <>RCRRecovery Room
- <>8SConsumer Service Provider (CSP)
- <>KXFree on Board Point
- <>NUFormerly Known As
- <>2YGeneral Medical and Surgical Facility
- <>ABXRating Organization
- <>5VDiagnostic Radioisotope Facility
- <>QRBuyer's Quality Review Board
- <>CLTBuilding Cluster
- <>XSS Corporation
- <>9ZCo-debtor
- <>Q2Engineer Pilot
- <>8CSecond Home
- <>KHOrganization Having Source Control
- <>TOMessage To
- <>NENewspaper
- <>29Prototype Supplier
- <>AB8Towns in Unions School System
- <>56Servicing Dealer
- <>AA3Respondent
- <>S0Sole Proprietor
- <>REDRedistributor
- <>E6Engineering
- <>WTWitness for Defendant
- <>IJInjection Point
- <>ZACorrected Address
- <>LGLocation of Goods
- <>74Corrected Insured
- <>B9Large Business
- <>CPParty to Receive Cert. of Compliance
- <>AC1Regional Center
- <>9JAdditional Debtor
- <>OLOfficer
- <>XCDebtor's Attorney
- <>12Regional Office
- <>30Service Supplier
- <>EAWParty to Benefit
- <>A2Woman-Owned Business
- <>JQPharmacy Department
- <>MNAuthorized Marketer
- <>ZQScreening Point
- <>LWCustomer
- <>MXNMexican tax identifier
- <>FMFireman
- <>AEGCar Rental Location
- <>WDStorage Facility at Destination
- <>MTRMeter Location
- <>H3District
- <>J1Associate General Agent
- <>UFHealth Miscellaneous
- <>3PChildren's Orthopedic Facility
- <>6MOrthopedic Surgery Facility
- <>ARArmed Services Location Designation
- <>RIRemit To
- <>DODependent Name
- <>R9Requested Lender
- <>PKParty to Receive Copy
- <>ADNPrivate School
- <>JADairy Department
- <>U6Title Underwriter
- <>EAGContestant
- <>4OComprehensive Geriatric Assessment Facility
- <>7THome State Name
- <>BYBuying Party (Purchaser)
- <>AASPrior Base Jurisdiction
- <>SPParty filling Shipper's Order
- <>EVSelling Agent
- <>W4Trust
- <>VMOccupant
- <>HCJoint Annuitant
- <>EBLDesignee
- <>IAKParty to Receive Statement of Fees Due
- <>ABAdditional Pickup Address
- <>RYSpecified Repository
- <>X3Utilization Management Organization
- <>TSDTreatment, Storage or Disposal Facility
- <>1BApplicant
- <>GDGuardian
- <>YZElectronic Registration Utility
- <>HSHigh School
- <>Z1Party to Receive Status
- <>7DContracting Officer Representative
- <>BITrustee's Attorney
- <>AACIncorporated Location
- <>EFElectronic Filer
- <>GAGas Plant
- <>EXSEx-spouse
- <>X6International Organization
- <>1GOncology Center
- <>7APremises
- <>BLParty to Receive Bill of Lading
- <>AAFPrevious Occupant
- <>SESelling Party
- <>ECExchanger
- <>VXProduction Manager
- <>HVTax Address
- <>Z4Owning Inventory Control Point
- <>L2Location of Principal Assets
- <>2LCorporation
- <>ABMJoint Owner Payor
- <>5CBlood Bank
- <>QGPedestrian
- <>86Conductor
- <>YOAttorney for Defendant, Public
- <>M2AAssociated Receipt Location
- <>1WPsychiatric Health Facility
- <>C5Party Submitting Quote
- <>ACTGovernment - Local
- <>GQProposed Insured
- <>8VPrimary Intra-LATA (Local Access Transport Area) Carrier
- <>TZSignificant Other
- <>NPNotify Party for Shipper's Order
- <>SL1Pipeline Segment Defined by 1 Location (or First of 2 Locations)
- <>BRNBrand Name
- <>QWGovernment
- <>5STherapeutic Radioisotope Facility
- <>CEConsignee (To receive large parcels and freight)
- <>OYOwner of Vehicle
- <>XVCross Claimant
- <>53Registered Owner
- <>Q7Partner
- <>KMCoordinator
- <>8FBailment Warehouse
- <>TJCosigner
- <>CNSConfirmation Service Identifier Code
- <>LBLast Break Terminal
- <>71Attending Physician
- <>FXClosed Door Pharmacy
- <>AA6Headmaster
- <>S5Secured Party
- <>E3Person or Other Entity Legally Responsible for and With Whom a Child Resides
- <>IOInspector
- <>ZDParty to Receive Reports
- <>OIOutside Inspection Agency
- <>XFAuctioneer
- <>17Consultant's Office
- <>CUCoating or Paint Supplier
- <>G1Bankruptcy Trustee
- <>9OParty to Contract
- <>JTJoint Debtor
- <>MKLoan Holder for Real Estate Asset
- <>35Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Coordinator Point Address
- <>EARLobbying Firm
- <>A7Sheltered Workshop
- <>4ZHospice
- <>FHParty to Receive Limitations of Heavy Elements Report
- <>AEBAirport Authority
- <>WAWriting Agent
- <>V8Market Timer
- <>H6School District
- <>ZTParticipating Area
- <>LRLegal Representative
- <>6HHospital Auxiliary Unit
- <>AWAccountant
- <>RLReporting Location
- <>DJConsulting Physician
- <>J4Custodian
- <>UCUltimate Consignee
- <>LPRPort of Loading
- <>3UGeneral Inpatient Care for AIDS/ARC Facility
- <>EABCampaign Manager
- <>68Owner's Representative
- <>4JExtracorporeal Shock-Wave Lithotripter (ESWL) Unit
- <>ADKSupporting Personnel
- <>PNParty to Receive Shipping Notice
- <>JDJudge
- <>U3Servicing Agent
- <>HFHealthcare Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) Facility
- <>EBISource
- <>IANNotary
- <>7QParty to Whom Protest Submitted
- <>F8Antenna Site
- <>AAVReclamation Center
- <>SUSupplier/Manufacturer
- <>PLRPayer of Last Resort
- <>W1Work Team
- <>VHShowing Agent
- <>DZDelivery Zone
- <>USUpstream Party
- <>3EEye, Ear, Nose and Throat Facility
- <>6XDisciplinary Contact
- <>AGAgent/Agency
- <>SEPSecondary Payer
- <>FGTrade Name Synonym
- <>WNCompany Assigned Well
- <>IPIndependent Adjuster
- <>OUCOther Unlisted Type of Corporation
- <>H9Designer
- <>0AComparable Rentals
- <>3ZArthritis Treatment Center
- <>6GSports Medicine Clinic/Services
- <>AXPlaintiff
- <>45Drop-off Location
- <>RCReceiving Location
- <>P1Preparer
- <>DEDepositor
- <>ULSpecial Account
- <>MTMaterial
- <>EAMGuarantor
- <>67Applicant's Comaker
- <>4ECardiac Intensive Care Unit
- <>R3Next Scheduled Destination
- <>PAParty to Receive Inspection Report
- <>D5Debtor-In-Possession
- <>ADDOn-call Provider
- <>JKBakery Department
- <>VGListing Agent
- <>HIListing Company
- <>EBFPublic Official
- <>IAABusiness Entity
- <>01Loan Applicant
- <>BSBill and Ship To
- <>F7Small Base Station Location
- <>SZSupervisor
- <>RSReceiving Facility Scheduler
- <>DUResale Dealer
- <>M4Downstream Meter Location
- <>3JChildren's General Facility
- <>6WEmergency Medical Technician
- <>AHAdvertiser
- <>ACKAffiliate
- <>GNGarnishee
- <>90Previous Business Partner
- <>O6Non Registered Business Name
- <>YPPro Bono Attorney
- <>1HKidney Dialysis Unit
- <>BCBroadcaster
- <>7NParty to Receive Proposal
- <>AAIWater Ambulance Services
- <>SJService Provider
- <>ELEstablished Location
- <>VWWinner
- <>HYCharity
- <>IAQIncorporation State Principal Office
- <>2CCo-Participant
- <>ABBMaster Property
- <>NCTName Changed To
- <>5LPsychiatric Emergency Services
- <>INVInvestment Advisor
- <>QHPhysician
- <>89Investor
- <>K2Subcontractor Cognizant Security Office
- <>DBGDistributor Buying Group
- <>1XLaboratory
- <>KRPre-kindergarten to Grade 12 Recipient
- <>IMMIntegrated Material Manager
- <>8YRegistered Office
- <>TUThird Party Repricing Organization (TPO)
- <>BRANational Account
- <>QXHome Health Corporation
- <>001Pumper
- <>2SPublic Health Service Indian Service Facility
- <>ABRFormer President
- <>CJAutomated Data Processing (ADP) Point
- <>9PInvestigator
- <>OVOwner of Vessel
- <>SICSecondary Inventory Control Activity
- <>XYTribal Government
- <>23Minority-Owned Business, Large
- <>AB2State Operated School System
- <>Q8Base Period Employer
- <>8IService Organization
- <>KBCustomer for Whom Same or Similar Work Was Performed
- <>TETheatre
- <>ZKReporter
- <>LMLending Institution
- <>B3Previous Name of Firm
- <>FWForwarder
- <>AA9School Principal
- <>OFOffset Operator
- <>XIOriginal Claimant
- <>18Production
- <>CZAdmitting Surgeon
- <>ADTPublic Alternative School
- <>PQParty to Receive Invoice for Lease Payments
- <>BKPBooking Party
- <>HONHonorary Society
- <>CMWCompany Merged With
- <>MDVeterans Administration Loan Guaranty Authority
- <>A8Nonprofit Institution
- <>4UPatient Education Unit
- <>9ESub-servicer
- <>OCOrigin Carrier
- <>XLBorrower's Employer
- <>AHMAgency Hazardous Material Information System Location
- <>EAXParty Holding Interest
- <>4PEmergency Response (Geriatric) Unit
- <>ADQPre-K Day Care
- <>PTParty to Receive Test Report
- <>MAParty for whom Item is Ultimately Intended
- <>V2Grantor
- <>ORIOriginal Name
- <>STCSwitching and Terminal Carrier
- <>0DNon-occupant Co-borrower
- <>VICVictim
- <>FBFirst Break Terminal
- <>IUIssuer
- <>RFRefinery
- <>P4Prior Insurance Carrier
- <>GIRGift Recipient
- <>UIRegistered Investment Advisor
- <>6BSkilled Nursing or Other Long-Term Care Unit
- <>40Receiver
- <>R6Requester
- <>TOWTowing Agency
- <>PDPurchaser's Department Buyer
- <>D0Admitting Physician
- <>ADANot for Profit Health Care ProviderSee U.S. Internal Revenue Code Chapter 1, Subchapter F, Part 1, Section 501(c)
- <>JNCigarettes and Tobacco Department
- <>U9Non-Registered Investment Advisor
- <>PTPPay-to Plan Name
- <>FSIParty to Receive Sensitive Foreign Disclosure Information
- <>MQDelivery Location
- <>EAHContributor
- <>62Applicant's Employer
- <>04Asset Account Holder
- <>BVBilling Service
- <>F2Energy Information Administration (Department of Energy) - Owned Oil Field
- <>EYEmployee Name
- <>VBCandidate
- <>HLDocument Custodian
- <>EBCPolitical Action Committee
- <>IADForeign Office
- <>GBAAlternate Government Business Contact
- <>3OChildren's Rehabilitation Facility
- <>6RSpeech Therapy Services
- <>AMAssistant U.S. Trustee
- <>RVReservoir
- <>DPParty to Provide Discount
- <>UYVehicle
- <>M1Source Meter Location
- <>O3Receiving Company
- <>YUArresting Officer
- <>1MPrevious Group
- <>ACNFederal Government
- <>GKPrevious Insured
- <>95Research Institute
- <>VRJunior High School
- <>L8Head Office
- <>COPCorrected Patient
- <>EBSMajor Donor
- <>IATParty Executing and Verifying
- <>7KCo-occupant
- <>BFBilled From
- <>AALMedical Nurse
- <>SOSold To If Different From Bill To
- <>EIExecutor of Estate
- <>QMDialysis Centers
- <>K7Radio Station
- <>2FState
- <>ABGOrganization
- <>ATAAlternate Tax Authority
- <>5IPsychiatric Child/Adolescent Services
- <>HMIMaterial Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Recipient
- <>YEThird Party
- <>KWBid Opening Location
- <>TPPrimary Taxpayer
- <>NZPrimary Physician
- <>004Site Operator
- <>2VIndividual for-profit Facility
- <>ABWPresident
- <>5YRehabilitation Inpatient Unit
- <>OSOverride Institution; this is not the institution sending the record, but another institution the student previously attended or is currently attending
- <>COOcean Tariff Conference
- <>9UAuthor
- <>8LPolling Site
- <>KGProject Manager
- <>NJTrust or Estate
- <>26Socially Disadvantaged Business
- <>AB7State Administered District
- <>59Party to Approve Specification
- <>FRMessage From
- <>E9Participating Laboratory
- <>IEOther Individual Disability Carrier
- <>ZNLosing Inventory Manager
- <>LHPipeline
- <>ISFImporter Security Filing (ISF) Importer
- <>B6Registering Parent Party
- <>52Part Remanufacturer
- <>Q6Interpreter
- <>KLClerk of Court
- <>8GFirst Appraiser
- <>TKTest Sponsor
- <>ZEEnd Item Manufacturer
- <>CNRConfirmation Requester
- <>LCLocation of Spot for Storage
- <>70Prior Incorrect Insured
- <>FYVeterinary Hospital
- <>AA7Business Officer
- <>S4Skilled Nursing Facility
- <>E2Person or Other Entity With Whom a Child Resides
- <>WPWitness for Plaintiff
- <>INInsurer
- <>9NParty to Lease
- <>OHOther Departments
- <>XGEvent Location
- <>16Plant
- <>CTCountry of Origin
- <>G0Dependent Insured
- <>ADZTop Parent Company in Same Country
- <>JUJurisdiction
- <>FSRFinancial Statement Recipient
- <>MJFinancial Institution
- <>34Material Change Notice Address
- <>PEBParty Establishing Billback Frequency
- <>EASLobbyist
- <>A6Section 8(a) Program Participant Firm
- <>FIName Variation Synonym
- <>REPRepacker
- <>AECCouncil of Governments
- <>V9Owner Annuitant Payor
- <>H7Group Affiliate
- <>ZUFormation
- <>LSLessee
- <>3TAlcoholism and Other Chemical Dependency Facility
- <>6IPatient Representative Services
- <>AVAuthorized To
- <>RMParty that remits payment
- <>DKOrdering Physician
- <>J5Irrevocable Beneficiary
- <>UBPlace of Distilling
- <>MZMinister
- <>PERParty Establishing Price Changes
- <>69Repairing Outlet
- <>4KFitness Center
- <>ADJShared Service
- <>POParty to Receive Invoice for Goods or Services
- <>JEFrozen Department
- <>U2Gas Transaction Point 2
- <>VIContact Person
- <>HGBroker Opinion or Analysis Requester
- <>EBHAffiliated Committee
- <>IAOManager
- <>7PTransportation Office
- <>F9Area of Operation
- <>AAWParty Providing Financing
- <>STShip To
- <>ERNew Debtor
- <>URSurgeon
- <>3DObstetrics and Gynecology Facility
- <>6YCase Manager
- <>AFAuthorized Accepting Official
- <>ACERouting Point
- <>O8Registrar
- <>X7Inventor
- <>1FAlliance
- <>BMBrakeman
- <>AAGGround Ambulance Services
- <>SDSold To and Ship To
- <>PLCLaw Enforcement Agency
- <>EBEligible Party To The Contract
- <>VYOrganization Completing Configuration Change
- <>HWDesignated Hazardous Waste Facility
- <>Z5Management Control Activity
- <>L3Loan Correspondent
- <>2MAir Force Facility
- <>ABLJoint Owner Joint Annuitant Payor
- <>5BHisopathology Laboratory
- <>QFPassenger
- <>87Pay-to Provider
- <>N1Notify Party no. 1
- <>YNDistrict Attorney
- <>1VExtended Care Facility
- <>C4Contract Administration Office
- <>ACUGroup Affiliation
- <>GPGateway Provider
- <>8WPayment Address
- <>PURPurchased Company
- <>NQPipeline Segment Boundary
- <>BROBrand Owner
- <>QVGroup Practice
- <>5RRadioactive Implants Unit
- <>CDConsignee (To Receive Mail and Small Parcels)
- <>OXOxygen Therapy Facility
- <>XWCounter Claimant
- <>5OPsychiatric Outpatient Services
- <>QKManaged Care
- <>K1Contractor Cognizant Security Office
- <>T6Terminal Operator
- <>YCBail Payor
- <>C9Contract Holder
- <>ACXMedical School
- <>KQLicensee
- <>PRPPrimary Payer
- <>RR2Class II Railroad
- <>TVThird Party Administrator (TPA)
- <>BOWBody of Water
- <>BRBCustomer Segment
- <>ALOActivity Location
- <>ABQDecision Maker
- <>002Surface Management Entity
- <>2PPublic Health Service Facility
- <>CIConsignor
- <>9SCo-Investigator
- <>OUOutside Processor
- <>XZAmerican Indian-Owned Business
- <>NLNon-railroad Entity
- <>20Foreign Supplier
- <>AB1Private School System
- <>8JEmerging Small Business
- <>KAItem Manager
- <>TFTank Farm
- <>ZHChild
- <>LNLender
- <>FTNew Assignee
- <>S9Sibling
- <>LYOManaging Agent
- <>ICIntermediate Consignee
- <>9CCountry of Destination
- <>OEBooking Office
- <>SIPShip-in-Place Location
- <>XJActual Referred By Organization
- <>CYCountry
- <>4VCommunity Health Promotion Facility
- <>ADWFood Service Operator
- <>PRPayer
- <>JXClosing Agent
- <>HOMHome Office
- <>MGGovernment Loan Agency Sponsor or Agent
- <>ICPInventory Control Point
- <>39Appraisal Company
- <>0BInterim Funding Organization
- <>PMGProgram Manager
- <>FDPhysical Address
- <>ISParty to Receive Certified Inspection Report
- <>V4Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency
- <>ZXAttorney of Record
- <>3YAlcohol/Drug Abuse or Dependency Outpatient Services
- <>6DOrganized Social Work Service Facility
- <>46Invoicing Dealer
- <>P2Primary Insured or Subscriber
- <>DFMaterial Disposition Authorization Location
- <>J8Broker Dealer
- <>UOCurrent Employer (Secondary)
- <>MWMarine Surveyor
- <>EANHeadquarters
- <>64Cosigner's Employer
- <>4FAngioplasty Facility
- <>R0Royalty Owner
- <>PBPaying Bank
- <>D6Consolidated Debtor
- <>JHAlcohol Beverage Department
- <>VDMultiple Listing Service
- <>HJAutomated Underwriting System
- <>EBEProponent
- <>02Loan Broker
- <>BPSpecial Counsel
- <>F4Former Residence
- <>SYSecondary Taxpayer
- <>RPReceiving Point for Customer Samples
- <>DVDivision
- <>M7Foreclosing Lender
- <>3IOther Specialty Facility
- <>6THealth Sciences Library
- <>AKParty to Whom Acknowledgment Should Be Sent
- <>ACHAuditor
- <>GMSpouse Insured
- <>93Insurance Institute
- <>O5Merchant Banker
- <>YSAppellant
- <>1KFranchisor
- <>IARIncorporation State Place of Business
- <>PICPrimary Inventory Control Activity
- <>7MInspection and Acceptance Location
- <>AAJAdmitting Services
- <>SIShipping Schedule Issuer
- <>EOLimited Liability Partnership
- <>I3Independent Physicians Association (IPA)
- <>VTListing Office
- <>HZHazardous Waste Generator
- <>Z8Last Known Source of Supply
- <>O2Originating Company
- <>YTAppellee
- <>1LFranchisee
- <>ACOFellowship Institution
- <>GJParamedical Company
- <>94New Supply Source
- <>AAMCardiac Rehabilitation Services
- <>SNStore
- <>EHExhibitor
- <>I4Intellectual Property Owner
- <>VSVehicle Salvage Assignment
- <>L9Information Provider
- <>EBRIndependent Expenditure Committee
- <>IAUFelon
- <>GBPPrimary Government Business Contact
- <>7JCodefendant
- <>BGBuying Group
- <>5HPediatric Acute Inpatient Unit
- <>QLChiropractor
- <>K6Policy Writing Agent
- <>T1Operator of the Transfer Point
- <>2GAssigner
- <>ABFSociety of Property Information Compilers and Analysts
- <>GZGrandparent
- <>YDDistrict Justice
- <>KVDisbursing Officer
- <>TQThird Party Reviewing Organization (TPO)
- <>MSCMammography Screening Center
- <>MQAAssociated Delivery Location
- <>005Construction Contractor
- <>2WPartnership for-profit Facility
- <>ABVOriginal Location
- <>5XUltrasound Unit
- <>9TTelephone Answering Service Bureau
- <>OROrigin Drayman
- <>CNConsignee
- <>58Store Manager
- <>8MSocially Disadvantaged Individual
- <>KFAudit Office
- <>TATitle Insurance Services Provider
- <>NKNational Chain
- <>27Small Disadvantaged Business
- <>AB6Unorganized Territories School System
- <>B7Registering Nonparent Party
- <>FSFinal Scheduled Destination
- <>E8Inquiring Party
- <>WZFinal Maintenance Organization
- <>PPEParty Providing Equipment
- <>IDIssuer of Debit or Credit Memo
- <>ZOMinimum Royalty Payor
- <>LIIndependent Lab
- <>XMMaintenance Organization Used for Estimate
- <>CTRContractor
- <>9DNew Service Provider
- <>OBOrdered By
- <>EAYParty Making Pledge
- <>4QGeriatric Acute Care Unit
- <>ADPPrivate Pre-K Education
- <>PUParty at Pickup Location
- <>ITInstallation on Site
- <>V3Well Pad Construction Contractor
- <>LYLabeler
- <>0EList Owner
- <>FCCustomer Identification File (CIF) Customer Identifier
- <>AEILodging Facility
- <>WJSupervisory Appraiser Name
- <>RGResponsible Installation, Origin
- <>P5Plan Sponsor
- <>DADelivery Address
- <>UHNursing Home
- <>6CSingle Photon Emission Computerized Tomography (SPECT) Unit
- <>41Submitter
- <>63Reference's Employer
- <>4ABirthing Room/LDRP Room
- <>R7Consumer Referral Contact
- <>PEPayee
- <>D1Driver
- <>JOIn-Store Bakery Department
- <>U8Reference
- <>MPManufacturing Plant
- <>EAIDeputy Chairperson
- <>05Tenant
- <>7ZReferee
- <>BWBorrower
- <>F3Specialized Mobile Radio Service (SMRS) Licensee
- <>EXExporter
- <>VCVehicle Custodian
- <>HMCompetitive Property Listing
- <>EBBLobbied Party
- <>IAEMember
- <>3NChildren's Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Facility
- <>6SWomen's Health Center/Services
- <>ALAllotment Customer
- <>RWRural Health Clinic
- <>DQSupervising Physician
- <>UXBase Jurisdiction
- <>EUOld Secured Party
- <>VNVendor
- <>COLCollateral Assignee
- <>EBOVice-Chairperson
- <>IAHClerk
- <>08Non-Mortgage Liability Account Holder
- <>7WMerged Name
- <>BZBusiness Associate
- <>AAPEmployee
- <>SSSteamship Company
- <>AAAuthority For Shipment
- <>RZReceipt Zone
- <>UUAnnuitant Payor
- <>3CTuberculosis and Other Respiratory Diseases Facility
- <>ACBInitial Medical Provider
- <>PNFParty Filing Prior Notice
- <>GGIntermediary
- <>OOPOther Operating Physician
- <>99Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Area Location
- <>YYFlood Determination Provider
- <>1ASubgroup
- <>7GHazardous Material Office
- <>BJCo-Counsel
- <>SCStore Class
- <>EELocation of Goods for Customs Examination Before Clearance
- <>I9Interviewer
- <>HPClosed Sale
- <>Z2Unserviceable Material Consignee
- <>L4Location of Container Stuffing
- <>N6Nonemployment Income Source
- <>2JIndividual
- <>ABKJoint Owner Joint Annuitant
- <>5EObstetrics Unit
- <>QAPharmacy
- <>80Hospital
- <>YIJuvenile Victim
- <>1QMilitary Facility
- <>C3Circuit Location Identifier
- <>ACRGovernment - Federal - Other
- <>GWGroup
- <>8PProducer
- <>NVFormerly Doing Business As
- <>5UCT Scanner Unit
- <>QQQuality Control
- <>008Lien Holder
- <>2ZHospital Unit of an Institution (prison hospital, college infirmary, etc.)
- <>CCClaimant
- <>9YContractual Delivery Meter
- <>XPParty to Receive Solicitation
- <>NFOwner Annuitant
- <>55Service Manager
- <>Q1Conductor Pilot
- <>KKRegistering Party
- <>TLTesting Laboratory
- <>ZBParty to Receive Credit
- <>FRLForeign Registration Location
- <>LDLiability Holder
- <>77Service Location
- <>S3Custodial Parent
- <>E5Examiner
- <>WWPreliminary Maintenance Organization
- <>IIIssuer of Invoice
- <>9IRegistered Principal
- <>OOOrder Of (Shippers Orders) - (Transportation)
- <>11Party to be billed(AAR Accounting Rule 11)
- <>CSConsolidator
- <>AC2Local Education Agency (LEA)
- <>G7Entity Providing the Service
- <>PXParty Performing Count
- <>FTZForeign Trade Zone
- <>JRBidder
- <>MMMortgage Company
- <>33Inquiry Address
- <>EATMedia Contact
- <>A1Adjuster
- <>0HState Division
- <>FNFiler Name
- <>AEDFoundation
- <>WGWage Earner
- <>ZRValidating Party
- <>LTLong-term Disability Carrier
- <>3SInstitution for Mental Retardation
- <>6NOccupational Therapy Services
- <>AQAccount of (Destination Party)
- <>RJResidence or Domicile
- <>P8Personnel Office
- <>DLDealer
- <>J2Authorized Entity
- <>UETesting Service
- <>EADClient
- <>4LGenetic Counseling/Screening Services
- <>ADMPublic School
- <>PHPrinter
- <>JBDelicatessen Department
- <>U5Underwriter
- <>9BCountry of Export
- <>ODDoctor of Optometry
- <>XKActual Referred To Organization
- <>CXClaim Administrator
- <>4WWorksite Health Promotion Facility
- <>ADVPost-Secondary Institution
- <>PSPrevious Station
- <>BKRBookkeeper
- <>JYFinancial Planner
- <>MFManufacturer of Goods
- <>38Mortgage Liability Account Holder
- <>PMFParty Manufactured For
- <>FEMail Address
- <>WLWholesaler
- <>IRSelf Insured
- <>PPSPerson for Whose Benefit Property was Seized
- <>V5Surface Discharge Agency
- <>ZYAmicus Curiae
- <>3XAlcohol/Drug Abuse or Dependency Inpatient Unit
- <>6EOutpatient Social Work Services
- <>AZPrevious Name
- <>47Estimator
- <>RAAlternate Return Address
- <>P3Primary Care Provider
- <>DGDesign Engineering
- <>J9Community Agent
- <>UNUnion
- <>ZONZone
- <>MVMainline
- <>EAOIndependent Contractor
- <>65Applicant's Reference
- <>4GChronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Service Facility
- <>R1Party to Receive Scale Ticket
- <>PCParty to Receive Cert. of Conformance (C.A.A.)
- <>D7Petitioning Creditor
- <>ADFPoint of Service (POS)
- <>JIMeat Department
- <>SXSchool-based Service Provider
- <>VEBoard of Realtors
- <>HKSubscriber
- <>EBDPolitical Party
- <>IACPrincipal Executive Office
- <>03Dependent
- <>BQAttorney for Defendant Private
- <>F5Radio Control Station Location
- <>6UCardiac Rehabilitation Program Facility
- <>AJAlleged Debtor
- <>RQResale Customer
- <>DWDownstream Party
- <>M6Landlord
- <>3HChronic Disease Facility
- <>1JConnection
- <>ACIInsured Location
- <>GLPrevious Residence
- <>AUOAuthorizing Official
- <>92Support Party
- <>O4Factor
- <>YRParty to Appear Before
- <>IASOut-of-State Principal Office
- <>BABattery
- <>7LPreliminary Inspection Location
- <>AAKPrimary Surgeon
- <>SHShipper
- <>ENEnd User
- <>VUSecond Contact Organization
- <>Z9Banker
- <>2AFederal, State, County or City Facility
- <>5NPsychiatric Inpatient Unit
- <>INTInterviewee
- <>QJMost Recent Employer (Chargeable)
- <>YBArbitrator
- <>APRActivity Provider
- <>1ZHome Health Care
- <>C8City
- <>ACYNational Organization
- <>KPName Under Which Filed
- <>RR3Class III Railroad
- <>TWTransit Authority
- <>ABPChairperson
- <>QZCo-borrower
- <>003Application Party
- <>2QVeterans Administration Facility
- <>CHChassis Provider
- <>9RDownstream First Supplier
- <>OTOrigin Terminal
- <>Y2Managed Care Organization
- <>TGTooling Fabrication
- <>NMPhysician - Specialists
- <>21Small Business
- <>8KSurplus Dealer
- <>PPCPast Performance Contact
- <>IBIndustry Bureau
- <>LOLoan Originator
- <>B1Construction Firm
- <>FUOld Assignee
- <>S8Secured Party Individual
- <>LYNStockholder
- <>AB5Schooling of Indian Children School System
- <>8NEconomically Disadvantaged Individual
- <>KEContact Office
- <>TBTooling
- <>NHAssociation
- <>24Woman-Owned Business, Small
- <>79Warranter
- <>B4Parent Company
- <>FPName on Credit Card
- <>WYFinal Maintenance Period Designating Organization
- <>IGInsolvent Insurer
- <>ZLParty Passing the Transaction
- <>LJLimited Liability Company
- <>C4ASecondary Contract Administration Office
- <>XNPlanning/Maintenance Organization
- <>G9Family Member
- <>9GNickname
- <>OAElectronic Return Originator
- <>MCMotor Carrier
- <>EAZParty Returning Contribution
- <>4RGeriatric Clinics
- <>ADSHome School
- <>PVParty performing certification
- <>AEJParty to Receive Transportation Credit
- <>WIWitness
- <>LZLocal Chain
- <>0FList Mailer
- <>PMCPrior Mortgage Company
- <>42Component Manufacturer
- <>DPRPort of Discharge
- <>RDDestination Intermodal Ramp
- <>P6Third Party Reviewing Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)
- <>DBDistributor Branch
- <>UKSystem
- <>60Salesperson
- <>4BBurn Care Unit
- <>R4Regulatory (State) District
- <>PFParty to Receive Freight Bill
- <>D2Commercial Insurer
- <>ADCOffice Manager
- <>JLVideo Department
- <>MSBureau of Land Management (Minerals Management Service) Property Unit
- <>EAJDeputy Treasurer
- <>EBAParty Returning Transfer
- <>IAFExecutive Committee Member
- <>06Recipient of Civil or Legal Liability Payment
- <>7YProfessional Organization
- <>BTBill-to-Party
- <>W9Sampling Location
- <>HNCompeting Property
- <>M3Upstream Meter Location
- <>3MChildren's Tuberculosis and Other Respiratory Diseases Facility
- <>6PRecreational Therapy Services
- <>AOAccount Of
- <>RTReturned to
- <>DRDestination Drayman
- <>O1Originating Bank
- <>YWDischarge Point
- <>1OAcute Care Hospital
- <>ACLAllied Health Professional
- <>GIParamedic
- <>97Party Waiving Requirements
- <>AANSkilled Nursing Services
- <>SMParty to Receive Shipping Manifest
- <>EKAnimal Source
- <>VPParty with Power to Vote Securities
- <>CORCorrected Name
- <>EBQLodging Location
- <>IAVOther Related Party
- <>7IProject Name
- <>BDBill-to Party for Diversion Charges
- <>ABEAdditional Address
- <>CRWCrew Member
- <>5KPsychiatric Education Services
- <>QODoctor of Osteopathy
- <>K5Party To Receive Contract Security Classification Specification
- <>T2Operator of the Source Transfer Point
- <>N8Relative
- <>2DMiscellaneous Health Care Facility
- <>GYTreatment Facility
- <>YGExpert Witness
- <>NXPrimary Owner
- <>KUReceiver Site
- <>TRTerminal
- <>006Drilling Contractor
- <>2TDepartment of Justice Facility
- <>ABULiterally Translated Name
- <>9WUltimate Parent Company
- <>CMCustoms
- <>5TX-Ray Radiation Therapy Unit
- <>QPPrincipal Borrower
- <>LCNGas Nomination Location
- <>XQCanadian Customs Broker
- <>CBCustoms Broker
- <>9XContractual Receipt Meter
- <>TMTransmitter
- <>NGAdministrator
- <>54Order Writer
- <>KJQualifying Officer
- <>8AVacation Home
- <>WVPreliminary Maintenance Period Designating Organization
- <>ZCRent Payor
- <>CNTContractee
- <>LELessor
- <>76Secondary Warranter
- <>AA1Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
- <>S2Student
- <>E4Other Person or Entity Associated with Student
- <>G6Entity Holding the Information
- <>9HAssignee
- <>ONProduct Position Holder
- <>XACreditor
- <>10Conduit
- <>CRContainer Return Company
- <>AC3State Education Agency
- <>PYParty to File Personal Property Tax
- <>JSJoint Debtor Attorney
- <>MLConsumer Credit Account Company
- <>32Party to Receive Material Release
- <>EAUOffice Holder
- <>0IAlternate Electronic Business Contact
- <>FOField or Branch Office
- <>AEEPort Authority
- <>WFTank Farm Owner
- <>H1Representative
- <>VERParty Performing Verification
- <>ZSMonitoring Party
- <>LUMaster Agent
- <>3RChildren's Other Specialty Facility
- <>TPMThird Party Marketer
- <>6OPhysical Therapy Services
- <>APAccount of (Origin Party)
- <>RKRefinery Operator
- <>SEGSelling Group
- <>P9Primary Interexchange Carrier (PIC)
- <>DMDestination Mail Facility
- <>J3Broker's Assistant
- <>UDRegion
- <>U4Team
- <>EAECommissioner
- <>4MAdult Day Care Program Facility
- <>ADLTraining Institution
- <>PIPublisher
- <>JCDry Grocery Department
- <>AAQAnesthesiology Services
- <>SRSamples to be Returned To
- <>ETPlan Administrator
- <>VOElementary School
- <>HAOwner
- <>COMComplainant
- <>EBNTreasurer
- <>IAIParty with Knowledge of Affairs of the Company
- <>09Note Co-Signer
- <>7VPetitioning Creditor's Attorney
- <>UTU.S. Trustee
- <>3BPsychiatric Facility
- <>ACCConcurrent Employer
- <>ENREnroller
- <>GFInspection Company
- <>98Freight Management Facilitator
- <>YXFlood Certifier
- <>X1Mail to
- <>L5Contact
- <>IAYInitial Subscriber
- <>7FFiling Address
- <>BKBank
- <>AAASub-account
- <>SBStorage Area
- <>EDExcluded Party
- <>HQSource Party of Information
- <>Z3Potential Source of Supply
- <>N7Previous Neighbor
- <>2KPartnership
- <>ABJJoint Owner Annuitant Payor
- <>5DNeonatal Intensive Care Unit
- <>81Part Source
- <>YHCrime Victim
- <>1PProvider
- <>C2In Care Of Party no. 2
- <>ACSGovernment - Federal - Veterans
- <>GVGas Transaction Ending Point
- <>8QPublic or Private Organization for the Disabled
- <>KZAcceptance Location
- <>NWMaiden Name